...Nah, seriously though, if I had to pick one? Green tree python. Preferably of the http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm168/alfonzo_84/Azulacopy.jpg variety.
Wow awesome colout. Now if onyl it werent a snake. That way I wouldnt feel compelled to kill it.
Snakes creep me put, any lizards that coulr ? if so want.
This is dangerous territory for me. Anthropomorphs Anonymous. It's always been the wolf.
Also http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/bat-1.jpg.
Lone wolf :disguise:
yes bats are adorable.
All animals are cuter as babies, except reptiles, birds and humans. And insects.
O all mamals are, except humans and hariless cats. And baby pandas.
Enjoy the short life as a lone wolf, they hunt as a pack and protect eachother, them being alone is pretty much a death sentance.
Which is a misnomer since wolves are pack hunters....
@RMC little machines that intend to wipe us out. The uprising has begun.