http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/xenaclone/Photo-0049.jpg without a doubt would be some sort of emergency personnel. Maybe a policewoman or an EMT. She would be the one who shows up when you call 911.
As a http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/xenaclone/armor_stand.jpg in the land of Nirn, Dyan puts the laws of the land first, and any personal feelings she has about situations gets pushed aside. As she travels Cyrodiil, she will ALWAYS come to the aid of an NPC who needs help. :angel: If there's an NPC walking along the road, for instance, she will travel along with him or her (assuming we're not talking beastfolk or orcs, that is), because she sees it as her responsibility to come to the aid of these somewhat defenseless (clueless) travelers if need be.
She plunders dungeons frequently. Not for fame, money, or ego, but because she sees it as HER responsibility to "rid the lands of evils". She also frequently gives money to those underpaid Imperial Guards (I pretend it's not a "bribe" lol).
So if she were on Earth in today's world, I think she would feel most comfortable dealing with the stress of emergency situations. She would raise in rank, to the point she'd be perhaps a police sergeant, or the one in the ambulance who monitors patients, making sure they live, etc.
http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/xenaclone/view.jpg, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of this. As a Chaotic Evil vampire assassin, she does whatever she wants to do, as long as it benefits her and only her.
Truth is, I don't really like Kate very much. If she were a living person, she'd be the type of gal I'd be wary of. Something about her would make me nervous. She's like that girl in high school back in the day who