Yes, nerd-rage. Like that of one Qawsed Asap in particular, who seems content to rant on in complete denial of the fact that Morrowind piles on the proof that your character's tale begins as a prisoner. Who claims having modded Oblivion, the story is something it isn't in the version made by the developers. Who somehow claims being in a locked cell at the beginning of Arena doesn't somehow equal being a prisoner. This sort of denial amuses me to no end, and is naught but icing on an already-delicious cake.
Starting as a prisoner, or even in prison, doesn't bother me in the least because I can come up with countless reaasons for being there. Hell, even if I want to be the Shining Paladin I can come up with a backstory where I'm helping to ferret out the most evil criminal in the land by going undercover as a prisoner. Some folks aren't this clever, and simply rant as if "you were framed" is the only way a non-criminal non-evil character could possibly end up in a cell. I pity these people their lack of creativity.
Then some go on to rant about how so many other beginnings would be "less restrictive," and pose strawman examples that don't cut it. "Wake up in an inn." Uh, whether that inn is the King's Tavern or a roach motel pigeonholes what social class your character is. Robbed by bandits and left- again, why would bandits rob a peasant who has nothing, and why would rich nobility not have an entourage of guards?
Either you've got the creativity to work with any opening the developers give you or you don't, it's that simple. And if you don't, it's not the developers' fault.
Ya consider I "nerd-rage"? Right. And this is coming from a person who assume this is all "nerd-rage" but join in anyways just to say he love the prison intro and make fun of the whole thread. As I said before, this is just passing off time with my opinion of things and saying this is not tradition and all that goodie.
Anyways, There hardly any proof that the PC is the "prisoner" the Emperor seek. And again, I can say its really Jiub's destiny but the PC took that for him/her self. As for Modding, that is how I make the world that fit to my like. All that matter in term of future story is the Main Quest, which there hardly any mod that change it that much, not to mention the hero's origin anyways.
It does not bother ya but it bother me and a handful of people. In all aspect, if its universal love for the Prison intro, then there would have been no intro mod with such high rating and download rate of thing.
I would not really consider "developers' fault" but if I don't like it, I would mod it.
Cool, who cares what everyone else is thinking, you keep thinking it too and I'm trying to get it through to you that it doesn't mean jail. As for them calling the player in Morrowind a prisoner I don't see why the "framed" solution has to be a solution at all, there are a myriad of other explanations why an innocent person would be in jail. I think this is just a case of people being too lazy to take the 5 min to finish the intro dungeon which I actually enjoy because of the realism of the ruined tunnels.
And that from Azura, the Daedra Prince that love manipulate anyone as a toy. Its just so happen that the Daedra Prince assume one is a "prisoner" in a prisoner ship, or the fact that the Daedra Prince gave the same dream to everyone that was on board and on board previous. Azura does not hold alot of water in all of this.
Same goes for Morrowind, it gives you a letter and says it's an important letter you need to deliver. If you really don't want to do the main quest so badly just don't make it your active quest. It's not like you have to do the main quest.
Who say that letter was for ya? It could be for Jiub but mistaken identity happen. Heck, it not even readable without a translator. Also, the quest isn't that urgent, if that what ya thinking. Hell, the person that ya gave the letter tell ya to lay low and join in the community via Guild or get training from various of people.