I do this with my human characters, after awhile I'll alter their appearance slightly and switch up their equipment to suit their current RP or character....sometimes I even switch up their main skills if say they become interested in magic or a mage fancies a sword they find and starts swinging it instead of spells.
For example, my Nord huntress Kyla looked like http://i739.photobucket.com/albums/xx34/lordtru/20130619_001525_zps0946837d.jpg early on and after a year roughing it in Skyrim, she now looks like http://i739.photobucket.com/albums/xx34/lordtru/unnamed_zpsc052f46a.jpg (TV phone pics but you get the idea).
She was predominantly an archer before but now she prefers the sword and board with her trusty bow on backup....the Targe of the Blooded and Nordic Sword fit her like a glove.
I haven't fleshed out a proper RP for her, basically she's been through some stuff and now leads a wolf pack of warriors.
So do your characters change over time in either appearance or RP?
On a related side note, do you feel that level 30 is too late to turn a bow wielding warrior with no points in magic into a bound weapon wielding conjurer/ice mage? I'm guessing I will have to start enchanting to create gear with enough magic to go around. I want to have a separate evolution where instead of becoming a wolf queen warrior she links up with a secret sect of witches that teach her the ways of ice and snow, putting down her physical bow for a magical one.
EDIT: This has helped me with my restartitis...now I have re-rollitis from remodeling characters into something new