So, what type of character do you have?(skills, special, perks, level, etc.) What weapons do you find yourselves using the most? What is your "base"? What kind of armor do you use? What special unarmed moves do you have? What kind of ammo do you use the most? What companion do you use the most? Who do you buy from the most? What dlc do you have? Implants? I I have 100 in everything execept explosives, energy weapons, and melee weapons. Strength: 8, Perecption: 7, Endurance: 10, Charisma: 2, Intelligance: 10, Agility: 7, and Luck: 10. My character is a level 50. I have a lot of perks so I'm going to only list major ones. Just lucky I'm Alive, Better Criticals, Jury Rigging, and the bonuses from the technologies you get in your body in Old World Blues. I find myself using the Ranger Sequoia, GRA Anti-Material Rifle, Chrsitine's Rifle, Gobi Campaingn Scout Rifle, and the GRA Hunting Revolver the most. My base is The Sink I use the Desert Ranger Armor because to me, the helmet is a lot easier to repair and I like the look of it better. I have all four of the special learned unarmed moves. I use the hand loaded rounds the most. I'm usually by myself with no companions. I buy from the Gun Runners the most and I have all the dlc. I also have all the implants.