» Tue May 17, 2011 11:18 am
While traveling on the road to Skingrad from the Imperial City, exhausted and slightly injured from a near-miss while performing her duties as an assassin for the Dark Brotherhood, Noveni suddenly became distracted by the sight of a gleaming white structure peeking through the trees. She knew it was an Ayleid ruin, as she had passed this way many times before, but she had never given it much thought until now. Unable to ignore her adventurous spirit, urging her to check it out, despite the fact that her armor was torn and the blade of her sword in need of sharpening, the red-eyed Dunmer assassin started heading off the road to see what she could find. But as she approached the ancient structure, certain she would find a great wealth of treasure inside, she was ambushed by a black bear, a troll and a land dreugh all at once. Without healing potions and lacking in her magical capabilities because she had been neglecting her studies at the Arcane University for the past several months, Noveni knew that she didn't stand a chance. But, like a true warrior, she took in a deep breath, mumbling a quick prayer to the Night Mother under her breath, and drew her sword. She was not going down without a fight!
Rest in peace, brave and noble hero/villain.... :violin: