Arena, prisoner (of a political nature). Daggerfall, prisoner (that storm wasn't a natural occurrence. You were taken out of the way by somebody else. True, you weren't supposed to survive, but it wasn't your decision to go there, so you ARE a prisoner, of a sort). Morrowind, prisoner. Oblivion, prisoner.
It's a tradition, one that works to help steer the player along on a good tutorial. As a student of game development, I can attest to the fact that in any open world game, you at least want a completely controlled experience for the player that doesn't detract from the experience, to cleverly hide your tutorial in and establish the setting for the game. One where the player can learn the mechanics without it feeling unnatural and contrived. And you want to feel like you're advancing the story. In Oblivion, advancing the story was the assassination of Uriel. In Morrowind, that wasn't what they were going for, and that's why there is a core group of players who never even completed the main quest.
Pretty much the prisoner of the Main Quest is the "tradition" of the series and I have no problem with that, but usually the problem here is that people assume "prisoner" == Jail which lead to Jail == "Tradition". Also, I can argue that one does not start out as a prisoner in Morrowind. Copy and paste again:
What make ya think its really that Jiub that could fit every aspect of what Nerevarine is truly is? Jiub did become the saint after the PC took the title Nerevarine. For all we know, the PC is a secret agent or some immigrant looking for a cheap ride to Morrowind for a fresh start and got confused with Jiub as the "destined" Hero. The intro of Morrowind is too vague to automatically consider the PC as a "prisoner" that was transfer from Imperial Prison or "vision" from that twisted Azura.
OMG!!! Your the one that won't let go of the "prison intro". The tradition is being a PRISONER, that does not mean you have to be set to a prison. You don't seem to understand the implications of starting out in a different manner. I'll give you an example. Say that you start out as a villager. You know everyone in the village and so on and then your village is destroyed and everyone in it is killed but you. That very beginning defines your character instead of you defining your character. For the rest of the game your character is now bent on revenge instead of being set to their own designs. With the beginning I described above, you have no allegiances to anyone from the start and it also allows for you to move into the main quest and branch out.
The tradition is the prisoner of being part of the Main Quest. People usually think that the tradition is being stuck in jail, which only happen in Oblivion. The Village example is a horrible example seeing that one is already placing hardcoe background to the PC.
The lottery thing is completely unrealistic, real life or fiction not to mention the point of the emperor not going through the hotel is because it doesn't make sense first of all why there would be a secret tunnel in a hotel and second of all when the emperor goes to go through the hotel through the passage way, everyone is going to see him and thus it's not much of a secret. Yes, the urgency made it a little unbelievable that you could go do something else with such urgent news but also they made it where the events didn't start happening until you got to certain points in the main quest line. The really only urgent part is saving Martin in Kvatch but you could also argue that they had been holding out for weeks in it to a point.
Ya and assuming that the prisoner did not KILL Picard or that the prisoner just so happens that he have the ammy and gave it to a Blade Member, believing every word the prisoner said. "Right". Too many plot hole in the beginning of Oblivion already.
That said, the lottery thing make perfect sense (like finding money on the ground in real life) that it all lead ya to the Main Quest if one wanted to started that way, like how the "realistic" the prison intro was. All luck and destiny crap if ya want to see it that way.
As for the last one with the dream on the boat, it still doesn't change the fact that it is improbable that you would just find the Amulet of Kings seeing as how either the blades would have it or the Mythic Dawn would have it.
Or the Mythic Dawn svck at finding an ammy in a dungeon and the Player beat the Mythic Dawn to the race of finding it or it goes to either that one found a near dead Blade member and he handed the ammy to ya or we can go with Kvatch again with this intro and the Mystic Dawn already got the ammy.
The fact of the matter is that beginning as a prisoner is a great formula where you can make countless unique starts to the games and it still makes sense when trying to tie your character into the main quest line.
Being a prisoner in jail already screw up a handful of build and background already, which lead to a whole lot of crap to build that make it a reason why one is there. It might work for ya, but not everyone like being a felon in the beginning of the game and I prefer an open that anyone can be whoever they are but at the same time, with dignity.
a lot of the things you've suggested sound so random. When you read a story about a character, the story is about a significant point in someone's life, not the entire person's story.
this being said, with what you suggest it seems like a random place to jump into the story of the player. Why start the game when they wake up that morning in the inn? why not the morning before or the morning after?
it seems random
Problem is, the TES Series base on the Main Quest Story and the player is a nobody that just happen to be part of it. THe story is only known with the Main Quest and the nobody can be anyone.
Also, I could say that starting in a prison is random as well, but in a degraded state compare to the other intro.
also for the love of god is it really that hard to type the extra letter and say "you" instead of "ya"
you sound like a 3 year old
Not a good idea to act like a grammer teacher here. Just saying.
So you complain that the starting out as a prisoner is not original and then all your examples are either beginnings from other TES games, completely random and have no reason to be that point in time or have any explanation or other games altogether.....
I am not being about original. I am about having the idea of giving an intro that anyone can have without being consider a felon. If one can think hard enough, starting anywhere can start the MAin Quest.
In the end, it just sound like ya do not like the change of a Jail intro to something more open for everyone can have and using "tradition" thinking it would back ya up in ya favor.