So I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Fallout 4 and before I dropped money on getting it, I just wanted to do a quick survey and see how you all feel.
So I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Fallout 4 and before I dropped money on getting it, I just wanted to do a quick survey and see how you all feel.
Worth it. You get exactly what you expect from a Bethesda title:
- bugs
- terrible, terrible writing
- quirky clipping issues
- an incredibly looking, beautiful, open expanse sandbox of utter glorious scouting and exploration goodness.
As someone who's been outspoken on his criticisms of Beth and their handling of their games, I can tell you they have put alot of hard work into making this a better Fallout than their previous attempt.
Is it the ideal Fallout some fans would want from a Fallout game? Absolutely not, but then there are some out there who wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than a full return to what the series was. Most of these can be largely ignored, but there are those that bring up some good points on what Fallout has become and why they feel it has strayed too far from what was.
Personally, I think Beth went out of their way to make this a better game that might help bring some of the fans of the originals on board.
As for the writing...well, it isn't anything Oscar worthy (yes I know video games don't win Oscars, that's not the point) but it is a definite step up from Skyrim and it's exceedingly shallow world, with piss poor quests, quest design, and shoddy writing overall. Beth will likely never be known for their fantastic writing, but IMO they have certainly improved in this area. Still have a long way to go, but an improvement is still an improvement no matter which way you look at it.
Bugs: Can't say I've really had any issues here.
Stability: Probably the most stable game Beth has ever released. Roughly 100 hours in and not a single crash. One freeze in that time, which did cause me to exit the game the hrad way.
Voice acting: I personally thought that prior to release, the voiced protagonist would bother the living [censored] out of me, but after 100 or so hours of playing, it hasn't been much of an issue. Still, the male voice acting for the pc can be cringe worthy at times, but overall it's not all that bad. sorry, can't speak for the female pc's voice acting, haven't made it that far yet.
Quests: IMOa definite improvement over Skyrim's [censored], half assed quest design and progression. Sorry, but TES V's quests left a whole lot to be desired, I'm glad they have imrpoved there.
The game does seem to play a little different than what you may be used to, but overall it's not horrendous...but the dialogue options are. Good God, the dialogue options really do svck.
Overall, I believe the game is worth it. Play it on whatever platform you prefer, be it Xbox, Playstation, or PC. Makes no difference.
funny i started a topic just like this about a week ago for some good feedback, got about 12 minutes worth before the moderators locked it out xD
Go here, shoot this or that, come back, here's 99 caps [censored] boy. Some side quests even follow this formula and it's atrocious, considering they're supposed to offer something a little more in depth than the spammy radiant quests. Also terrible PC optimization, so well played Bethesda. Love seeing my 2015 hardware struggle with graphics dated 2010.
-Sparse weapon variety
-Half baked settlement feature which really takes away from the overall scope of the wasteland. I wish there were more prominent hubs instead of 30 some shells to build janky shacks in. Guess I'm just spoiled from the 9 holds of Skyrim.
-Unique vendors broken as [censored] most of the time.
-Loot system undermines some of the quest item rewards. Who honestly sat in at their development meetings and said, "hey lets randomize the loot from legendary enemies and completely strip out the unique weapons that offered some visual variety in a sea of monotony."
-Zero perk checks outside of the Str 8 required to rip the minigun from the vertibird without power armor, and the "Last Voyage of the Constitution" quest. I was [censored] cathartic when I actually saw my 10 intelligence put to good use.
-And lmao, Charisma went from bad to essential in Fallout 4. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
Yes it is worth it. Go with the PC you are going to want mods. Lots of mods
This. When I buy a Bethesda title, I'm not expecting a Pulitzer story. And as far as bugs go, this is the most stable Bethesda title I played. And I'm with them since Morrowind.
Can't vote. You didn't include PS4. I would never use an Xbox One. I own one and have used it exactly once. Never again.
Very limited poll. I have encountered no negative aspects yet, and I have 270 hours played according to Steam.
On platform to get, you do not even list PS4.
I won't argue with that. Although I will say that bugs doesn't necessarily mean "lack of stability," it can extend to ownership of items not switching when they should, an NPC that won't get out of her chair, or back in her chair, npcs standing around with no animations, turrets on a friendly settlement not providing a defense bonus, or being able to be scrapped or moved, or a dialog line that won't kick in the proper end quest function, or clipping issues, or a brahmin with a hostage that is now stuck in a little tiny room so you can't get to the hostage to free them, or a pip boy turning invisible, or a gun turning invisible until you change view and back again, or turret lights not being "on" when you return to a settlement, or moved dead bodies magically moving themselves back to where you killed them vs. where you dragged them, or a settler that won't go into trade mode anymore, or brahmin running around on their own because the provisioner is no where in sight, or a nightvision perk which is blinding during the day and can't be turned off, or placed items falling through tables when returning to a settlement ...
I've had only one CTD in 220+ hrs of gameplay, so - stable - yes.
But exactly what I'd expect from a Bethesda title.
I'm assuming the two options listed were those the original poster would be willing to get the title for, vs. what we're playing on.
I would recommend buying the game, and get it on PC so you have access to all the mods, and early on too.
I can be harsh on a game I don't like after playing, and I can even be harsh on a game I do like (tough love thing), if it has serious problems. And there are some minor problems with this one still, to be sure. But it frickin' rocks. Get it.
If you liked Fallout 3, it's very likely you'll love Fallout 4 - I feel like they improved on every aspect of Fallout 3 (and really took feedback and criticism from that game to heart). If you somehow abhorred Fallout 3 but adored New Vegas, there's still a chance you'll like this one: The mechanics have more depth, the story is more open-ended, your choices have consequences (and you have to make hard choices), and the companions are substantially more fleshed out.
In all I'd say 4 is a complete improvement over 3, and either an improvement or a lateral move compared to New Vegas. Totally worth the buy.
For platform, PC. There are still complaints that the PC version isn't PC-oriented enough (it's pretty much identical to the console version), but it's still unanimously the best platform to play Bethesda games on so whatever.
I didn't answer the poll because although I very much believe Fallout 4 is worth the money, I couldn't tell you which platform would be best for *you* to use since I don't know your preferences for these types of games. Since I don't care about mods and don't want to upgrade my PC, I bought it for the Xbox One and haven't had any major issues with the game. But if you do care about mods and your PC can handle it, then you may want to go the PC route.
Here is what i say to most people if you CAN wait for a bethesda title then wait. It is always best to buy their games when they bundle all their DLCs with it. It will give you the best value for your money and the game will be at its best with lots of bugs addressed.
This said, if you really want to play then it is worth getting.
As for platform if you want to use mods and have the greatest flexibility in how you configure your game and have a PC then get he PC version. While mods are coming to consoles the breadth of mods for the PC will be greater simply because they are not as confined by the limits of the consoles' hardware.
To be honest I consider it as the worst fallout title, but it is still worth the money. I'll suggest, if you have the patience, to wait around year for mods that enhance the kind of gameplay you like and as a bonus its price will have also dropped. Definitely get it on pc for the mods.
This, but if you can't wait for platinum edition then at least wait until the GECK is released. It's gonna need it.
This has been my least favorite Bethesda title to date, but that's me.
If you buy it on PC, yes. Thank Baby Jesus for modding
It's a good game. It isn't necessarily a good Fallout game, depending on what you expect from one. But, taken as it stands alone, it is a good game.
And I definitely say PC for a wider possibility of modding. Though mods are coming to consoles eventually, PC has texture/sound replacers already (and *.esp mods if you are willing to take the GECKless risk), as well as allowing for script extenders and UI overhauls.
If you want an rpg, look elsewhere. Fallout 4 is weak in this regard. The dialogue mechanic in particular is... and i'll be frank here... [censored] shameful.
If you want an arpg like Borderlands, its great and definitely recommended.
Overall I'm pleased with Fallout 4, but its got a lot of flaws that bring it down. It should have been a remarkable game, but instead its just good. That may or may not be enough for you.
to those saying "theres no ps4 choice" the OP is asking what platform HE/SHE should get it on, in which since he listed PC or Xbox One that those are the 2 he/she owns so therefore ps4 is not a choice.
to OP, depends what you are looking for? i dont know if i can add much to what others have said but i would say: its a great game but its a bad fallout game
would agree with above posters its the worst fallout game to date (BOS doesnt really count and any way i liked that game) but im now 160+ hours into the game and im enjoying it and i will enjopy it for many many many hours to come.
personally i would say PC for modding (although Xbox One will get soon)
but if you just want it to work the absolute second you buy it and not have to worry about hardware/conflictions/etc etc go with the Xbox One
edit: weird i typed x b o n e yet when posted it auto corrected to "Xbox One" capitals and all
Largely worth it, if you aren't looking for/demanding a deep, numbers-game-mechanics or the "deep choices" feeling style of game. Because it's not that type of RPG. The settlement building system is fun (if flawed) imo, if you like that sort of thing (I do) although the settlement quests can quickly become irritating (I tend to ignore them - I just like building).
I'd get it on PC, because, mods. I know consoles will be able to download some mods at some point, but not from just anywhere, I think. So in long run still more limiting since console-users can't make their own mods vs. having to wait for someone to make/upload and maybe Bethesda approval for console d/l.
Also, PC console commands can get you out of a jam if you do run into certain types of glitches. That said, for at least, FO4 has probably been the most stable game from Bethesda that I've played.
I would say in a lot of areas, it's better than Fallout 3. Particularly in its actual addition of a faction system and to some degree improved writing. Not to mention I consider it the best game world Bethesda has designed yet. It seems to be one of Bethesda's better written stories. And with that, I consider it a bit of a step forward.
However, I find it suffers from a number of flaws that are significant steps back for reasons I simply don't know what they were thinking. The way SPECIAL/perks are handled in this game is a new and interesting take, but at the expense of previous game mechanics that further added depth into how meaningful they were. No longer does my Intelligence, or Science, or Perception, or even one of the perks have an effect on dialogue to allow a different approach to a quest. It's simply Charisma speech checks, with some not leaving much of an impact anyway. Not to mention the dialogue system itself is horrendous and some of the worst yet I've seen in any RPG.
Quest suffer as they do in Skyrim, with too many of them plagued with the radiant quest design, or a whole lot of them are just down right radiant quest. Though what actual side quest there are in the game are fairly well done, there are too few.
And despite the addition of an actual faction system that Fallout 3 lacked which is an improvement in its own right, I still find the factions of this game lacking compared to New Vegas. Some of them are well down like the Brotherhood of Steel (who I feel are at their best yet in this Fallout game) however, I find other factions lacking in what they have to offer which gives very little reason to side with them. While some like the Minutemen are just downright poorly handled and utterly useless to the story.
Overall, in a number of areas a step forward from Fallout 3, but still no where near the likes of Fallout 2 or New Vegas.