Your "Oh crap, I'm screwed" moments...

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:16 pm

when i get trolled :/ i have had 4 at once before, when i was out in my unenchanted casual adventuring gear, i died in about 5 seconds
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:15 pm

I was in the shivering Isles and ran across my first active obelisk. I managed to deactivate it and kill the priest but then I had about 8 knights of order chasing my level 3 unarmored mystic archer. I died a few times and then took a break and played another save. I came back later and survived with a lot of running backward and a shield and restore health over time potion. Almost didn't make it that time though.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:52 am

Reavers? You play Oblivion and FO3 back to back? :)

Nope, Marts Monster Mod.
They essentially kick your ass rather fast if theres more than 5 in a group right in your face.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:50 am

Just remembered another "I'm screwed moment".

I was down in an Ayleid ruin as an archer character, and after a harrowing battle through the main area, I came up to some kind of underground zone and had to face off against a lich.

So there I am, firing my iron arrows at the thing, madly packpedalling until I saw the messages saying I was doing no damage. I turn to flee and get confronted by a zombie - I pull my bow up to loose off a close range arrow when I see that I have used all my arrows up against the (very mad and unhurt) lich.

Needless to say, sandwhiched between zombie and lich, I died pretty quickly. :(
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:13 am

Was doing the thieves guild quest where you steal the carro ring from the castle. Instead of wimping out through the secret tunnel, I go for a challenge. As a level 3 kahjit thief, whose best weapon is an iron dagger, I was just coming out of the countesses room, having stolen everything of value, even pickpocketing the count for his gold. Going in, I was lucky, and didnt see the guard. Walked right into him going out though. See, paying fines or going to jail, didnt seem like a good idea, since, oh hey, I had a few hundred gold worth of stolen stuff. And breaking out of jail is a pain. Took me like 10 tries to avoid the guard(luckily I quicksave alot).
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Abi Emily
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:25 am

when i stumbled across the unicorn and its friend exploreing the lands for ruins
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:30 am

This hasn't happened to me since I got the unofficial patch, since it fixes the acrobatics equation, but I really hate that moment most of you probably know when you are riding a very fast horse downhill and accidentally catch a bit of air, then hit the ground, killing the horse, and lingering for what seems like forever before seeing your character's feet hit the ground and, nine times out of ten, dying instantly.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:12 am

I had some OC-IS moments after I first installed the OOO mod.

Usually they involved getting gang-mobbed in a ruin when I got backed into a corner. Yeah, no fun when you get disarmed and your favorite weapon falls through the floor too! :facepalm:
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:53 am

Playing with OOO and MMM there can be quite a few.

With my current character at a low level, I decided to venture out of Skingrad and pick some flowers (for alchemy of course). I was at a low level so I figured I'd stick close to the city. But still I ran into a few mountain lions. Who quickly killed my character. I don't play dead is dead for reasons such as this. But if my character gets killed I do feel bad and try to redo just to see if I could survive. And I save alot. So I load a save followed what it did before as though i didn't know the mountain lions where there, and still got killed. After several tries was able to survive by somehow avoiding some of their attacks and getting to an area where others could attack the lions. But is was very difficult. Eventually Mountain Lines are no problem, but at low levels they hurt.

Other than than there are two other such cases generically

One involved traps. With OOO traps are really deadly. In one Fort I was doing very well against some conjurers, then I hear dart sounds and immediately though OCIS, and I was.

The other is with paralysis. If I high level enemy like a Goblin Warlord attacks and your character gets paralyze there is little you can do except hope you have enough health. For roleplaying reasons I tend to not drink healing potions when paralyzed (after all if your character is paralyzed how can he or she grab the potion). And with OOO/MMM there are more chances for paralysis, like with Uberhulks or Giant Spiders.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:39 am

My battlemage had the funniest one ever. I have a Charm spell of 3 sec for 100, so bartering is really easy. I went into The Fighters Chance to buy some repair hammers in the Imperial City Market District. Without even thinking i use my selected spell. Instead of the green light associated with illusion magic, i saw red. I actually tried to turn my character to avoid hitting the shop keeper. It didnt work... my spell hit her...and she flew....straight up? Because i had been panning my view up to avoid hitting her i actually saw her limp body hit the ceiling and slam down on top of the counter in front of me. Normally I would have just been like...damn i need to reload. But it was late at night, i was so immersed in the role-playing experience, the first thought that came to my mind was
"I gotta get outta here!!!". I turn to to leave, but apparently the guards heard me because as soon as i turn to leave i hear the all too familiar, "Stop! You have violated the law!".

Good times, i just recently started playing again though so im bringin it back baby!
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:53 am

My battlemage had the funniest one ever. I have a Charm spell of 3 sec for 100, so bartering is really easy. I went into The Fighters Chance to buy some repair hammers in the Imperial City Market District. Without even thinking i use my selected spell. Instead of the green light associated with illusion magic, i saw red. I actually tried to turn my character to avoid hitting the shop keeper. It didnt work... my spell hit her...and she flew....straight up? Because i had been panning my view up to avoid hitting her i actually saw her limp body hit the ceiling and slam down on top of the counter in front of me. Normally I would have just been like...damn i need to reload. But it was late at night, i was so immersed in the role-playing experience, the first thought that came to my mind was
"I gotta get outta here!!!". I turn to to leave, but apparently the guards heard me because as soon as i turn to leave i hear the all too familiar, "Stop! You have violated the law!".

Good times, i just recently started playing again though so im bringin it back baby!

That's hilarious, I would've laughed my BUTT off! :rofl:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:58 am

Well, it all started when I equipted my daedric dagger and attacked Sheogorath and you know the rest.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:38 am

We've all been there, in a huge fight with someone or some creature, no Health potions, out of Magicka, and you said: "Oh crap, I'm screwed, I'm GOING to die!"

I just had one of those moments. I was 'escorting' Guilbert Jemane to Chorrol just for fun when I got simultaneously attacked by a Highwayman and a Mountain Lion! :ohmy:

Mountain Lions HURT too, ugh. I died quickly being only at Level 10 right now. :( I was frustrated, but didn't have to redo much after reloading my 'autosave'.

What are yours?

(I've been kind of a TES Forum junkie today, lol, posted like 5 new Topics, commenting like a mad man, but they've all been good discussions. :) )

Seriously, mountain lions is the worst thing you can encounter between lvl 10 and 20, especially if you haven't specialized in close quarters combat. If you get caught alone in an open plain, there's pretty much no escape, because it will run you down, even on horse back.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:17 pm

A snip from Episode 24 of Buffy's Journal. Not her finest moment:

* * *
I stood in horror as the vampire ignored the paralyze effect, his charge unabated. Pale red eyes clearly reflected torment and fury as the long sword in his right hand swept straight out to one side, preparing to swing.

My left hand came up as Daenlin had taught me. Simultaneously, Boderi Farano's training caused white magic to flash into my bow, strengthening it to meet the oncoming attack. I braced myself to block, even as I began to form a spell that could command the vampire.

The orc's horizontal slash mercifully slammed into one of the nearby wooden support beams with a thunderous explosion of splinters and dust. The mountain of green flesh and heavy armor bearing down on me however, did not stop. His body struck my reinforced bow and I was swept from my feet. The growing spell in my right hand fizzled as the vampire's momentum drove both of us into the wall behind me.

There was a flash of light, then I was swallowed by silent blackness.

I was fighting to breathe as I awoke under a crushing weight. Struggling, I managed to push and shove the dead monster that covered me until I could gratefully fill my lungs. Then I kicked and wormed my legs out from underneath the orc until I was able to sit up. I drew both knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. My shaking became uncontrollable, then turned to sobs.

* From Buffy's scrapbook:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:59 am

I was in an Oblivion plane,just dispatched a daedroth and a clannfear.Low health,not paying attention,I turn around wondering why the battle music is still playing and there before me are three balrogs.I fought very bravely and died very quickly.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:07 am

I was doing the Kvatch quest where you have to "attack" the chapel, and as I walked through the gate I was attacked by two Spider Daedra, their Spiderlings, and a Dremora Kynmarcher. I was all "the f***?", but then I realised how high a level I was (17). I almost died, though, as they caught me off-guard.

EDIT: EPIC grammar fail. :/
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:46 pm

The best one I can think of is being at the top of an Oblivion tower and getting blasted by a warhammer wielding valkynaz. On the long way down you learn a valuable lesson. Keep your back towards a wall.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:18 pm

When my son was 5 at the time, and saved over a 100+ hour game. :D
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emma sweeney
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:09 am

It have happened to me 2 times.
Number 1: Stumbled across umbra and accidently hit her with a spell. No big deal you say? Try to take her on lvl 3 in melee without anything but gear salvaged from marauders and 3 weak healing potions. Not fun, at all.
Number 2: Lvl 50 with my custom warrior-mage orc. I fougth the Gatekeeper without any of the items that make him easier to beat. Took me about 45 min to take him down with 4 retreats and only a few potions left. That was pretty challenging.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:21 pm

In the mod chainbeasts, I was put in a James Bond movie style trap. To access a dungeon I had to be captured by the chainbeast monster in the mod, then I was released it had taken all my weapon and armor and I was unable to equip any, in addition I was silenced leaving hand to hand, sneak, potions and scrolls as my only tool.
I killed some rats and used a summon frost elemental scroll to kill a chainbeast.

Now I managed to get captured by another chainbeast and was dragged to a pillory and was unable to move like I if was paralyzed, next I was attacked by two mudcrabs who I was sure would kill me, however I had some reflect damage potions and drank two, this caused the mudcrabs to kill themselves so I could wait until I was freed.
Think that beats the standard Oblivion traps :)

The potions I was lucky to bring with me reminds me about my most memorable fight ever: the werewolf labyrinth in Bloodmoon, I played as an archer, they was pretty weak in Morrowind and was in a labyrinth with lots of werewolves who was able to kill me in 2-3 hits, while I had to shoot them 4-5 times to kill them.
I used summoned golden saints and had a soldier who was also captured as help.
At one point I was attacked by three werewolves I understood I had a problem, after a couple of seconds the golden saint and the soldier was dead and more wolfs arrived and I know I was dead. Started looking through my inventory for help and found a ring I made weakness to fire 100% + fire damage 100 in 30 feet on target, in desperation I equipped it and started to fire it wildly. Between the flashes I saw more and more werewolves arrive but they all died before reaching me, used the ring until the “item is out of charge” messages filled the screen and the ground was covered with dead werewolves. The final boss battle was an anticlimix after that.
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jason worrell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:58 pm

My oh crap moment was when i fell of one of those stupid and really really thin bridges in between the oblivion towers without saving, and my last save was about 2 hours ago.

i was just sat there staring at the screen for about 2 minutes... :mellow:
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:44 am

My oh crap moment was when i fell of one of those stupid and really really thin bridges in between the oblivion towers without saving, and my last save was about 2 hours ago.

i was just sat there staring at the screen for about 2 minutes... :mellow:

Oh I feel your pain. After this happening like 10 times I realized about Rule Number 1. :D
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Je suis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:02 am

Running into an Ayleid Ruin and aggroing all the Conjurers and Deadra. I acutally made it out.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:18 am

I was at level 3 and had run all the way to Bravil, just before i get to Bravil i see and i go inside. Once inside i fight my way trough the Imps and get longer and longer inside of the cave, Suddenly a huge Troll comes out of nowhere and the only thing that comes to my mind is

:ahhh: I'M SCREWED :ahhh:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:13 am

I had my 'oh crap!' moment when i was exploring the eastern mountainridge untill i came across the corpse of Agner the Unwavering. I cought some movement in the corner of my screen.... that was when the "im screwed!"-thought hit me... swiftly followed by a dull thud on my armor.....and a load screen.

Damn you Uderfrykte! :swear:
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