if your character is lawful good,did you do the si questline

Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:59 pm

Well, my Paladin was in the middle of doing it, until the game kept freezing on me and I had to reinstall Oblivion. :swear:
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 6:13 am

I HAVE to get this expansion. THIS weekend. I'm convinced.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 7:09 pm

I HAVE to get this expansion. THIS weekend. I'm convinced.
I think it would be perfect for Eradi Kate. Don't take Dyan there however.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 10:13 am

This is a rather difficult thing for me, as I'm not up for THAT much role-playing (being good), depsite the fact that I DO base my characters off of myself.

Playing a game with my obsessive compulsive traits reflected IS the fun part of the game for me. That being said, if there are 'X' amount of quests in the game, I'd WANT (based on my obsessive compulsive tendencies) to DO every possible quest. Though, I know, in Morrowind you had to CHOOSE between the Telvanni, Redoran, and Hlaluu House Quests, the 'completed quests' could not match the 'maximum quests' then.

Therefore, I WILL download and install the SI, and do the quests to the best of my ability. Same with the Daedric Quests of Cyrodil.
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 3:18 pm

I think it would be perfect for Eradi Kate. Don't take Dyan there however.

Thanks! I was actually thinking of taking my male Breton wizard character to SI since he's done the MQ and is now officially bored with being Arch Mage, but Kate is another option for sure.

and Dyan's game is officially done, actually. :( I was gonna make a thread later in the Cheats, Hints, Spoilers section to commemorate her, for her game has come to an epic end.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 1:01 pm

hehe... in morrowind I added new factions...

for example :

*The missing 2 houses, now all 5 were in the game
*you could now join all 5, instead of only 1 of them and do all quests.
*Twin lamps was made into a full faction and questline, to ban slavery from morrowind
*couple of other factions were extended into full factions, made joinable, or added.

one can very well mod to fit one's gameplay.
as I started in morrowind modding while I was playing my first char.. adding things I missed.
when I did all quests? I just would add a mod that would add something new to explore or to do... and thats mostly how the world grew bigger and bigger;)

One mod I mostly made myself... it was a mod that used parts of the mods of others, called The Emporium.
all 3 could be used seperatly and you in fact did a long job before you had your network complete:)
what it basicly did.. was :

Section 1 : customers
*all stores now could be bought by you and you would gain profit from it.
*people would BUY things in your stores, yes thats right active npc patters (I see so many things the modders imagines added to oblivion)
(an owned store no longer would buy your crap, it would sell the stuff you bring them for you to the public)
*to supply your stores you could give them stuff, or used the imporium system for it;)
you also needed to hire employers for your shops (better ones sold better but wanted more wage) and security staff.
(as the mod also added NPC who would go into your shops trying to steal YOUR stuff even when you were away;))

Section 2 : warehouses.
You could purchache a couple of warhouses spreaded over the land... and ubgrade them (one could be upgraded into your network HC)
a warehouse offered storage to a limited number of goods, in a certain range.. you could customise this..
(every warehouse had space for a fixed number of crates.. but you could adress them for different types of goods... and they would be used for that only)
upgrading a warehouse would add more crates.
You could add locks to the crates... increasing protection... and hire security staff to protect your warehouses.
Warehouses do NOT generate money, they were however the most secure place to store your crap (if properly staffed thieves had little change to steal a thing there, stores would lose more often an item)

Sector 3 : transport.
You could set up a transport network between all facility's you owned. (including warehouses, shops, production facility's, and resource mines)
you would hire staff for that... addres to them a route, order them what to transport from where to where.. and they would start to walk that road.
You could ofcourse upgrade them or hire better ones that went faster, carried more, or were stronger.
You could also assign guards to each transport, or order multiple hired crew to walk in a group, for safety.
In this network you could also include resting spots, like inns, or other safehouses on the way (sometimes needed for they will need sleep in my mods, and a bath and such.. but on that later more)
You could always walk to one of your crew and give him/her new orders.. but in every warehouse you could place orders in your desk there.. for each of your transports and they would follow these new routes the next time they would get there.
Once you had a HC you even could send messengers to them directly (message boys) to inform them to change their route.

Sector 4 : resources.
Every resource in the game (including the hundreds of new ones) could be made into a harvest-compagny.
Plantations for plants, fisheries for fisch, mines for minerals, cattlefarms for cattle, hunting grounds for animals, and for the harder to get monster parts : pubs (were heroes could be hired that would go venture out into the places where they lived and bring back the parts. All goods would regrow so the potential supply was limitless.
You needed to OWN the resource spot first. about 700 were spreaded over the map (that was about 3 times the size of the original morrowind map)
next you could tell them what to get.. for a mine, what mineral, for a fishery, what fish, for a plantation what plants, etc. you could expand them too.. 9 times.. so they came in 10 different sizes.
(for farms this ment more land, a pub would grow bigger, mines would get deeper and have more halls, a fishery would get a bigger boat, or more boats.. etc.)
for every level you could addres a resource.. so you could get upto 10 different resources from one facilty, or instead increased production on a couple of them.
To harvest them you could do yourself.. (but as you figure THAT would become a pain in the ass, even while a trip on your fishing boat could be fun..)
but instead you could also hire crew or slaves (both had their advantages, slaves cheaper but less efficient, staff in the end was more efficient)
they required again wage and supplies.. and you also could hire security (though theft was less an issue at such places hiring better crew was your best protection as most theft would happen by slaves or unmotivated workers)
again you could hire slaves/workers in 5 different quality's and even addres a manager to each of those 700+ facility's.
once staffed they would put all the productsof that facility in a box (at higher level facility's that box would stand in an facility-manager office (better protection against thieves)
Now you see the usue of sector 3.. hauling in all those resources would save you a lot of work;)

Sector 5 Production :
Though you could sell raw goods in your stores, it was more profitable (and fun) to make something from them.
everything in the game could be made... from paper and ink you made scrolls...
from ores, and sometimes feathers.. leather and such, armour and weapons...
from wool, cotton and other materials likewise clothing..
fruits, grain, and such into beer, wine, and such.
Moonsugar and canabis into skooma and joints;)
and so on..
sometimes you also needed to make halve-products.. for example wool would first have to be made into fabric.. and afterwards into a certain cloth model, and ink you first had to make just like paper.. ores had to be melted down into bars.. and such.
About 300 of these facility's excist on the map..
Again you could do the work yourself there (using the materials present, or bringing them yourself..) or instead hire specialist doing it for you...
and ofcource like in all of it security...

So in the end after investing a lot of money you had
700 raw-producing facility's (each with 1 manager and 20 people staff and 3 security stadd)
300 production factory's (each with 10 specialists and 2 security staff)
400 transport routes (each with a karavan consiting of about 5 traders, 15 security stadd and 35 wreight-machines or annimals)
20 warehouses (one of them your HC) each with about 50 security staff
600 (roughly) stores (each with 3 salespersons running shifts to keep them open 24/7, and 5 security staff)

ofcource you could take whatever you needed from your own production chain... armour, goods and such:):)
and the money it earned was neatly deposited at your HC (transportpeople could also be ordered to collect profits and bring them to a central place... usually I used HC for that)

Extra's :
Staff upgrades :
as listed all staff could been hired in different quality's but aside from that you could also invest in them.
Give your security staff better armour, your workers better food, your shopkeepers beter clothing, each improving their performance.
Oh and for transport you could also hand them carts, packrats, guars, dragons, horses, and many more. even transport SHIPS..
many options to chooce from..

But that was NOT a one time investment because :
*all clothing and armour world deteriate, meaning all your staff would recuire new clothing/armour now and than..
if left unsupplied their effectivity would drop and they even could revolt (causing big economic harm to your chain) this could be prevented by giving them a higher wage.
If they were given a higher wage, once not proper supplied they would go buy some armour/clothing/food/soap themself. without morale loss when none given by you.
(it was often a smart move to pay for this extra loyality)

Supplied you ask? well in my mod ALL NPC and you would need regulairly :
-new clothing/armour/weapons as they would tear down slowly... once at 0 well we know what happens than;)
it was not longer possible to repair clothing/armour.
(so instead of reparing your armour after a couple of fights you tossed it away (when at 0 it would be removed from the game) and got yourself a new set:))
-Food (they would eat 3 times a day) taking a short break.. if not fed, they would starve (reducing production rate, and damaging health) slowly till they would revolt or drop dead.
-soap&water (the would need to wash themself once a day.. if left dirty, it would REALLY hurt the effectivity of shopkeepers. for the other employees it had only a slight neglectible efficiency drop effect, but after 3 days dirty without bathing they would get sick.. and needed to be cured or they would die eventually of that illness. (so often you would bathe your non-salespeople less often)
-medicine (there was a small change for your employees to get sick... for some more than others... (multiple factors incresing or decreasing risk) all illness was potential deadly.. if left unchecked.
-sleep every person needs 6 hours sleep every 24 hours.. if left awake longer than 20 hours.. the char would cease doing what he was doing drop to sleep where he was standing, for 12 hours... (and that could very well cause your crops to rot, your goods stolen, or them killed forcing you to hire replacements;))

The Emporium greatest mod (and actually the only large one) I made;)

aside from making it (that took me better part of a year to get it perfect) even when I knew what would happen, I played it myself completing all of it.. (in fact it was the only way to hammer out the last couple of glitches..)

imagine something you like... find some mods that have part of it, and start building from there:)
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 5:34 am

My little Breton battlemage is always good and I've never done the SI quests. I did the Sheogorath quest in Oblivion once and when I returned to Borderwatch is it, the people were lamenting and it made me feel awful and I've never done it again and can't stand Sheogorath. I did enter the portal to SI but I just wandered around checking things out. I only fought the Caretaker and any creature that attacked me. Then I left. I'm often curious about what's in there but I don't enjoy playing evil so I guess I won't worry about it. Good luck whatever you decide. It's lawful good for me and I *love* KotN.

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Beth Belcher
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:25 am

If a character has the urge to see what's inside that door in Niben Bay, s/he should probably go through it and see. Then if s/he wants to stay, s/he should probably stay, and if s/he doesn't like it and wants to leave, s/he should probably leave.

If you treat the character as an actual individual and come to understand his/her ideas and beliefs and preferences, then you don't have to even consider decisions like this - the character will make the decision on his/her own and all you have to do is pay attention.
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Anthony Rand
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