There was ammo on the table and didn't think they would mind if I just took it thinking worse case they'll just take it back. I was wrong the whole town turned hostile so I ran towards the quarry. I turned around and had like 8 people shooting at me. Luckily I have my vault 13 armoured suit with decent DT. Bare in mind I was level 3 at the time.
I turned around and to my horror I see a deathclaw running towards me and not a young one either. So i turn around again and now I'm running towards them lol. They start shooting at it and I manage to run far enough away out of trouble and get my binocolaurs out thinking they might kill this deathclaw as there was 8 of them.
Again I was wrong and by this time it had made it to town too and killed poor snuffles

So yeah that was a straight re-load for me, all for a box of 10 mm ammo.
What kind of clumsy moment have you had?