I want either $1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (non-counterfeited and, somehow, without arousing suspicions of foul activity within everyone else in the world) or eternal life for me and my family with the ability to finally end our own lives if we so choose.
Whatch out for what you wish for. Eternal life is not what it is to be made for. Since you are young now, and you wish would be now, what if you meet the love of your life in 5 years, 10 years. Can you handle her and your kids dead? Rememeber you made that wish before they became your family. Or what about you become sick but you can't die? Wishing eternal life would not be so great then would it.
Also wishing for that much money? I think you are joking, but that is just ludicrioius. Can you even say what that amount is? I don't even know what it is. Also just like matter in the universe, it has to come from somewhere. For you to get this kind of money where will it come from? It can't be instantaneous *poof* come. People will suffer for you to get this.
Where am I going with this? It reminds me of a story I read along time ago. About how an old couple came apon something sort of evil but were granted any 3 wishes they wanted. The husband of the old lady didn't want anything to do with this. I forget what the first wish was, but it was granted when the old lady wished something. Then seeing how the wish came true, she wished that her child who died would become alive right now at this instance. The husband was horrified. Since the child was buried a short distant away, moaning could be herd a short distant away. It was foggy but a figure was approaching in the distance that the father could see. He knew something was clearly wrong, that yes this was his son, but yet it wasn't clearly him.
There was a knock at the door, and just as his wife was about to open the door, the Husband had to use the 3rd wish and the person at the door had to disapear.
For those who don't understand since I couldn't explain the story well, was that the figure at the door, was indeed the deceased son brought back to life. Since the wish was to bring him alive now at this instance, the child was, but since the body was so decomposed and rotted would have been a horrible site to see. So the moral is, becareful for what you wish for, you may just get it.
I guess, just like in your other post about your holidays. You were so happy to have the snow days, but for having that, the universe has to balance out and now you have to have make up days wich you are not happy about at all. So be very very carefull for what you wish for.
Yes I know it's really nothing but it goes to show you how you loved having your snow day from school but the consiquences you have to accept, take the good with the bad. Yes I know you had no control over it, but I think you get the idea. I see my kids wishing for snow days, and then I try to explain to them, becarefull what you wish for, you may never know what consenquences will happen for you wish to become true.
Yeah I really am becoming an old fart now. :sadvaultboy: