Decorate your house with mementos of your adventures. I spent hours and hours doing this, because doing a simple thing like placing a vase on a mantelpiece can be hell to do. Apparently all my characters are klutzes

You can start on one shelf/display with your newbie gear starting with those prison rags and progress around the room with stuff you got as you became better, or you can arrange into groups like alchemy stuff, deadric quest stuff, and fighting stuff.
Liswen actually started collecting rare books since early in her campaign and now as an interesting collection on the shelf in the foyer. But it was a nightmare getting them in there. I twitch my mouse and they all come falling out of the shelf again!
Oh and I find it very fun to take screenshots of my characters doing things in the realm, especially with pose mods. In fact I just made one:
"Dar Ma's Diary or Springheel Jack's? Liswen browses her collection for a good book to sit down with."
A lot more screenshots in the link my sig.
That killing sleepers quest sounds like fun!