Do you want to see optional COOP in the game?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:00 am

I would personally like nothing more than to be able to share the wasteland experience with someone, and it's been a dream of my brother and me ever since we first played Fallout 2 back in the day. However, some people suggest that it would deter from the original single player experience, and don't care much about it or would rather to keep it SP only.

What do you think about it, what are your pros/cons, and would you perhaps want to see it as a DLC, if not in the main game itself?

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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:47 am

No. Its not a question of *if* it would hurt single player but a question of how much. Since I have zero interest in that feature..


- Multiplayer


- Reduced time and cash towards single player features

- Compatibility issues, mod support

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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:15 am

Maybe an option for another player to drive your companion?

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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:37 pm

No. Leave Fallout as a single player game.

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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:53 am

It flat out won't happen anytime soon. The hardware is not there to make it a realistic goal. To do so would destroy what makes Bethesda games great. Come back in another 5 to 10 years (maybe) and we can talk again.

Pro : If handled properly with a game world style akin to "Terraria" it would actually be fun for Co-op. Any other mode would flat out be useless to create and possibly detrimental to both the player base and the efficiency of the development team.

Con: The tech just isn't there yet for the production cost to offset it at development price.

-If implemented sooner rather than later it would destroy what Bethesda games are capable of and what no-one else wants or can accomplish.

- I don't want another copy paste "Far Cry,Witcher,GTA gameworld. That is what you would be looking at to make it workable and those worlds are not up to par.

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laila hassan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:48 am

No. Doesn't work in an open world game where I can roam and do what I like.

Side mode just annoys drawing focus and time from the main game.

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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:56 am

I can see your point since you're not interested in the feature, you don't want it to interfer with development of single player. However, I don't think it would have to noticeably hurt the single player time or cash-wise, as supposedly the Bethesda team already tried the option out, I guess it would only require a bit tweaking to make it possible. Perhaps if it was a DLC that gives the option your RL friend as an companion, instead of AI?

I'm also sure the mod copatibility issue could be resolved if both parties have the same mods (similar to other multiplayer games and game updates), which I assume would be the case since you would most probably play coop with a person you know iRL and share the game (experience ) with.

Well, there already are open world games that have a coop option without any particular issues.

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Danial Zachery
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:38 am

Geez, stop with these threads already.....NO...Not going to happen...

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:59 pm

I don't really play fallout with companions so no I wouldn't like to see a co-op version. It would be so hard to really do without making it feel like borderlands. If I went to an area and killed the alpha enemy and looted, I'd want it to stay that way, not to respwan just for the sake of the drop in/drop out co-op to take advantage of the same event/place. Then we just get into a grinding feel. Would rather them do new and interesting SP features than push a co-op mode on us

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Kate Norris
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:32 am

Well, it wasn't my intention to rehash the topic that was already discussed, but I wasn't able to find any threads about it on the forum. I just registered, so perhaps I still don't know my way around.

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{Richies Mommy}
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:09 am

I enjoy the multiplayer component of Mass Effect and Dragon Age because it's separate.

Clearly there won't be any in Fallout 4.

But if Bethesda decide to include it in the future that would be their choice and I'm sure it would be great,

but whether they have any inclination to include it is open.

Not really an issue to worry about for a few years at least.

Welcome to the forum,

you've clearly generated some discussion which is great :cool:

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RUby DIaz
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:25 am

Absolutely not. Not only it's thingie which only a tiny and vocal minority wants, it's impact would be much, much bigger than most think. People seem to think it has no effect on singleplayer but that's not the case, it would have very significant effect. The whole game would have to be designed with multiplayer in mind from the start and that will take away a lot from singleplayer.

You're oversimplifying things. You seem to think people are smart enough for this. They are not. Even with just one player there's enough issues when people don't read the enstructions and use proper tools. 99.9% of the current mod issues are user errors. Adding multiplayer would increase the numbers to astronomical level.

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kiss my weasel
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:32 pm

Please use this thread

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luis dejesus
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