Your "Oh crap, I'm screwed" moments...

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:33 am

I was at level 3 and had run all the way to Bravil, just before i get to Bravil i see and i go inside. Once inside i fight my way trough the Imps and get longer and longer inside of the cave, Suddenly a huge Troll comes out of nowhere and the only thing that comes to my mind is

:ahhh: I'M SCREWED :ahhh:

Remember my first troll, I run all the way back to town and let the guards kill it.
Riding has it's own excitements, once i arrived at the target dungeon and run into a mage and a fire elemental, turned around and saw five wolfs and a bandit.
Horses in Skyrim should [censored] landmines if we don't get mounted combat. :)
And this is today mod challenge.
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:40 am

All the time with OOO. They arrange for npc enemies to bunch up in rooms. So I will be in sneak mode and see a single hooded figure standing just inside the doorway. I know that s has just hit the fan when four spectral warriors come flying out with steam blasting out of their spectral ears. Other times it's been mountain lions. And lastly this, but first I have to say that I am using Attribute-Based and Skill-Based Damage Modifiers which multiply damage immensely, if I am already in combat with other enemies and the dungeon also spawns rats then a single rat can spell disaster. The first hit will stun me when I don't expect it, and while I'm reeling and wondering what hit me the rat will finish me off with two free hits. Rats must be really skilled with their attacks.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:18 am

While traveling on the road to Skingrad from the Imperial City, exhausted and slightly injured from a near-miss while performing her duties as an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood, Noveni suddenly became distracted by the sight of a gleaming white structure peeking through the trees. She knew it was an Ayleid ruin, as she had passed this way many times before, but she had never given it much thought until now. Unable to ignore her adventurous spirit, urging her to check it out, despite the fact that her armor was torn and the blade of her sword in need of sharpening, the red-eyed Dunmer assassin started heading off the road to see what she could find. But as she approached the ancient structure, certain she would find a great wealth of treasure inside, she was ambushed by a black bear, a troll and a land dreugh all at once. Without healing potions and lacking in her magical capabilities because she had been neglecting her studies at the Arcane University for the past several months, Noveni knew that she didn't stand a chance. But, like a true warrior, she took in a deep breath, mumbling a quick prayer to the Night Mother under her breath, and drew her sword. She was not going down without a fight!

Rest in peace, brave and noble hero/villain.... :violin:
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:12 am

The worst was just before the battle of Burma. I went into a gate got the stone and left. My armor was toast, weapons wrecked, health almost zero, no magic energy and no potions. I shouted I MADE IT!!! And from around the corner of the wrecked gate walk 5 spider demons and a fire demon. The first thing I, not my character thought was OH S**T.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:25 pm

"Damn that was a tough fight"

*looks at corpse of Ogre on the floor.

*hears noise

*sees 3 Ogres

"Aww crap"
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:21 am

"Damn that was a tough fight"

*looks at corpse of Ogre on the floor.

*hears noise

*sees 3 Ogres

"Aww crap"

Three ogres? No worries :

Although this is not fragile little Buffy of course, the young lady in the video uses the exact same voice set as Buffy (if anyone has ever wondered what Buffy sounds like). :wavey:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:43 pm

Three ogres? No worries :

Although this is not fragile little Buffy of course, the young lady in the video uses the exact same voice set as Buffy (if anyone has ever wondered what Buffy sounds like). :wavey:

"I'll try anything once." was perfect at the end! Suddenly I have the urge to start a game as Cassia Clay, or Georgiana Foreman!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:55 am

Anytime I get gang banged by 2 or more ogres :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:02 am

I`m having an "oh crap" moment right now! *paused Xbox*

Doing the fighter guild quest for Lord Rudguumph or whatever he`s called. I left his estate to find his daughter, found her plus the 3 ogres..I am now running around the estate being chased by the 3 of them and i`m out of arrows..
`Tis a hairy moment as my character is quite weak still..I loves it :D
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:46 am

Well once I was doing Unfinished Business (at a very low level), and got directed to Fallen Rock cave. So after finding the cave, I just walk in carelessly like I owned the place. Then, BAM! I got ambushed by about 4 or 5 dread zombies. I miraculously kill all of them, although I ended up with very low health. A minute later, I kept exploring the cave, and I walk into a large room. And then 3 more zombies come out of nowhere and kill me in a matter of seconds. :sadvaultboy:
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Elle H
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:31 pm

I decided to try out this new spell I just made on the Arcane Tower. So I shot my fireball up about halfway and see this huge explosion of flames. My smile then quickly turns to horror as I see 3 battlemages on fire running towards me...
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:22 am

I`m having an "oh crap" moment right now! *paused Xbox*

Doing the fighter guild quest for Lord Rudguumph or whatever he`s called. I left his estate to find his daughter, found her plus the 3 ogres..I am now running around the estate being chased by the 3 of them and i`m out of arrows..
`Tis a hairy moment as my character is quite weak still..I loves it :D

Heh. Review post #56 above and break out your fists. :foodndrink:
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:42 am

I actually have 2

1st - First time I tried the quest to get the manor at Anvil. You know that lich in the basemant? I had a weapon that had around 15pts of damage health enchant, and he had quite a good spell reflection rate. I got lucky I had the idea to switch to the silver dagger I had just picked up, or else I'd be dead. hell, I finished the fight with about 5 hp left

2nd - I had just dropped ALL my stuff at my Skingrad house. all I had was 2 rings and some noble's clothing. But about half an hour later, I forgot I had no equipment, entered the arena, and started a fight with those 3 minotaur lords...
You have NEVER seen so many pop-ups telling "your hand-to-hand skill has increased" in a single fight lol.
But oh god did I feel like Chuck Norris after coming out of it alive
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Matt Terry
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:55 am

In Shivering Isles, I fought off one knight of the order and four replaced it. I had no hope in hell.
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:44 pm

I was going through the cavern under Anvil castle, with my ranger character. Walked up to the first skeleton I saw and fired an arrow at it, only to learn (after three runthroughs of Oblivion and two of Morrowind >.<) that arrows don't do jack to skeletons. I was suddenly surrounded by six skeletons who quickly hacked my stupid butt to pieces.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:53 am

Last night. At the pool of reflection to see my character real self in Shivering Isles.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:46 am

My battlemage had the funniest one ever. I have a Charm spell of 3 sec for 100, so bartering is really easy. I went into The Fighters Chance to buy some repair hammers in the Imperial City Market District. Without even thinking i use my selected spell. Instead of the green light associated with illusion magic, i saw red. I actually tried to turn my character to avoid hitting the shop keeper. It didnt work... my spell hit her...and she flew....straight up? Because i had been panning my view up to avoid hitting her i actually saw her limp body hit the ceiling and slam down on top of the counter in front of me. Normally I would have just been like...damn i need to reload. But it was late at night, i was so immersed in the role-playing experience, the first thought that came to my mind was
"I gotta get outta here!!!". I turn to to leave, but apparently the guards heard me because as soon as i turn to leave i hear the all too familiar, "Stop! You have violated the law!".

Good times, i just recently started playing again though so im bringin it back baby!

LOL! Oh, roleplaying...

I have two:
One during the MG quest where you need to go to some Ayleid ruins and help them do an excavation. When I took the
Ancient Ayleid Helm, and all the undead appeared, filling the entire room. After yelling some profanities I bolted for the exit, gave the helm to the mage there and ran off, never looking back.

And when I was in Frostfire Glade fighting the guardian... And then I found out that I was also freezing to death. Good times.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:07 am

Attacked by a giant spider, (MMM)
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:19 am

Playing a mod where I have to clear out a maze of caves for a Guild. Got in decently far, killing a few wolves and rats, nothing big. I might add I was a level 2 mage at that point. I'm sneaking through the caves, take a turn and end up almost falling down into a lowered area with 4 Savage Ogres. Needless to say, I high-tailed out of there and spent the next four days gathering and hiring four Fighters Guild members with what little gold I had and eventually went back in a kicked some ass and lost 3 of those four Fighters :(

But the chase when I first landed in that nest of Orges was quite epic though the twisting caves. Almost dies three times but would always just get far enough away to pop a health potion before running off again (mod prevents me from running s short time after consuming potions so its risky if they are nearby).
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:07 am

I am of an age when thinking through things seems to assist greatly. It is calming and if you have the "right equipment" then you can get through. In Oblivion, it has been a long time since anything has had the ability to take me down. A Daedric Valkynaz Prince was the last. It was unexpected, and the NPC's had angered it. it tore most of us apart. And after reload and thinking about it, it was not too hard. You have to give yourself advantage. Sometimes the advantage is to exclude the NPC's from the fight. Recently on an "Anvil Type" gate, on the first cutback level in the Plane rather than caves, two Seducers and a Clanfear discovered me. I knew that they knew where I was. I carefully took stock, and launched in with appropriate weaponry (two handed glass axe with significant shock damage enchantment). It must be some form of berserker focus. The things I fear getting jumped by now are the Valkynaz, tough tough dudes with the daedric two handed hammer mashers, and the Frost Titans. Ogres are tough, but you can jump out of the way, and they are slow enough to allow you multiple strikes.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:14 am

My Breton usually travels with two companions. Now one day they entered an ayleid ruin, intent on finding treasure. With some bad luck the group split after she crossed a bridge which shattered under their feet, leaving her alone on the other side. They darted off to find a way around and she made off on her own. It went well until all of a sudden there was a series of thuds behind her. Turn around and there are three, yes three, minotaurs. It left her battered but luckily those companions came in the last minute!

Was very fun! :lol:
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:03 am

I was doing that Quest for the Fighters Guild where you have to find the journal for Maglir.

All I'm going to say is I have OOO installed with slower levelling, so I'm only about level 3 at the moment....when I walk down into a cave bit filled with water and about 6 Mud Golems! That's not the half of it, all I had to heal myself was the original minor heal you start with at the beginning of the game!

Lets just say I used my Nordic Frost on one of them and hit him a couple of times with my sword and a couple of Flares....and his health bar hadn't moved ONCE!

I ran....
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:19 am

For the first time playing any tes game, I started with Oblivion. My "Oh crap, I'm screwed" moment was realizing that my character was completely a bad way. After doing a bunch of Shivering Isles quests and getting rare items I decided to return to Tamriel and buy a home. After sleeping I leveled up for the first time. After figuring out how to level up, I spammed healing spells until I leveled up a few more times. I had strange dreams in the process. This was my first time sleeping so I didn't know what to expect.
I fast traveled to the Imperial city. The stores were closed to I decided I should try sleeping in an Inn until morning. I ran eagerly to the weapon shop to see what I could find. Evidently, the basic steel weapons are better than my sword of dawn and dusk. In fact, everything I bought was better than the hard earned items I found in my adventures. After spending a decent amount of time buying and selling I stepped outside and was insta killed.

Evidently I was infected with vampirism at some point in my travels. I was a Breton mage that isn't all that stealthy or healthy at all. I learned that weapons and artifacts are "leveled" meaning I indeed found the best items in the game but they are useless because I picked them up at level one. Wolves seemed to kill me as well, and I then learned that enemies got stronger and stronger. (Ok, technically a higher tiered wolf killed me, but those wolves eventually replace weaker wolves)

I then stopped playing Oblivion until a year and a half later I picked it up again and started a new character. This time, avoiding any quests that seemed interesting so I wouldn't ruin that file as well. It was very boring. For my forth or fifth character, I chose better skills and bonuses and didn't begin playing until I was level 20. Just sitting in a room summoning a skeleton leveling up my major skills by sneaking, smacking, burning, and summoning it.
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Scarlet Devil
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:25 am

When umbra killed my clanfear in 3 seconds.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:05 am

When I tried to steal for the first time in Imperial City :spotted owl:
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