Your Character/Kids

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:08 pm

I was wondering if anyone else basically has their whole character mapped out and has put definite thought in what they want and who they want to be? i basically have i plan to be a Nord like always

KIDS now i know kids are in this one which probably means we will see an orc with a baby on her hip (shudders) well maybe not that young but what i would like to know is, is it possible to start our own family and continue the Dovakiin blood line not only that but would you guys want that would you want a family?
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:40 am

No. If they tried to turn Skyrim into a Sims game I wouldn't even consider buying it. Doesn't really make sense in the context of the story, IMO.

Edit: As for my character I have no idea. Usually I start with an Imperial but judging from what I've seen Dunmer will be a minority in Skyrim, so I'll probably roll that.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:09 am

Wait, what's the topic?

I highly doubt we'll have a family and 99% of the community doesn't want one (btw, this has been discussed numorous times) This isn't Fable, it's TES.

I don't want to continue the Dovahkiin bloodline.... I'd feel less epic if there are other Dragonborn out there...

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remi lasisi
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:07 am

Are you suggesting that we must knock-up orcs?
*Violent shudder*

And, I don't think that being Dovakiin is based on blood. It might be, I'm not sure.
Also, this isn't Fable.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:26 am

My main character has a +200 page back story. Everything from his methodology, psychology, and philosophy have been mapped out. I've constructed a complete life and history for this character.

As for kids, I'd like to see babies in the world. Kind of like the baby from The Pitt (Fallout), it should just be an item you here sound emanating from it.
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Isabella X
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:10 am

I would rather you have the ability to be a pimp. all your girls are your family, and instead of mouths to feed they bring you in money.

Kids wouldnt make sense really. Would it take 9 in-game months for an imperial baby to be born after six? or would it be an insta-baby or a baby that appears in a week or so? What about mer babies? how long do they take?

and also, wives? (or baby mama) boring. not in a video game. What, do you want them to nag to you about not coming by the house enough because you're out adventuring??
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:37 pm

The idea of being able to "pimp" is actually pretty sick. There was one [censored] in Oblivion that I can recall, so it's not like it'd be that big of a controversy. At the end of every week she drops by the player's designated house and pays up. Could even be a "backhand" minigame...

Edit: Going even further with this, I think there should be more criminal activities in Skyrim. I wanna be able to pedal skooma for the local crime syndicates. This is something that's always been missing IMO, as drugs are all over the Elder Scrolls universe.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:03 pm

I'm torn between a Dunmer and a Breton.

Breton because my current roleplay character is a Breton and she's expressed wishes to go to Skyrim. But I think I'll go Dunmer because I need to learn the game before Helena has a hope of surviving.

Edit: A Dunmer Sorceress perhaps? Or a Bosmeri forest witch. Or a Nordic Shaman. I DON'T KNOW :(
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:18 pm

I'll likely go Nord, Morrowind only truly made perfect sense from a Lore perspective when I played a Dark Elf, Oblivion I had played through as both an imperial and a Nord, either were fine by me since they looked fairly similar, though I suspect deep down the COC was an imperial or at the very least one of the human races (Nord, Redguard, Imperial Or Breton)

Unfortunately I can't enjoy my games even from a role-play perspective when the character's race doesn't really fit well, so I'll likely be Nord or Imperial. I know there's officially no canon identity for the player in most ES games but despite that I always notice the game seems to favor/make more sense with certain races over others.

I'll likely end up twisting my chosen race.

In Morrowind, I had a Dark Elf who shared the height of a Nord and the stats of one, while retaining his natural racial powers (Inspired by Symmachus)

In Oblivion, my favorite character was infact an Imperial who basically had the stats and powers of a Redguard from having a redguard father or grandfather (Very fun)
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:08 am

one of the human races (Nord, Imperial Or Breton)

You forgot one... racist.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:49 am

You forgot one... racist.

Haha that was accidental, I fixed it.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:27 pm

Haha that was accidental, I fixed it.

Hm so first you have that "accident" and then you say:
In Oblivion, my favorite character was infact an Imperial who basically had the stats and powers of a Redguard (Very fun)

so you want to play as a redguard, just as long as you don't have black skin?
I think I know what type of person you are...

p.s. I'm just messing with ya. i don't care if you're a racist or not.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:25 am

Hm so first you have that "accident" and then you say:

so you want to play as a redguard, just as long as you don't have black skin?
I think I know what type of person you are...

p.s. I'm just messing with ya. i don't care if you're a racist or not.

Tsk tsk. Some of my favorite oblivion NPCs were infact Redguard, namely Owyn (Epic Mentor).
That said, I did feel as though an Imperial made more sense in Oblivion's plot personally and went with my Red Imperial so I could enjoy the features of other races while still "seeming" to be an imperial.
But yeah, forgot all about Redguards and then mid post remembered my best oblivion character haha.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:10 pm

I doubt there'll be the ability to marry and have children of your own in the Vanilla game, but probably mods will solve that :)
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Jessica White
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:05 am

I doubt there'll be the ability to marry and have children of your own in the Vanilla game, but probably mods will solve that :)

We are married, in every elder scrolls game... married to our jobs as heroes. (corny!)

I have always hated the family/kid idea in ES games and think it's honestly ludicrous since it's just not how the Elder scrolls roll.
With that said, I do think perhaps some kind of light romance options or choices might be nice (Nothing major or sappy, but something along the lines of gaining the attention of one or two ladies (or men))
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:45 am

Well it'd be a shame if the bloodline didnt continue, right? Tamriel being all vulnerable and all :P...

But that would be something for post endgame.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 10:01 am

We are married, in every elder scrolls game... married to our jobs as heroes. (corny!)

I have always hated the family/kid idea in ES games and think it's honestly ludicrous since it's just not how the Elder scrolls roll.
With that said, I do think perhaps some kind of light romance options or choices might be nice (Nothing major or sappy, but something along the lines of gaining the attention of one or two ladies (or men))

Well, I've liked romancing mods so far (White Wolf of Lokken in MW, and Romancing of Eyja in OB), and I see no reason why I wouldn't like one for Skyrim. Also, my MW char has a big (adopted) family of children (along with maids, dogs, kitties...enough to say my castle's enormous Main Hall is pretty crowded) with really adds to the ambient (sadly there's not much of interaction there...apart from giving them toys and candies and watch them play).

I'd like to have a more interactive family mod, like being able to teach your son how to hunt, kill monsters, trade...sort of a "Son Companion".
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 11:11 pm

Well, I've liked romancing mods so far (White Wolf of Lokken in MW, and Romancing of Eyja in OB), and I see no reason why I wouldn't like one for Skyrim. Also, my MW char has a big (adopted) family of children (along with maids, dogs, kitties...enough to say my castle's enormous Main Hall is pretty crowded) with really adds to the ambient (sadly there's not much of interaction there...apart from giving them toys and candies and watch them play).

I'd like to have a more interactive family mod, like being able to teach your son how to hunt, kill monsters, trade...sort of a "Son Companion".

I've always wanted companions in ES, "Arcanum" was a brilliant game with how it dealt with companions (a few times I tried importing them to Oblivion since they had epic voiced Dialogue), Morrowind added in the mercenary in tribunal which was nice but he couldn't go to vvardenfell for some silly reason and the only mod that made his NPC share system/path finding/auto leveling, really good also added in a fan made backstory with romance (Being a male character, killed all desire to use said mod) which really in the end resulted in me never talking to the hire-able Mercenary.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:27 pm

I don't think our character can have his/her own family, and TBH I'm happy that way.
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Mel E
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:24 am

I'm with Benrahir. In Morrowind, I played both White Wolf Of Lokken Mountain (Mod) and Julan (companion mod). Both had romance aspects that were very well done. If there's something like that in Skryim, cool! If not, I'll roleplay it with characters that ask it of me.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:15 pm

Well, I've liked romancing mods so far (White Wolf of Lokken in MW, and Romancing of Eyja in OB), and I see no reason why I wouldn't like one for Skyrim. Also, my MW char has a big (adopted) family of children (along with maids, dogs, kitties...enough to say my castle's enormous Main Hall is pretty crowded) with really adds to the ambient (sadly there's not much of interaction there...apart from giving them toys and candies and watch them play).

I'd like to have a more interactive family mod, like being able to teach your son how to hunt, kill monsters, trade...sort of a "Son Companion".

But what if the son DIES!

in all honesty i can live without a family i just think it might be cool sometimes like if we could marry into a royal family kinda like a deal breaker as a seat in the kingdom or something
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:49 am

I'm with Benrahir. In Morrowind, I played both White Wolf Of Lokken Mountain (Mod) and Julan (companion mod). Both had romance aspects that were very well done. If there's something like that in Skryim, cool! If not, I'll roleplay it with characters that ask it of me.

I'm redoing the MQ (for the 50th time) with Julan and it's awesomely funny :) He's also the companion with the most personality I've ever tried, maybe with the exception of Vilja (Oblivion).

I'd really love something like it in Skyrim. And, as I said, a "Son Companion" would be awesome, if the interactivity and personality are well done.

But what if the son DIES!

Bear with it. Life is hard in Skyrim, boy :)
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:37 pm

I'm redoing the MQ (for the 50th time) with Julan and it's awesomely funny :) He's also the companion with the most personality I've ever tried, maybe with the exception of Vilja (Oblivion).

I'd really love something like it in Skyrim. And, as I said, a "Son Companion" would be awesome, if the interactivity and personality are well done.

I've only done the MQ once, and that was with Julan. It was fantastic for roleplay. My character was rapidly rising through the ranks of House Telvanni, until she met Julan, who got her svcked into the MQ.

And yeah, Julan is awesomely written. I've never tried Vilja as I'm forced to play Oblivion on the xbox :( Soon though, all will change.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:30 pm

I've only done the MQ once, and that was with Julan. It was fantastic for roleplay. My character was rapidly rising through the ranks of House Telvanni, until she met Julan, who got her svcked into the MQ.

And yeah, Julan is awesomely written. I've never tried Vilja as I'm forced to play Oblivion on the xbox :( Soon though, all will change.

Heh, I confess that is the "normal type" of guy, adventurous, but who doesn't really like to be an epic hero, and that I was really expecting
Julan to be the Nerevarine.
But at least having him as my companion has gave me the excuse to redo the MQ again :)
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:00 pm

I'm redoing the MQ (for the 50th time) with Julan and it's awesomely funny :) He's also the companion with the most personality I've ever tried, maybe with the exception of Vilja (Oblivion).

I'd really love something like it in Skyrim. And, as I said, a "Son Companion" would be awesome, if the interactivity and personality are well done.

Bear with it. Life is hard in Skyrim, boy :)

another one bites the dust......Snow....whatever
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