Ullrich Dufour is a sturdy Nord, born in Cyrodiil to a Nord mother and an Imperial father. His father is an ancestor of the Champion of Cyrodiil, who helped Martin Spetim in driving back Lord Dagon in 3E433.
His mother, originally from Bruma, worked as a lector at the Imperial City Arcane University. He grew up helping his father hunting and working at the farmhouse they lived between Chorrol and the Imperial City.
At the age of 17, he attended the Arcane University, where he met Kar, who became his wife.
For years, he worked for the Fighters Guild, besides his freelance work at as a hunter and fur trader.
He and Kar gathered quite some coin, allowing them to buy a nice house in the Elven Gardens District. They soon had a baby boy, Niels.
Ullrich started to take things a bit easier, and landed a job at a local bookstore. He delved into the history of the Empire and it's provinces. He read alot about Skyrim, the homeland of his grandparents.
At the age of 18, Niels joined the Legion, and was soon sent off to another province. At first he wrote lots of letters, but as the years passed by, he wrote less and less.
One day, the city guards found Kar's dead body in the Lake, with several stab wounds. They never found out who did it.
Ullrich had nothing anymore. He fell into a depression, and he soon lost his job and fell into a downward spiral, doing some odd jobs as a mercenary.
He never quit reading, though. And his favorite subject was still Skyrim. He became fascinated with it.
In 4E201, at the age of 41 he decided it was time to move on. To Skyrim, and start a new life there. After a long journey through the Jerall mountains, he crossed the border. As he wandered through a dense forest, he heard sounds of a fight in the distance. He went out to investigate it, and before he knew he was arrested by an Imperial soldier.