As of late I've been thinking about the main quest in Skyrim, and what lengths we'll go to as the Dovahkiin to defeat Alduin. I'm hoping that we won't outright destroy him, but instead make some compromise or imprison him. So far the only means of doing this which sounds moderately Elder Scrolls-like would be to drop a mountain on him or something of that magnitude, but I'm sure Bethesda's writers will have come up with something amazing - they always do.
But is there anything that they
shouldn't do? This is a thread to share your thoughts on what you think would
singularly be the worst, most convoluted abomination of an ending ever conceived for the Skyrim main quest. The one that would cause many a heartbroken Elder Scrolls fan to spend their sleepness nights shouting to the heavens. I shall start off with mine:
The Dovahkiin reconstructs the Numidium piece-by-piece and leads into into battle against Alduin, powered by the soulgems of 2,000 mudcrabs he had to collect earlier. The two engage in a round of "insult swordfighting" (Monkey Island style), using the Oblivion persuasion minigame as a base. After telling Alduin about the one about the Orc in a party dress, the dragon God decides he has wasted enough time with you and destroys the Numidium in a single, fiery breath. He sends the player tumbling down the 7,000 steps of the Throat of the World, and you must continually hold the block button in order to avoid being reduced to a bloody pulp every time you hit one of the steps. Weaponless and on the brink of death, Alduin hovers above, ready to finish you once and for all.
But wait! Just when all hope seems lost, the Nerevarine, a Vampiric Werewolf Argonian wielding a spear, appears atop a cliff and lets out a great war cry. Suddenly, he calls hundreds upon thousands of Cliff Racers to his aid! The Cliff Racer hordes swarm around the dragon God, pecking and gnawing away at his flesh as the Dovahkiin's ears begin to bleed from their collective screeching. Alduin is defeated! The player bleeds to death and you may only continue playing after the main quest if you previously contracted vampirism. The end.
I dearly apologize.