If you were actually inside Skyrim......

Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:31 am

Suppose that you woke up one day in the Bannered Mare. You had no money, food or drink. The only things you had were ragged clothes. What would you do? Where would you go? Which one of your Dragonborns would you want to bump in to? How would you explain your situation to your Dragonborn?
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:22 am

I'd kill Nazeem with a wood cutter's axe found outside of the Bannered Mare. I'd take his clothes (if they don't smell like the Jarl's backside) and then begin earning some gold somehow. Cutting wood, harvesting crops at the near by farms....whatever.

If I met my Orc, he wouldn't believe it if I tried to tell him the truth. In fact, he'd probably put an axe blade in my skull for being completely out my mind with such a crazy story.

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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:56 pm

I'd go and find michaelpk, he'd know what to do as he's been living there for two years now.
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stevie trent
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:25 am

I'd do a couple things.

First would be to buy a drink from Saadia. If I didn't have coin then I'd peel some potatos or something for her in exchange for it.

Next I would steal that axe by the wood pile and head towards Riverwood. I'd seek out the Riverwood Hunter's cabin (A mod) and hang out with Salessi Darkwater, and her wife Sighne. Out of all my characters I believe she would be the most likely to believe me lol and take me in. I mean someone needs to watch the place while they are out adventuring.

I'd probably try and avoid the Reach unless I could convince Valeria Stormborn not to kill me. Though I think I'd rather enjoy roaming the Reach with the forsworn and living in their camps then in a cabin near Riverwood. Plus if I could convince Valeria not to kill me, I think she would be the most enjoyable to be with. Hunting, camping in the wilds. Just living off the land. And should I gain her trust and friendship I know she would murder anyone including their family if they tried to harm me.

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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:58 am

I would probably die very quickly from a giant rat biting my leg off in my sleep or something. I'm not exactly warrior material. I'm used to the modern comfort of tap water and whatnot, and have very little knowledge about surviving out in the wild, much less the wild filled with hostile monster creatures.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:41 am

I'd do some odd jobs to earn cash for a few hours of magical lessons with any approachable wizard, after which I'd hitch a ride on a boat to any civilized province not filled with stereotypical alcoholic, intellectually-challenged barbarians.

Skyrim was cool once, when it had witch-queens and magnificent holds. Now, bleh.

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lillian luna
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:56 pm

I would get a woodcutter's axe from Riverwood, then cut wood for a very long time until I make enough gold for Proudspire Manor. After that, I'll be living in luxury. <3

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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:19 am

If I didn't go bats**t insane from panic, I'd probably try to get myself apprenticed to Arcadia in a vain effort to put some of my laboratory experience to good use. Then I'd hope I don't die from asthma-related complications or lead poisoning.

If I ever saw any of my Dragonborns, it'd probably just be to buy the dozen or so crappy potions that they just made on our alchemy table, with ingredients they didn't buy from us, without so much as asking. I mean, seriously, who does that? Freakin' jerks. What are they gonna do next, use Eorlund's Skyforge and pawn a bunch of s**tty daggers off on him? Honestly.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:57 am

Cut wood to cover meals and keep the roof of the inn over my head. Buy a bow. Use the targets behind the companion's hall to practice for a year or so while the wood chopping got me in shape for surviving. Start hunting.

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Alan Whiston
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:29 pm

I would rob someone of all their gold and murder them in the process. Spend it all on mead down at the Bannered Mare. Couple hours later the guards start swarming in saying that I've committed some sort of crime against Skyrim and her people. I'd surrender myself and get taken in for my murderous ways. Few years later would I be released from the prison and become a free man once again. However, with such loneliness for which I have endured, have I become a rather darker man than I once was prior to this whole predicament. I'd then wonder the streets of Whiterun with a melancholy manner for which gazing in the eyes of someone else could they only know the sorrow for which ails me most. Days later after sitting lifelessly on the streets do I decide to act. Act against the pain for which puts me in such a pathetic position, act against my own pity towards myself.

I would storm into the home of another innocent, rob them of everything they've ever loved, and take their lives in the process. I then go to the Bannered Mare and spend it all on mead. The guards storm into the inn. One walks up to me an asks "What sin has thou commit this time?". I slowly drink what's left of my mead and gaze at all wall, dare I not look at the guard. "Sin? Thy does not sin, but simply act." I said. I then quickly impale my dagger within the gut of the guard. Through his helmet could I see his eyes widen, as I further thrust my dagger into his body. He slowly descends to the floor, and lands with a loud thump.

I look up, the guards stare in horror as they see their comrade fall lifelessly. I make a quick smirk, and say "What is sin?".

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carley moss
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:40 am

I think I would wait for 18-24 hours to see if I woke up.

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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:39 pm

I'd train in the arcane arts... Or just use a staff. Before that I'd just do petty jobs to earn a bit of money, and see if the college would take me in. Can Humans use magic, or is it something that only the Tamrielic races can do?
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:28 pm

I'd turn the difficulty down to novice right-quick. :D Then I'd make some money and master smithing, enchanting and alchemy. I'd fire off the restoration loop and become a god.

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laila hassan
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:51 am

I would perform some local labor for a few septims and, in fear of risking my life traveling the wilderness myself, I'd hire a carriage to Windhelm and live a normal life there. Becoming a warrior wouldn't be too good for me. I'm a smaller guy and I might get owned by a mudcrab. So, I'd just live a normal civilian life. Although, I would be tempted to stay in Whiterun and try and romance Miss Ysolda. And probably fail. Miserably.

If I were to run into my first Dragonborn, I wouldn't trust him. He's an Argonian... :tongue:

If I ran into my second Dragonborn, she'd most likely help me out. Maybe even take me into her home, in which she lived a lisbian life with Ysolda. Would be a sweet place to live.

If I ran into my current Dragonborn, I'd be scared for my life. He'd probably gut me or decapitate me on sight. He's not a very nice guy.

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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:50 pm

I'd start chopping that wood, surrounded by the safety of Whiterun's wall's & guards.

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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:59 am

First action would be to get an follower like the bosmer in Riverwood by delivering the letter as he would also teach me archery for free.

Next would be to catch some salmon in rapids for the roe and some chicken eggs and make water breathing potions for money.

I could probably tell the dragonborn some tips like the location of the transmute spell.

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neil slattery
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:35 pm

If I woke up in the Bannered Mare, I'd thank the nine that it wasn't Winterhold because at least I wouldn't freeze to death. Then I would probably ask Hulda if she needed any help around the Inn in exchange for bed and food. I might also see if I could pick vegetables for Pelagia or help out at the Whiterun stables.

I would probably talk to my Dragonborn Alendra, who lives in Breezehome, since she is pretty helpful sort - when she's not off adventuring.

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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:52 am

Run to the border and get the heck out of that frozen mess of a country.
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kat no x
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 5:29 am

Probably die.
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:13 am

Head straight for the Legion. Free training, food and armor.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:40 am

Skyrim as a game or Skyrim as if it were real life? If it was the game version then I would use my knowledge of exploits, create a ring of godly power and rule the world :cool:

If it were real life then I'd convince Eorlund to forge me a Skyforge steel blade and wear an iron shirt just in case of trouble yet I would try to live my life peacefully if possible...I wouldn't dare mess with dragons, trolls, giant spiders, saber cats, or anything else out there in the wild world as realistically it would be suicide to take on even a bear with sword, let alone a big fire breathing beast with scales that are harder then steel.

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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:10 am

I guess chopping wood or working at a mill is a good start out of the hole, doesnt require skill or owned equipment. From there I'd [joke]be a delivery man, since most pple pay 500+ gold for the simplest jobs[/joke]. When I have enough coin I'll get a carriage to winterhold and hope to join the college, might go adventure through skyrim when I feel confident about my magical skills.

It would be best not to cross Brandon, but since he only leaves his castle at night I think he's not a big threat. Artair or Lielle on the other would surely help me out. Lielle is starting to feel lonely in her travels and would enjoy having someone to talk, set up the camp or stay guard while she rests. Artair is a nice fellow, he's always willing to help those who work hard, I think he'd teach me some basic spells and lend me some gold.

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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:55 am

ahh, i love it when this kind of thread pops up...

here is my plan:

1. Find my way to the nearest safe location..

2. using my Knowledge of the game, I would blackmail every Noble, Jarl, Faction, or any skilled fighter to do my bidding (seriously, I know everyone's secrets)..

3. with this new military power, and my knowledge of Medieval War Tactics, I would have the Last DragonBorn march my army into the Imperial City (I mean, I have the LDB who has 2 Dragons at his beck and call (plus Bend Will), the Companions can go Feral if needed, the College of Winterhold would be walking siege weaponry, the Volkihar are all quite powerful, the Dark Brotherhood would infiltrate the City and Bring its defenses down from within, and the Thieves guild would disrupt supply lines for reinforcements).

4. I would then proclaim myself Emperor.

5. I would then have the LDB lead the newly reformed Blades on the Expedition to Akavir, to seek out the Nerevarine and return him to the Imperial City.

6. I would than have the LDB and the Nerevarine lead my forces in an assault against the Dominion.

7. after the Defeat of the Dominion, I shall once again conquer continental Tamriel

8. I will then call all Nobles to my Court and say:
"throughout my entire reign.. I have been questioned on why I am fit to rule.. my lineage has also been questioned, as I am obviously of no race of man known to my citizens.. in all truth, I am the Divines made flesh.. an Aspect of the nine..
this day Shall be the end of the Empire.. it shall be the final day of Kings..

the masses shall not be ruled by a single man, but by themselves..

this building, once my palace, shall be known as "Parliament"... the rulers of the land shall be chosen by the Citizens themselves.. they shall choose a person who embodies their ideals, and that persons duty shall be to act of behalf of those who elected him.."

9. I will explain the Parliamentary system in more depth

10. I will retire to Frostcrag Spire...

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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:54 pm

Knowing my luck I would get knocked out soon after leaving the inn and wake up to find I've become some vampire's personal mcdonalds sad meal...

:bonk: :stare:

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:28 pm

There are no toilets in Skyrim so I guess I would dig a hole to poop in somewhere. There is also no soap so I would probably die of dysentry anyway.

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jesse villaneda
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