so i just want to know who your cureent character is, what there doing, and their background stories :toughninja:
right so i suppose ill tell you my one first .... :cryvaultboy:
so ive got this wood elf * tree hugger- ill tell you later* called *manihold drenlith*, hes getting on in age, with a cool grey hairstyle, but not alot to his name...yet
ive been working on his back ground story and think ive found a pretty thrilling one-
so manihold was born in the deep forests of valenwood, in a thriving wood-elf village, his mother was a talented healer and midwife, his father ran a succesfull buisness as a shopkeeper.
he soon became apparant that manihold was very clever, he was always picked upon by the other children , therefor had very little social contact.still manihold wasent too worried, he spent most days with his father, who taught him everythign he know about his trade, and soon trusted to run the shop whilst he went to other counties to recive special deliviries.
he was talented in the uses of plants aswell, and at the age of 8 could whip up an ecellant draught to cure most illnesses.
now, in maniholds day, books were a rareity and very exspencive, even in the richer counties such as cyrodil they were more uncommon.
on his 14th birthday, his farther gave him a rather p;d and dusty mages tomb, manihold knew both cyrodillic and elvenish and his mother had taught him how to read and write, as he pored into the dusty volume ( and finshed it in a surprisingly short time) he learnt of the mages guild, an organisation dedicated to the art of magics. his father had never allowed manihold to use, or even read about magic, and had clearly not known what the book was about.
over the followign years, manihold managed to scavange 3 mroe books on magic away form his father ( due to him useing a spell to magically enhance the volume of his wine)
at 19 years old, tradagey befalled manihold, his mother was killed by bandits whilst on a return journey from her midwinfing duties, driven by grief manihodl departs the scene, with a handfull of gold and the clotheso n his back.
he travels for many years, living a rather flighty exsistance, finding a job here or there, sleeping under the stars, even hunting for his own dinner!
our woodelf friend emerges in the land of elywer, in a distant port town, now a dahsingly handsome young man.
news from the north is not good, war rages across this patch of land, and as the enemys soilders march further towards the town, fearing for his life, manihold flees on a *passenger* ship.
it soons become apparant that manihold has fallen into a trap, and has came across some slave smugglers!
he is sodl to some rich imperial in black marsh, and lives a misrable exsistance as a slave for many years, his master is cruel and beatings are commonplace in this violant world. one day, he finally manages to escape, on the run from the imperial legion, he returns home, disatar meets him.
all he finds in his burnt down home is his fathers skelton, a handfull of black candals and a note " for crimes against the mages guild- but thats it*
several decades later, manihold is now living in a pretty skyrim village, a loacal at the pub * partially because hes the cleaner, but the ales good aswell*
but when a large group of mages swoop down apon the town, wrecking death and destruction everywhere, manihold mages to desperatly escape into the dreaded cyrodil, only to be arrested by several battalemages, accused of several murderes he hasent done * and some petty thievery he may have done...at some time in his travels* and he is chucked into the imperial prison for life, when he escapes the first thing he does it approach the mages guild, not to try and find otu why his farther was killed, because he tried that a decade or so ago in daggerfall- no to JOIN it.
but as manihold advances into the guild, will he find the terrable secrets that lie behing his farthers shady death?
and when he does, can he ocmpesate the truth?
what do you guys think
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