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The battle with the Ancient dragon in Solitude, he was perching near the Blue Palace. Killed a half dozen NPC's and who knows how may guards and flew all over the place. Kept dropping at the Keep when I hit him with Dragonrend amd flying off before I could get to him. Finally switched to archery and managed to get him to land on the street behind the Hall of the Dead where I butchered him. Even though it peeved me that so many lives were lost I kept it because the battle was so frustrating yet so much fun at the same time. That was before my character was so OP that dragons got to be an annoyance..
It was months ago. I had modded my game so that dragons attack before my character had done the Dragon Rising quest. Barely arrived at Riverwood, a dragon attacked. Fortunately, it was night; my character (level 1, no armour, no decent weapon, no bow and arrows) managed escaping the attack by playing hide and seek with the dragon and slipping into the water. The current carried him away fast and the dragon was no longer able to see him. He run to Whiterun, talked to the Jarl, didn't wait for the reward and immediately followed Irileth and the guards after that. The three guards and he arrived at Riverwood; the dragon was still there and the day was rising. The villagers began getting out of their homes and everyone killed the dragon. An hour of gameplay I'll never forget.
It was actually and, as far as I remember, nobody was killed.
My first trip to the College of Winterhold from southern Skyrim, no fast traveling.
Lost my first follower to Krosis at Shearpoint (which started a very long curse of followers being blown up by enemy fireballs...) and had a lot of other adventures along the way, dove into some Dwemer ruins for the first time, ran into Falmer for the first time. Yeah, I think that was one to remember