If one wanted to look at it this way, starting the Main Quest right away cause urgently. My idea is that one start out as a nobody, but working up from there doing alot of quest or working for a company and/or Guild would get one notice to be thrust into the Main Quest rather than starting the Main Quest right in the beginning. That way, one can be intervene with the community right away.
Also, I don't drink and also, I don't like making "framed" as a way to avoid the Jail part, or even have the Jail part for that matter.
Never said you did drink. My character often slays magical demons and other things of the sort. I sadly cant and thus dont. I didn't want to insinuate that you do drink, and if I did Im sorry. It was just an example.
As for your argument, I can see your point. It would make sense, in a loose liniar progresion sort of way. And to be honest, I can't think of many good arguments to fight back against that. You've obviously thought a lot about this, and you got some very good points to show for it. I'm impressed.
But still, I've never dodged a challenge in my life. So I'll take a crack at it.
Starting off as a no one would leave many new to the series completely and utterly lost. They wouldn't know what to do, or what was going on. "I heard there were dragon's in this game. Where are they? Where's the story in this game?"
I can see it now. Now, that wouldn't be a problem for long time fans, cause many don't do main quests right away anyway. They'd eventually run into it, and a sense of urgency would then be created. However, I feel this would take away from it as well. Many players would not like that sense of urgency, because they still would rather do side stuff. They wouldn't want the main quest forced on them, even later in the game. I know the main quest is forced in the biginning, and later would probably make more sense. But, people will still want to feel that ability to choose when to do something. Ignoring the main quest at the beginning, or have it forced on you later. Now, if the quest was introduced later, would they still have the ability to ignore it?
As for jail, if you don't like it, its not like I could somehow make it sound better. That's your choice, and I can respect that. Maybe Skyrim will be more like Morrowind in the regard that your not in a jail, just being lead somewhere. And it wouldn't have to specificly be skyrim, maybe the last of the blades took you by force. There really isn't much I can argue when you don't like jails in general. All you really could do is hope that your just a prisoner, and not in jail.