I feel bad that something I said might have caused you to do a complete reinstall ...
Pseron, please don't feel bad. You only identified a symptom, which helped me identify a larger problem. If it hadn't been for you, I might have played to 200 hours and
then discovered problems.
I was very frustrated earlier, but more with a lack of organized communication than anything you did. As a friend told me once, this is the bane of free modding - people have wonderful creativity and poor communication skills.

There was - and still is - conficting information regarding FCOM installation in various locations - Corepc's FCOM thread of August 28 resolves those issues (I hope).
The very thing that makes this situation frustrating - all the time I spent reading readmes, learning to merge mods, learning more about Wrye Bash, organizing and saving every single mod I installed onto a back-up drive - in short, all that work and effort, is what's saving me now. Luckily, when I merged over 50+ armor and weapon mods, I actually saved the plug-in and resources onto my back-up drive. So I should be able reinstall it all at once.
But, yes, there will be some rebuilding. It is what it is - but it is in no way your fault. So, please, don't feel bad. I'm glad you saved me from a larger problem.

~ Dani ~