» Mon May 07, 2012 9:38 am
Post for a friend :
he followed the following rules
-Take all loot you can use and get, no matter how, if you can use candy for an potion, you take candy from a baby.
-Townguards are a menance, as long as they ignore you, you ignore them, but as soon as they start to treathen you with arrest, you refuse and enjoy the killing spree. (you will sell their gear to pay off the fine for that to the thieves master)
-KEYS KEYS KEYS isol LOVES KEYS.. it may be an obsession, but every door, chest, that has a key.. Isol GOT to have the key.
-Never kill any non respawning/named NPC (basicly only townguards are ok)
-When doing a quest.. pick the solution that gives the best reward.
However after a while ISOL had more and more loot, and unlike bankers who never have enough.. Isol's concience started to rise as soon as His need were met.
He now has enough money to BUY any incredients pots or arrows he wants.. and know where they respawn every 3 days, however when exploring he still takes all he can, but he is less methodic.
-He now uses more gray fox aproved rules.. he never steals from the poor, unless they REALLY have something ISOL wants (gems, a book he does not yet has, a weapon or armorpiece he does not have etc)
-Whenever he DOES steal something from the poor, or does anything that blackens his chacra, he has to make aments.. so when he steals that book he wants, he places a more expensive one back that he has 2 off.
When he steals food of the poor, he gives better food back, etc.
-He tries to do the moral thing in quests.. that does not mean he always walks the way of the law.. but it does mean he does what a honest person would do. for example, when he had to hand back the painting.. hes moral highground made up his mind.
The law would made it easy.. the painting was the countes give it to her.
But to isol the law is His moral guideline not others!
so for him, he saw two woman, both really loving a man, both wanting something to remind them of him. Isols heart broke, could they not share it? but that was no way out.. so Isol had to make a hard chooice.
His final judgement was not on the loot, He really wanted that painting.. rather than 1 fame, and alowing 1 more NPC in the game would be his preverance too.
However.. the man chooice to be the countess man.. and while ISOL is not above robbing virtue... that is only towards lonely and mistreated woman.. this woman LOVED her man! and for that she should get credit.
Also her punishment was just like isol would have done.. she was not put in jail.. but only send away, as a mercy.. for the love they shared.
This countess of Chorrel is good and just so she deserved the painting even when it would give ISOL not the reward he wanted.
-ISOL so far has not joined the Dark Brotherhood, stealing your rich uncles possesions may be something he can live with.. but killing a man for some house and goods? and God knows what comes after that..
No if possible ISOL would join a group that would ELIMINATE the dark brotherhood:)
-ISOL however does not like to get arrested, so instead of his former blunt aproach he now sneaks around taking what he wants without getting a bounty... so the law to him now has some value, if only to save himself some trouble.
I Guess ISOL has evolved and now is NEUTRAL GOOD
And to answer your question : no The DB is evil, pure evil. no Good char can live with joining it.
The DB is like : killing an old grandmother that takes care of a little orphan that has no one else.. because you just felt like drawing blood today.. and butchering that orphan into a stew afterwards.
you really do not want to join it.