It seem the three words in a typical dragon's names all embody what the dragons are at their core, and these are two names that I came up with to represent what my main character Trannigan Draltonius (finally thought of a more lore friendly last name lol

The first name I came up with is Midrot-Qo-Kendov; which in human tongue means Loyalty-Lightning-Warrior.
Trannigan is very much a warrior even before he became a legion Soldier. The man loves a good fight and although talking is often helpful to solve problems he generally resorts to force to accomplish his goals. He comes from a long line of warriors that represented cyrodiil in the past and try as he might to settle down and live a quiet life. The man is simply drawn to doing what he does best.
The word Loyalty represents the fact that Trannigan does what ever he can for the people that he cares about. He is an active member of the Legion and before joining the Legion was a very active member of the companions. He has also gone out of his way to help most of the villagers in the cities of Whiterun (with the exception of Heimskr and the Greymanes or Battleborns), his first Skyrim home city, Solitude, another former home, and Riverwood, a town that was very hospitable to him when he was just getting back on his feet after a surprise dragon attack.
Lightning represents the fact that for unknown reasons his family line is naturally Adept at using shock magic even when they aren't particularly good at other destruction magic. There have been many many of his enemies that have been reduced to nothing more than a pile of ash.
Edit: I also forgot to say the second name I came up with, Sahqo-Dovah-Nah, or Red-Dragon-Fury. He is a staunch supporter of the Empire's ways and though he is disappointed in a lot of the higher ups in the empire being plagued by corruption and incompetence he still stays steadfast in his loyalty and works hard to make the once great Empire mighty again.
So what would your characters Dragon names be?