» Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:38 pm
Faction: Security
Type: Light
Class: Operative/Medic
Description: Depends on which class I'm focusing on - my first dual-spec will be an even split Medic/Operative until I'm confident in which I want to focus on, then either respec or just focus on the higher priority. I'm expecting to be more Operative, but I won't set that in stone yet. Anyway...
Operative: Probably the Freak's pants and the Bug's body armour. If I can't get the hair I want, the Eel's helmet/mask thing, if I can, head will be uncovered.
Medic: The Bomb's armour with the Bug's pants, possibly The Shield helmet, or head uncovered.
EDIT: Forgot something...
Operative: Drognav/Hockler
Medic: High-capacity SMG (I'm thinking Galactic, but unsure)/semi-auto Pistol (if I like it enough, I might stick with the Hockler instead)
ALL weapons with Silencers, Drognav will have some form of mid-range scope, probably the Greeneye.