What's going down in the Mojave?!?!
Here's what I would like to know:
What's happening with your current Character?
What's your current goals?
What quests are you currently doing?
Found anything strange/interesting?
How rich are you?
What play style have you chosen? (Assassin, run and gun, Melee etc.)
Playing on hardcoe?
What difficulty are you playing on?
I'll start:
I'm in Novac with my latest character selling things and storing things in my house. My goal is to get a good stock of ammo, food and stims together and proceed to New Vegas. I'm currently working on ED-E my love, interesting quest but too low of a level to get to places. Nothing interesting found at the moment, not that into it though but hopefully I'll find something interesting. I'm poor, 1762 caps but I suppose I have a steady supply of things. I've chosen assassin as it's easiest to pick of targets from a distance, but if needed I do have a shotgun at hand to kill any who wish to get close. I am indeed playing on hardcoe with the difficulty at Very Hard, I love a challenge!