» Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:31 pm
I'm having this same issue. I've put my PC on the DMZ, opened/disabled firewalls, antivirus, double checked integrity of game files, etc. (I'm playing through Steam).
Here is my latest game log for help:
<21:41:59> [Lobby] Start SessionRegisterUserData error 0
<21:41:59> ai_CompatibilityMode = crysis2 []
<21:41:59> ai_BurstWhileMovingDestinationRange = 9999 []
<21:41:59> g_telemetryConfig = SP []
<21:41:59> net_inactivitytimeout = 3600 []
<21:41:59> net_inactivitytimeoutDevmode = 3600 []
<21:41:59> g_telemetrySampleRateSound = 5 []
<21:41:59> pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_speed_scale = 1 []
<21:42:01> i_mouse_accel = 0 [DUMPTODISK]
<21:42:01> i_mouse_smooth = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
<21:42:01> [Warning] Unknown command: r_MultiThreaded
<21:42:01> g_useHitSoundFeedback = 1 []
<21:42:01> g_skipIntro = 1 []
<21:42:01> r_Fullscreen = 1 [DUMPTODISK]
<21:42:12> [Lobby] Start SessionJoin error 0
<21:42:13> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:42:13> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.resetState' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:42:13> [Error] Error: GetVariable failed: can't resolve the path "_root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset" [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:42:13> [Error] Error: Can't find method '_level0._root.Root.SubScreenCurrent.selectFirstAsset' to invoke. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:42:14> pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_speed_scale = 0.75 []
<21:42:14> g_telemetrySampleRateSound = -1 []
<21:42:14> net_inactivitytimeoutDevmode = 10 []
<21:42:14> net_inactivitytimeout = 10 []
<21:42:14> g_telemetryConfig = none []
<21:42:14> ai_BurstWhileMovingDestinationRange = 2 []
<21:42:14> ai_CompatibilityMode = crysis2 []
<21:42:14> g_multiplayerDefault = 1 []
<21:42:14> net_enable_tfrc = 0 []
<21:42:14> g_battleDust_enable = 0 []
<21:42:14> sv_bandwidth = 30000 []
<21:42:14> g_fpDbaManagementEnable = 0 []
<21:42:14> g_hitDeathReactions_streaming = 2 []
<21:42:14> g_distanceForceNoIk = 35 []
<21:42:14> g_telemetryConfig = MP []
<21:42:14> g_telemetrySampleRatePerformance = 1 []
<21:42:14> g_telemetrySampleRateBandwidth = 3 []
<21:42:14> g_telemetrySampleRateMemory = 2 []
<21:42:14> net_packetsendrate = 20 []
<21:42:14> e_ViewDistRatio = 25 []
<21:42:14> e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 12 []
<21:42:14> e_VegetationMinSize = 0.1 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
<21:42:14> pl_melee.impulses_enable = 1 []
<21:42:14> pl_melee.angle_limit_from_behind = 70 []
<21:42:14> pl_melee.melee_snap_angle_limit = 55 []
<21:42:14> pl_melee.melee_snap_move_speed_multiplier = 12 []
<21:42:14> pl_melee.melee_snap_target_select_range = 3 []
<21:42:14> pl_melee.melee_snap_end_position_range = 1 []
<21:42:14> pl_melee.mp_victim_screenfx_blendout_duration = 0.25 []
<21:42:14> pl_melee.mp_victim_screenfx_duration = 0.1 []
<21:42:14> pl_airFrictionPerk_control.triggerAutomatically = 0 []
<21:42:14> pl_airFrictionPerk_control.fall_activation_height = 0 []
<21:42:14> pl_impulseEnabled = 1 []
<21:42:14> sv_AISystem = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
<21:42:14> e_StreamCgfPoolSize = 28 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistMinTurnScale = 0.5 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistMinTurnScale_IronSight = 0.4 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistSlowStartFadeinDistance = 1 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistSlowStopFadeinDistance = 3 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistSlowFalloffStartDistance = 40 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistMaxDistance = 75 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistMaxDistance_IronSight = 100 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistSlowThresholdOuter = 2.5 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistStrength = 0.7 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistStrength_IronSight = 0.75 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistInputForFullFollow_Ironsight = 0.2 []
<21:42:14> aim_assistFalloffDistance = 70 []
<21:42:14> pl_jump_maxTimerValue = http://www.mycrysis.com/forums/0 []
<21:42:14> net_log = 1 []
<21:42:14> g_spawn_vistable_numLineTestsPerFrame = 3 []
<21:42:14> net_breakage_sync_entities = 0 []
<21:42:14> g_breakageMinAxisInertia = 1 []
<21:42:14> g_glassAutoShatterMinArea = 0.5 []
<21:42:14> s_ObstructionMaxPierecability = 50 []
<21:42:14> g_actorViewDistRatio = 255 []
<21:42:14> controller_multiplier_x = 3 [RESTRICTEDMODE]
<21:42:14> controller_multiplier_z = 4 [RESTRICTEDMODE]
<21:42:14> g_playerLowHealthThreshold = 20 []
<21:42:14> g_playerMidHealthThreshold = 60 []
<21:42:14> p_max_entity_cells = 10000 []
<21:42:14> e_VegetationSprites = 0 []
<21:42:14> r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.002 []
<21:42:14> pl_movement.speedScaleWithoutNanosuit = 1.03 []
<21:42:14> pl_movement.sprint_SpeedScaleWithoutNanosuit = 1.61 []
<21:42:14> pl_movement.strafe_SpeedScaleWithoutNanosuit = 0.75 []
<21:42:14> pl_movement.sprint_timeInAirToStopSprinting = 0.5 []
<21:42:14> pl_stealth_shotgunDamageCap = 40 []
<21:42:14> pl_stealth_maxSpreadOnFire = 1 []
<21:42:14> pl_jump_quickPressThresh = 0.12 []
<21:42:14> pl_swimSpeedSprintSpeedMul = 1.5 []
<21:42:14> pl_swimUpSprintSpeedMul = 1.5 []
<21:42:14> pl_swimNoSuitSprintSpeedMul = 1.25 []
<21:42:16> Initializing default materials...
<21:42:16> [Lobby] Start UserGetPurchaseHistory error 0
<21:42:18> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'Objects/weapons/us/ay69/ay69_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:18> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'Objects/weapons/us/mk60/mk60_ironsight_tp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:18> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'Objects/weapons/us/grendel/grendel_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:19> [Lobby] Created local connection uid 0
<21:42:19> [Lobby] Start SessionCreate error 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 2 - 40503, 234471437
<21:42:19> Checksum 3 - 1310966757, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 4 - 881094794, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 5 - -2107925976, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 6 - -2025815872, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 7 - 849020123, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 8 - 1736118744, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 9 - -419874537, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 10 - -594936485, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 11 - 669203694, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 12 - -1707923163, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 13 - -1582038439, 1500
<21:42:19> Checksum 14 - -256898707, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 15 - -1093777320, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 16 - 1236324033, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 17 - 1939630554, 0
<21:42:19> Checksum 18 - -242363515, 3
<21:42:19> Checksum 19 - 1815969398, 0
<21:42:19> Final Checksum 0 - -2043575455
<21:42:19> Final Checksum 1 - -1906627042
<21:42:25> CGameBrowser::CancelSearching
<21:42:36> [Lobby] Start SessionJoin error 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 2 - 40503, 234471437
<21:42:39> Checksum 3 - 1310966757, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 4 - 881094794, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 5 - -2107925976, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 6 - -2025815872, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 7 - 849020123, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 8 - 1736118744, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 9 - -419874537, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 10 - -594936485, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 11 - 669203694, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 12 - -1707923163, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 13 - -1582038439, 1500
<21:42:39> Checksum 14 - -256898707, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 15 - -1093777320, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 16 - 1236324033, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 17 - 1939630554, 0
<21:42:39> Checksum 18 - -242363515, 3
<21:42:39> Checksum 19 - 1815969398, 0
<21:42:39> Final Checksum 0 - 57150464
<21:42:39> Final Checksum 1 - -1058042966
<21:42:40> [Error] OnlineAttributes - version mismatch (Not reading online attributes)
<21:42:40> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/IdleAnimationMP.gfx]
<21:42:40> [net 02:42:40.882] connection requested to: -1,66020,
<21:42:40> [net 02:42:40.882] resolved as:
<21:42:40> [net 02:42:40.882] There is no GameSpy service available
<21:42:40> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/IdleAnimationMP.gfx]
<21:42:43> Game rules class: TeamInstantAction
<21:42:43> ============================ PrepareLevel Wars/cw2_city_hall ============================
<21:42:44> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/IdleAnimationMP.gfx]
<21:42:44> Initializing default materials...
<21:42:44> [Error] AddFrameName(19, 'open') -- frame name already assigned to frame 1; overriding [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:42:44> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:42:44> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:42:44> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'stop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:42:44> [Error] Error: Invalid movie clip path; neither string nor object [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:42:44> [Error] Error: Invalid movie clip path; neither string nor object [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:42:44> [Error] Error: Invalid movie clip path; neither string nor object [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:42:44> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'loadMovie' on invalid object. [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:42:45> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/IdleAnimationMP.gfx]
<21:42:46> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/IdleAnimationMP.gfx]
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/shells/killcam/12gshot.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/ay69/ay69_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/feline/feline_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/feline/feline_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/grendel/grendel_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/kvolt/k-volt_ironsight.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/mk60/mk60_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/mk60/mk60_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/mk60/mk60_ironsight_tp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:46> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/scarab/scarab_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:47> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/IdleAnimationMP.gfx]
<21:42:47> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit_v2/nanosuit_v2_helmet.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:47> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/hammer/hammer_fp.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:47> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/jackal/jackal_fp.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:47> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/marshall/marshall.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:47> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/nova/nova_fp.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:47> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/revolver/revolver.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:47> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/scar_v2/scar_v2_fp.chr': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:48> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/IdleAnimationMP.gfx]
<21:42:48> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:48> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/library/props/rubble/buildingdebris_set_02_lod1.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:42:48> Registering TPS Extensions...
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'iaScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'InstantAction' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'iaScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'InstantAction' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'ctfScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'CaptureTheFlag' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'ctfScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'CaptureTheFlag' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'aonScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'AllOrNothing' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'aonScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'AllOrNothing' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'asScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'Assault' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'asScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'Assault' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'EXTScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'Extraction' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'EXTScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'Extraction' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'iaScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'InstantAction' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'ctfScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'CaptureTheFlag' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'aonScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'AllOrNothing' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'asScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'Assault' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> HUD: Skipping loading of HUDObject 'EXTScoreElement' as the gamemode(s) 'Extraction' doesn't match the current one
<21:42:48> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'stop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/allinone_hud_3d_mp.gfx]
<21:43:02> CActor::Ragdollize: gray71
<21:43:03> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:03> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:03> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:03> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:04> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:04> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:04> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:04> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:43:04> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:04> CActor::Ragdollize: SilentWEP
<21:43:04> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:05> CActor::Ragdollize: K4W4K4M1
<21:43:05> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:08> CActor::ClKill - 65195 'K4W4K4M1' killed by 65281 'gohan3000' (damage=24.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:09> CActor::NetReviveAt: gray71
<21:43:09> CActor::NetReviveAt: SilentWEP
<21:43:10> CActor::NetReviveAt: beeeman
<21:43:10> CActor::Ragdollize: paulmcdoodle
<21:43:10> CActor::ClKill - 65220 'transcendenz' killed by 65281 'gohan3000' (damage=22.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:10> CActor::NetReviveAt: transcendenz
<21:43:10> CActor::Ragdollize: transcendenz
<21:43:10> CActor::ClKill - 65207 'paulmcdoodle' killed by 65219 'Ovidius21' (damage=35.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:10> CActor::NetReviveAt: K4W4K4M1
<21:43:10> CActor::Ragdollize: K4W4K4M1
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'SilentWEP' has been set to be on team number 2
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'XeLzouL' has been set to be on team number 2
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'mrmarik' has been set to be on team number 2
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'K4W4K4M1' has been set to be on team number 1
<21:43:12> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'gohan3000' has been set to be on team number 2
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'beeeman' has been set to be on team number 2
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'transcendenz' has been set to be on team number 1
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'Ovidius21' has been set to be on team number 2
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'gray71' has been set to be on team number 1
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'katten442' has been set to be on team number 1
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'paulmcdoodle' has been set to be on team number 1
<21:43:12> CActor::Ragdollize: paulmcdoodle
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'alvarinho08' has been set to be on team number 2
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'CCD_HC' has been set to be on team number 1
<21:43:12> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'PykselDot' has been set to be on team number 1
<21:43:12> CActor::Ragdollize: PykselDot
<21:43:14> ======== cw2_city_hall is loaded in 30.4 sec ========
<21:43:14> [Error] Error: CallMethod - can't find method _level0.Root.SubScreen.Pane.Weapon0.ItemIcon.IconLoader.Update [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:43:14> [Error] Error: CallMethod - can't find method _level0.Root.SubScreen.Pane.Weapon1.ItemIcon.IconLoader.Update [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:43:14> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'Reset' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:43:14> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'Update' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:43:15> [Error] Error: CallMethod - can't find method _level0.Root.SubScreen.Pane.Weapon0.ItemIcon.IconLoader.Update [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:43:15> [Error] Error: CallMethod - can't find method _level0.Root.SubScreen.Pane.Weapon1.ItemIcon.IconLoader.Update [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:43:15> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'Reset' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:43:15> [Error] Error: CallMethod - 'Update' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_startmenu.gfx]
<21:43:15> CActor::NetReviveAt: paulmcdoodle
<21:43:16> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:43:16> CActor::NetReviveAt: PykselDot
<21:43:16> CActor::ClKill - 65297 'katten442' killed by 65219 'Ovidius21' (damage=37.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:17> CActor::Ragdollize: katten442
<21:43:24> CActor::NetReviveAt: katten442
<21:43:24> CActor::ClKill - 65282 'mrmarik' killed by 65232 'CCD_HC' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:24> CActor::Ragdollize: mrmarik
<21:43:25> CActor::NetReviveAt: mrmarik
<21:43:29> CActor::ClKill - 65207 'paulmcdoodle' killed by 65501 'alvarinho08' (damage=27.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:31> CActor::Ragdollize: paulmcdoodle
<21:43:31> CActor::NetReviveAt: paulmcdoodle
<21:43:33> CActor::ClKill - 65219 'Ovidius21' killed by 65220 'transcendenz' (damage=70.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:33> CActor::Ragdollize: Ovidius21
<21:43:35> CActor::NetReviveAt: Ovidius21
<21:43:38> CActor::ClKill - 65296 'XeLzouL' killed by 65297 'katten442' (damage=75.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:38> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:43:40> Recording last shot ID as 1390412260
<21:43:40> Recording last shot ID as 1391460836
<21:43:40> Recording last shot ID as 1392509412
<21:43:40> Recording last shot ID as 1393557988
<21:43:40> Recording last shot ID as 1394606564
<21:43:40> Recording last shot ID as 1395655140
<21:43:40> Recording last shot ID as 1396703716
<21:43:40> CActor::ClKill - 65282 'mrmarik' killed by 65207 'paulmcdoodle' (damage=54.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:40> CActor::ClKill - 65195 'K4W4K4M1' killed by 65215 'beeeman' (damage=60.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:41> Recording last shot ID as 1397752292
<21:43:41> Recording last shot ID as 1398800868
<21:43:41> Recording last shot ID as 1399849444
<21:43:41> CActor::Ragdollize: mrmarik
<21:43:41> Recording last shot ID as 1400898020
<21:43:41> Recording last shot ID as 1401946596
<21:43:42> Recording last shot ID as 1402995172
<21:43:42> Recording last shot ID as 1404043748
<21:43:42> CActor::NetReviveAt: mrmarik
<21:43:42> Recording last shot ID as 1405092324
<21:43:42> Recording last shot ID as 1406140900
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1407189476
<21:43:43> CActor::Ragdollize: K4W4K4M1
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1408238052
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1409286628
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1410335204
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1411383780
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1412432356
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1413480932
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1414529508
<21:43:43> Recording last shot ID as 1415578084
<21:43:44> Recording last shot ID as 1416626660
<21:43:44> ClAddPoints: Local player has scored 100 points
<21:43:44> CActor::ClKill - 65501 'alvarinho08' killed by 65042 'PykselDot' (damage=45.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:44> Recording last shot ID as 1417675236
<21:43:44> Recording last shot ID as 1418723812
<21:43:44> Recording last shot ID as 1419772388
<21:43:44> CActor::NetReviveAt: K4W4K4M1
<21:43:45> CActor::Ragdollize: alvarinho08
<21:43:45> Recording last shot ID as 1420820964
<21:43:45> Recording last shot ID as 1421869540
<21:43:45> Recording last shot ID as 1422918116
<21:43:46> Recording last shot ID as 1423966692
<21:43:46> CActor::NetReviveAt: XeLzouL
<21:43:46> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:43:47> Recording last shot ID as 1425015268
<21:43:47> Recording last shot ID as 1426063844
<21:43:47> Recording last shot ID as 1427112420
<21:43:47> CActor::NetReviveAt: alvarinho08
<21:43:47> CActor::Ragdollize: alvarinho08
<21:43:49> CActor::ClKill - 65215 'beeeman' killed by 65232 'CCD_HC' (damage=28.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:49> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:43:56> CActor::NetReviveAt: beeeman
<21:43:56> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:43:56> CActor::ClKill - 65282 'mrmarik' killed by 65207 'paulmcdoodle' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1428160996
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1429209572
<21:43:57> CActor::Ragdollize: mrmarik
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1430258148
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1431306724
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1432355300
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1433403876
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1434452452
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1435501028
<21:43:57> Recording last shot ID as 1436549604
<21:43:58> Recording last shot ID as 1437598180
<21:43:58> CActor::NetReviveAt: mrmarik
<21:43:58> ClAddPoints: Local player has scored 100 points
<21:43:58> Recording last shot ID as 1438646756
<21:43:58> Recording last shot ID as 1439695332
<21:43:58> CActor::ClKill - 65219 'Ovidius21' killed by 65042 'PykselDot' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:58> Recording last shot ID as 1440743908
<21:43:58> CActor::ClKill - 65042 'PykselDot' killed by 65281 'gohan3000' (damage=20.000000 type=bullet)
<21:43:58> CActor::Ragdollize: PykselDot
<21:43:58> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:43:58> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:43:58> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:43:59> CActor::Ragdollize: Ovidius21
<21:43:59> CActor::NetReviveAt: PykselDot
<21:43:59> CActor::Ragdollize: PykselDot
<21:44:00> CActor::ClKill - 65501 'alvarinho08' killed by 65220 'transcendenz' (damage=62.000000 type=melee)
<21:44:01> CActor::Ragdollize: alvarinho08
<21:44:03> CActor::NetReviveAt: Ovidius21
<21:44:03> CActor::Ragdollize: Ovidius21
<21:44:04> CActor::ClKill - 65296 'XeLzouL' killed by 65195 'K4W4K4M1' (damage=28.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:04> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:44:04> CActor::ClKill - 65195 'K4W4K4M1' killed by 65281 'gohan3000' (damage=21.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:04> CActor::Ragdollize: K4W4K4M1
<21:44:04> CActor::NetReviveAt: alvarinho08
<21:44:05> Recording last shot ID as 2916090340
<21:44:05> Recording last shot ID as 2917138916
<21:44:05> CActor::ClKill - 65232 'CCD_HC' killed by 65282 'mrmarik' (damage=27.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:05> Recording last shot ID as 2918187492
<21:44:06> Recording last shot ID as 2919236068
<21:44:06> Recording last shot ID as 2920284644
<21:44:06> Recording last shot ID as 2921333220
<21:44:06> CActor::ClKill - 65220 'transcendenz' killed by 65206 'SilentWEP' (damage=37.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:06> Recording last shot ID as 2922381796
<21:44:06> CActor::Ragdollize: CCD_HC
<21:44:06> Recording last shot ID as 2923430372
<21:44:06> CActor::Ragdollize: transcendenz
<21:44:06> Recording last shot ID as 2924478948
<21:44:07> Recording last shot ID as 2925527524
<21:44:07> Recording last shot ID as 2926576100
<21:44:07> Recording last shot ID as 2927624676
<21:44:07> Recording last shot ID as 2928673252
<21:44:07> Recording last shot ID as 2929721828
<21:44:08> Recording last shot ID as 2930770404
<21:44:08> Recording last shot ID as 2931818980
<21:44:08> Recording last shot ID as 2932867556
<21:44:08> Recording last shot ID as 2933916132
<21:44:08> Recording last shot ID as 2934964708
<21:44:08> Recording last shot ID as 2936013284
<21:44:08> Recording last shot ID as 2937061860
<21:44:08> Recording last shot ID as 2938110436
<21:44:09> Recording last shot ID as 2939159012
<21:44:09> Recording last shot ID as 2940207588
<21:44:09> Recording last shot ID as 2941256164
<21:44:09> CActor::NetReviveAt: CCD_HC
<21:44:09> CActor::Ragdollize: CCD_HC
<21:44:09> Recording last shot ID as 2942304740
<21:44:09> Recording last shot ID as 2943353316
<21:44:10> Recording last shot ID as 2944401892
<21:44:10> Recording last shot ID as 2945450468
<21:44:11> CActor::NetReviveAt: XeLzouL
<21:44:11> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:44:12> CActor::NetReviveAt: K4W4K4M1
<21:44:14> CActor::NetReviveAt: transcendenz
<21:44:14> CActor::Ragdollize: transcendenz
<21:44:17> Recording last shot ID as 2946499044
<21:44:17> Recording last shot ID as 2947547620
<21:44:17> Recording last shot ID as 2948596196
<21:44:17> Recording last shot ID as 2949644772
<21:44:17> Recording last shot ID as 2950693348
<21:44:17> Recording last shot ID as 2951741924
<21:44:18> Recording last shot ID as 2952790500
<21:44:18> Recording last shot ID as 2953839076
<21:44:18> Recording last shot ID as 2954887652
<21:44:18> Recording last shot ID as 2955936228
<21:44:18> Recording last shot ID as 2956984804
<21:44:19> CActor::ClKill - 65042 'PykselDot' killed by 65501 'alvarinho08' (damage=45.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:19> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:44:19> ClAddPoints: Local player has scored 40 points
<21:44:19> CActor::ClKill - 65501 'alvarinho08' killed by 65195 'K4W4K4M1' (damage=54.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:19> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:44:20> CActor::Ragdollize: PykselDot
<21:44:20> CActor::Ragdollize: alvarinho08
<21:44:21> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:44:21> CGameRulesMPSpectator::ClOnChangeSpectatorMode
<21:44:21> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:44:22> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:44:22> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:44:22> CActor::NetReviveAt: PykselDot
<21:44:27> CActor::NetReviveAt: alvarinho08
<21:44:31> CActor::ClKill - 65195 'K4W4K4M1' killed by 65281 'gohan3000' (damage=48.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:31> CActor::Ragdollize: K4W4K4M1
<21:44:31> CActor::ClKill - 65327 'gray71' killed by 65206 'SilentWEP' (damage=67.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:32> CActor::Ragdollize: gray71
<21:44:33> CActor::ClKill - 65207 'paulmcdoodle' killed by 65282 'mrmarik' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:34> CActor::Ragdollize: paulmcdoodle
<21:44:36> CActor::NetReviveAt: paulmcdoodle
<21:44:37> CActor::ClKill - 65215 'beeeman' killed by 65232 'CCD_HC' (damage=29.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:37> CActor::ClKill - 65232 'CCD_HC' killed by 65206 'SilentWEP' (damage=33.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:37> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:44:39> CActor::NetReviveAt: gray71
<21:44:39> CActor::ClKill - 65296 'XeLzouL' killed by 65207 'paulmcdoodle' (damage=20.000000 type=bullet)
<21:44:39> CActor::Ragdollize: CCD_HC
<21:44:40> CActor::NetReviveAt: CCD_HC
<21:44:40> CActor::NetReviveAt: K4W4K4M1
<21:44:41> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:44:45> CActor::NetReviveAt: beeeman
<21:44:45> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:44:47> CActor::NetReviveAt: XeLzouL
<21:44:47> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:44:49> CActor::ClKill - 65281 'gohan3000' killed by 65195 'K4W4K4M1' (damage=238.000000 type=frag)
<21:44:49> CActor::Ragdollize: gohan3000
<21:44:52> Recording last shot ID as 2925527524
<21:44:52> Recording last shot ID as 2926576100
<21:44:52> Recording last shot ID as 2927624676
<21:44:53> Recording last shot ID as 2928673252
<21:44:53> Recording last shot ID as 2929721828
<21:44:53> Recording last shot ID as 2930770404
<21:44:53> Recording last shot ID as 2931818980
<21:44:53> Recording last shot ID as 2932867556
<21:44:54> Recording last shot ID as 2933916132
<21:44:54> Recording last shot ID as 2934964708
<21:44:54> Recording last shot ID as 2936013284
<21:44:54> Recording last shot ID as 2937061860
<21:44:55> Recording last shot ID as 2938110436
<21:44:56> CActor::NetReviveAt: gohan3000
<21:45:03> CActor::ClKill - 65501 'alvarinho08' killed by 65232 'CCD_HC' (damage=23.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:03> CActor::Ragdollize: alvarinho08
<21:45:05> CActor::ClKill - 65215 'beeeman' killed by 65207 'paulmcdoodle' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:06> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:45:08> [RS] CLIENT: Entity 'sanjeshsn' has been set to be on team number 1
<21:45:08> CActor::Ragdollize: sanjeshsn
<21:45:10> CActor::NetReviveAt: alvarinho08
<21:45:12> CActor::ClKill - 65207 'paulmcdoodle' killed by 65282 'mrmarik' (damage=22.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:12> CActor::NetReviveAt: beeeman
<21:45:13> CActor::Ragdollize: paulmcdoodle
<21:45:15> CActor::ClKill - 65297 'katten442' killed by 65219 'Ovidius21' (damage=27.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:17> CActor::Ragdollize: katten442
<21:45:17> CActor::NetReviveAt: sanjeshsn
<21:45:19> CActor::NetReviveAt: paulmcdoodle
<21:45:20> Recording last shot ID as 2939159012
<21:45:21> Recording last shot ID as 2940207588
<21:45:21> Recording last shot ID as 2941256164
<21:45:21> Recording last shot ID as 2942304740
<21:45:21> Recording last shot ID as 2943353316
<21:45:21> Recording last shot ID as 2944401892
<21:45:21> Recording last shot ID as 2945450468
<21:45:21> Recording last shot ID as 2946499044
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2947547620
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2948596196
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2949644772
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2950693348
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2951741924
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2952790500
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2953839076
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2954887652
<21:45:22> CActor::NetReviveAt: katten442
<21:45:22> Recording last shot ID as 2955936228
<21:45:23> Recording last shot ID as 2956984804
<21:45:23> Recording last shot ID as 2958033380
<21:45:23> Recording last shot ID as 2959081956
<21:45:23> Recording last shot ID as 2960130532
<21:45:24> Recording last shot ID as 2961179108
<21:45:24> ClAddPoints: Local player has scored 100 points
<21:45:24> Recording last shot ID as 2962227684
<21:45:24> CActor::ClKill - 65206 'SilentWEP' killed by 65042 'PykselDot' (damage=60.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:24> Recording last shot ID as 2963276260
<21:45:24> Recording last shot ID as 2964324836
<21:45:24> Recording last shot ID as 2965373412
<21:45:24> Recording last shot ID as 2966421988
<21:45:25> CActor::ClKill - 65219 'Ovidius21' killed by 65195 'K4W4K4M1' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:25> CActor::Ragdollize: Ovidius21
<21:45:25> CActor::Ragdollize: SilentWEP
<21:45:29> CActor::ClKill - 65232 'CCD_HC' killed by 65282 'mrmarik' (damage=124.000000 type=frag)
<21:45:29> CActor::NetReviveAt: Ovidius21
<21:45:29> CActor::Ragdollize: CCD_HC
<21:45:31> CActor::NetReviveAt: CCD_HC
<21:45:34> CActor::NetReviveAt: SilentWEP
<21:45:35> CActor::ClKill - 65207 'paulmcdoodle' killed by 65296 'XeLzouL' (damage=33.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:35> CActor::ClKill - 65297 'katten442' killed by 65219 'Ovidius21' (damage=37.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:35> CActor::Ragdollize: katten442
<21:45:37> CActor::Ragdollize: paulmcdoodle
<21:45:42> CActor::NetReviveAt: paulmcdoodle
<21:45:43> CActor::NetReviveAt: katten442
<21:45:47> CActor::ClKill - 65281 'gohan3000' killed by 196098 'sanjeshsn' (damage=62.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:48> CActor::Ragdollize: gohan3000
<21:45:49> CActor::ClKill - 65195 'K4W4K4M1' killed by 65206 'SilentWEP' (damage=37.000000 type=bullet)
<21:45:49> CActor::Ragdollize: K4W4K4M1
<21:45:50> CActor::NetReviveAt: gohan3000
<21:45:52> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:45:52> CActor::ClKill - 65296 'XeLzouL' killed by 65220 'transcendenz' (damage=62.000000 type=melee)
<21:45:57> CActor::NetReviveAt: K4W4K4M1
<21:46:00> CActor::ClKill - 65206 'SilentWEP' killed by 65297 'katten442' (damage=133.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:00> CActor::NetReviveAt: XeLzouL
<21:46:00> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:46:01> CActor::Ragdollize: SilentWEP
<21:46:01> CActor::ClKill - 65327 'gray71' killed by 65282 'mrmarik' (damage=60.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:02> CActor::Ragdollize: gray71
<21:46:08> CActor::NetReviveAt: SilentWEP
<21:46:08> CActor::Ragdollize: SilentWEP
<21:46:09> CActor::NetReviveAt: gray71
<21:46:10> CActor::ClKill - 65195 'K4W4K4M1' killed by 65219 'Ovidius21' (damage=33.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:11> CActor::Ragdollize: K4W4K4M1
<21:46:11> CActor::ClKill - 65220 'transcendenz' killed by 65281 'gohan3000' (damage=24.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:11> Recording last shot ID as 2967470564
<21:46:11> Recording last shot ID as 2968519140
<21:46:11> Recording last shot ID as 2969567716
<21:46:11> Recording last shot ID as 2970616292
<21:46:12> Recording last shot ID as 2971664868
<21:46:12> Recording last shot ID as 2972713444
<21:46:12> Recording last shot ID as 2973762020
<21:46:12> Recording last shot ID as 2974810596
<21:46:12> Recording last shot ID as 2975859172
<21:46:12> CActor::NetReviveAt: transcendenz
<21:46:12> CActor::Ragdollize: transcendenz
<21:46:13> CActor::ClKill - 65297 'katten442' killed by 65215 'beeeman' (damage=54.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2976907748
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2977956324
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2979004900
<21:46:13> CActor::Ragdollize: katten442
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2980053476
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2981102052
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2982150628
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2983199204
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2984247780
<21:46:13> Recording last shot ID as 2985296356
<21:46:14> Recording last shot ID as 2986344932
<21:46:14> Recording last shot ID as 2987393508
<21:46:14> Recording last shot ID as 2988442084
<21:46:14> Recording last shot ID as 2989490660
<21:46:17> CActor::NetReviveAt: K4W4K4M1
<21:46:18> CActor::ClKill - 65219 'Ovidius21' killed by 65207 'paulmcdoodle' (damage=150.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:19> CActor::Ragdollize: Ovidius21
<21:46:20> CActor::ClKill - 65215 'beeeman' killed by 196098 'sanjeshsn' (damage=33.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:20> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:46:20> CActor::NetReviveAt: katten442
<21:46:20> CActor::Ragdollize: katten442
<21:46:21> CActor::NetReviveAt: Ovidius21
<21:46:21> CActor::Ragdollize: Ovidius21
<21:46:22> CActor::ClKill - 65232 'CCD_HC' killed by 65282 'mrmarik' (damage=128.000000 type=frag)
<21:46:22> CActor::Ragdollize: CCD_HC
<21:46:26> CActor::ClKill - 65042 'PykselDot' killed by 65501 'alvarinho08' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:27> CActor::NetReviveAt: beeeman
<21:46:27> CActor::Ragdollize: PykselDot
<21:46:28> CActor::ClKill - 65501 'alvarinho08' killed by 65220 'transcendenz' (damage=63.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:28> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:46:28> CGameRulesMPSpectator::ClOnChangeSpectatorMode
<21:46:28> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:46:29> CActor::Ragdollize: alvarinho08
<21:46:29> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:46:29> CActor::NetReviveAt: PykselDot
<21:46:29> CActor::Ragdollize: PykselDot
<21:46:29> CActor::Ragdollize: transcendenz
<21:46:30> CActor::ClKill - 65220 'transcendenz' killed by 65219 'Ovidius21' (damage=8190.000000 type=stealthKill)
<21:46:31> CActor::NetReviveAt: CCD_HC
<21:46:31> CActor::NetReviveAt: alvarinho08
<21:46:31> CActor::Ragdollize: alvarinho08
<21:46:33> CActor::ClKill - 65281 'gohan3000' killed by 65195 'K4W4K4M1' (damage=8190.000000 type=stealthKill)
<21:46:33> CActor::Ragdollize: gohan3000
<21:46:35> CActor::NetReviveAt: gohan3000
<21:46:35> CActor::Ragdollize: gohan3000
<21:46:36> CActor::ClKill - 196098 'sanjeshsn' killed by 65219 'Ovidius21' (damage=37.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:38> CActor::NetReviveAt: transcendenz
<21:46:38> CActor::Ragdollize: transcendenz
<21:46:38> CActor::Ragdollize: sanjeshsn
<21:46:39> CActor::NetReviveAt: sanjeshsn
<21:46:39> CActor::Ragdollize: sanjeshsn
<21:46:51> CActor::ClKill - 65281 'gohan3000' killed by 65232 'CCD_HC' (damage=49.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:51> CActor::ClKill - 65296 'XeLzouL' killed by 65297 'katten442' (damage=263.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:52> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:46:52> CActor::Ragdollize: gohan3000
<21:46:52> CActor::NetReviveAt: gohan3000
<21:46:54> CActor::ClKill - 65232 'CCD_HC' killed by 65282 'mrmarik' (damage=27.000000 type=bullet)
<21:46:54> CActor::Ragdollize: CCD_HC
<21:46:56> [LedgeGrab] - Transition was found to be none, forcing to eOLT_MidAir
<21:46:56> CActor::NetReviveAt: CCD_HC
<21:46:59> CActor::NetReviveAt: XeLzouL
<21:47:02> CActor::ClKill - 65327 'gray71' killed by 65215 'beeeman' (damage=20.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:02> CActor::Ragdollize: gray71
<21:47:03> CActor::ClKill - 65220 'transcendenz' killed by 65206 'SilentWEP' (damage=74.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:04> CActor::Ragdollize: transcendenz
<21:47:06> Recording last shot ID as 2946499044
<21:47:06> Recording last shot ID as 2947547620
<21:47:07> Recording last shot ID as 2948596196
<21:47:07> Recording last shot ID as 2949644772
<21:47:07> Recording last shot ID as 2950693348
<21:47:07> Recording last shot ID as 2951741924
<21:47:07> Recording last shot ID as 2952790500
<21:47:07> Recording last shot ID as 2953839076
<21:47:07> Recording last shot ID as 2954887652
<21:47:08> Recording last shot ID as 2955936228
<21:47:08> Recording last shot ID as 2956984804
<21:47:08> Recording last shot ID as 2958033380
<21:47:08> Recording last shot ID as 2959081956
<21:47:08> Recording last shot ID as 2960130532
<21:47:08> Recording last shot ID as 2961179108
<21:47:09> Recording last shot ID as 2962227684
<21:47:09> Recording last shot ID as 2963276260
<21:47:09> Recording last shot ID as 2964324836
<21:47:09> Recording last shot ID as 2965373412
<21:47:09> Recording last shot ID as 2966421988
<21:47:09> CActor::ClKill - 65215 'beeeman' killed by 65232 'CCD_HC' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:09> Recording last shot ID as 2967470564
<21:47:09> CActor::NetReviveAt: gray71
<21:47:10> Recording last shot ID as 2968519140
<21:47:10> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:47:10> Recording last shot ID as 2969567716
<21:47:10> Recording last shot ID as 2970616292
<21:47:10> Recording last shot ID as 2971664868
<21:47:10> Recording last shot ID as 2972713444
<21:47:10> Recording last shot ID as 2973762020
<21:47:10> Recording last shot ID as 2974810596
<21:47:10> CActor::NetReviveAt: transcendenz
<21:47:10> Recording last shot ID as 2975859172
<21:47:11> Recording last shot ID as 2976907748
<21:47:11> Recording last shot ID as 2977956324
<21:47:11> Recording last shot ID as 2979004900
<21:47:11> Recording last shot ID as 2980053476
<21:47:11> Recording last shot ID as 2981102052
<21:47:11> Recording last shot ID as 2982150628
<21:47:11> Recording last shot ID as 2983199204
<21:47:11> Recording last shot ID as 2984247780
<21:47:12> Recording last shot ID as 2985296356
<21:47:12> Recording last shot ID as 2986344932
<21:47:12> Recording last shot ID as 2987393508
<21:47:14> CActor::ClKill - 65042 'PykselDot' killed by 65296 'XeLzouL' (damage=37.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:14> CActor::Ragdollize: PykselDot
<21:47:16> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:47:16> CGameRulesMPSpawningBase::RequestRevive() player (PykselDot)
<21:47:16> CGameRulesMPSpectator::ClOnChangeSpectatorMode
<21:47:16> CActor::NetReviveAt: PykselDot
<21:47:16> CActor::Ragdollize: PykselDot
<21:47:19> CActor::NetReviveAt: beeeman
<21:47:23> Recording last shot ID as 2925527524
<21:47:23> Recording last shot ID as 2926576100
<21:47:23> Recording last shot ID as 2927624676
<21:47:23> Recording last shot ID as 2928673252
<21:47:23> Recording last shot ID as 2929721828
<21:47:23> Recording last shot ID as 2930770404
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2931818980
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2932867556
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2933916132
<21:47:24> CActor::ClKill - 65215 'beeeman' killed by 65042 'PykselDot' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2934964708
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2936013284
<21:47:24> ClAddPoints: Local player has scored 100 points
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2937061860
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2938110436
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2939159012
<21:47:24> CActor::Ragdollize: beeeman
<21:47:24> Recording last shot ID as 2940207588
<21:47:27> CActor::ClKill - 196098 'sanjeshsn' killed by 65501 'alvarinho08' (damage=54.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:28> CActor::Ragdollize: sanjeshsn
<21:47:30> CActor::NetReviveAt: sanjeshsn
<21:47:31> CActor::NetReviveAt: beeeman
<21:47:35> CActor::ClKill - 65296 'XeLzouL' killed by 65327 'gray71' (damage=75.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:36> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:47:38> CActor::ClKill - 65219 'Ovidius21' killed by 65220 'transcendenz' (damage=62.000000 type=melee)
<21:47:38> CActor::Ragdollize: Ovidius21
<21:47:41> CActor::NetReviveAt: Ovidius21
<21:47:41> CActor::Ragdollize: Ovidius21
<21:47:43> CActor::NetReviveAt: XeLzouL
<21:47:43> CActor::Ragdollize: XeLzouL
<21:47:44> CActor::ClKill - 65232 'CCD_HC' killed by 65501 'alvarinho08' (damage=30.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:45> CActor::Ragdollize: CCD_HC
<21:47:45> CActor::ClKill - 196098 'sanjeshsn' killed by 65282 'mrmarik' (damage=54.000000 type=bullet)
<21:47:46> CActor::Ragdollize: mrmarik
<21:47:46> ClAddPoints: Local player has scored 100 points
<21:47:46> CGameBrowser::CancelSearching
<21:47:46> CGameBrowser::CancelSearching
<21:47:46> [net 02:47:46.406] Disconnect dyn-62-104-179-207.server.4netplayers.de:64100; profid=0; cause=11; msg='Nub destroyed'
<21:47:46> [GameRules] destructing 284FD6C8
<21:47:46> UnLoadLevel End: 0.2 sec
<21:47:46> Initializing default materials...
<21:47:47> [Lobby] EndTask 18 (18) error 17
<21:47:47> [Lobby] EndTask 18 (18) error 17
<21:47:47> [Lobby] EndTask 18 (18) error 17
<21:47:47> [Lobby] EndTask 18 (18) error 17
<21:47:47> [Lobby] EndTask 18 (18) error 17
<21:47:47> [Lobby] Start SessionJoin error 0
<21:47:48> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'Objects/weapons/us/ay69/ay69_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:47:48> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'Objects/weapons/us/mk60/mk60_ironsight_tp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:47:48> [Error] Failed to compute texture mapping density for mesh 'Objects/weapons/us/grendel/grendel_ironsight_fp.cgf': faces are too small or have stretched mapping
<21:47:48> Checksum 2 - 40503, 234471437
<21:47:48> Checksum 3 - 1310966757, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 4 - 881094794, 640
<21:47:48> Checksum 5 - -2120702826, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 6 - -108195196, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 7 - -1738248578, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 8 - -2140725473, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 9 - 17875211, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 10 - 1831515319, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 11 - -726294883, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 12 - 42166671, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 13 - -1817109535, 1500
<21:47:48> Checksum 14 - 606119235, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 15 - 430613430, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 16 - 343314712, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 17 - -1727991364, 0
<21:47:48> Checksum 18 - 2019356682, 3
<21:47:48> Checksum 19 - -1323838075, 0
<21:47:48> Final Checksum 0 - -2035412333
<21:47:48> Final Checksum 1 - 1463524702
<21:47:48> [Lobby] EndTask 18 (18) error 17
<21:47:48> [Lobby] Start SessionDelete error 0
<21:47:48> [Lobby] Start SessionDelete error 0
<21:47:48> CryFixedArray::removeAt() failed as i=-1 is out of range of curSize=15
<21:47:49> [Lobby] Start UserGetPurchaseHistory error 28
<21:47:50> FSCommand: '-1265539629' 'ok'