Hm. I vote... 'other'

I loved Morrowind, and I enjoyed Oblivion, but neither were examples of my (personal) ideal RPG. I think what I would want is something between Bethesda's RPGs and Bioware's.
Bethesda's games (and I'm thinking of Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3 here) are tending toward expansive sandbox worlds, with a fair degree of choice about how you approach quests and what kind of person your character is. However, the impact of what kind of character you're running is blunted by the lack of interaction with NPCs in the gameworld. NPCs are the givers or objects of quests - nostly of short quests, Once the quest is done, there's very little consequence for how you resolved the quest. You may have killed off all the slavers in Paradise Falls, or you may have slipped in, done the job and slipped out without getting caught... but so what? In the end, you lose a few possible quests, a place to buy and sell, but that's it. With Oblivion you might have killed all the inhabitants of Water's Edge, or realised something was off and got out of there, but either way they all die. And you rarely care what happens to any NPC in the world, because frankly few or none of the NPCs care either.
Also, Bethesda's games tend to lack a sense of purpose. So much of the game is sandbox that there is little driving you on to tell a really epic story with your character. 'Ho hum, another dungeon, another mass of loot to collect. Oh well, another day, another dollar...'
Bioware's games are much more story driven, with far more interaction with well fleshed out NPCs, especially companion NPCs. You don't play a Bioware game for the loot, or the atmosphere - you play it so your character can save the world, make their mark, flirt, romance, dismiss with cold disdain, betray, pledge loyalty - change the lives of the characters Bioware have so carefully crafted (or to have the well crafted illusion of change

). You play it for your character to be a hero!
And you're on rails. The decisions you make on behalf of your character, and the personality you're investing them with, can have real impacts on the course of the story; but you're always being pushed on. If you don't do the next quest... then nothing will happen. Ever. The gameworld will go into limbo.
I want something between the two. I want the purpose of Bioware's games with the freedoms of Bethesda's. I want epic adventure, with the option to go off on random dungeon crawls. I want NPCs with proper, individually written characters which, whose interactions with my character's choices actually have an impact on the quests - and on my character's choices. I don't want a life sim because frankly life is too complicated, messy, difficult, wonderful, exciting, tedious and horrible to simulate. But I do want heroism with freedom.
And while I'm wishing, I'd quite like real-world wealth, health and the adulation of millions - but I 'aint getting those either
