Your Dovahkiin

Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:21 pm

I'm just curious as to how you guys will be making your characters. Name, race, six, abilities, backstory, etc. You can either leave a comment with a brief explanation of your character, or send me a link to a textbook's worth of information on the hero that you created specifically for Skyrim! I just want to know about YOUR Dragonborn!
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:26 am

Name: Shiloh
six: Female
Race: Not 100% certain yet (want to see the racial traits)
Abilities: One-Handed (daggers) and Archery, Alchemy, Light Armor, Speech, Sneak, Lockpicking and Pickpocketing. and Possibly Enchanting + Cooking (isn't an actual skill)
Back story: might add this later honestly don't feel like writing it up atm :D

Shiloh will obviously be a thief / assassin character, not sure how much I could learn and what the limitations would be but I may throw smiting in there as well cause I like crafting and possibly restoration & illusion. to compliment survival / stealth
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:05 am

No! i'm done with these Threads! i keep posting my character but you people just won't stop making the Threads about the same thing! :ahhh:
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evelina c
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:48 pm

I have no clue. My first is usually a dark elf but with the whole dragonborn I think the first playthrough should be nord. Probably won't know until I have to decide on the 11th
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:29 am

Name: undecided
Race: probably Dunmer (nostalgia reasons, as my first character in previous TES games was Dunmer)
six: Female
Abilities: sneak, lockpicking, and pickpocketing at first (starting out as a thief)
Backstory: undecided
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:30 pm

Well, I'll try and make my character in the game reflect myself as close as possible. So I'll probably end up either being a Nord or Imperial warrior. Whenever a choice has to be made, I'l treat the decision like it is one im making in real life for myself. My second playthrough will be a different story... I'll just [censored] everybody up. :gun:
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:31 am

No! i'm done with these Threads! i keep posting my character but you people just won't stop making the Threads about the same thing! :ahhh:

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Amber Ably
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:50 pm

No! i'm done with these Threads! i keep posting my character but you people just won't stop making the Threads about the same thing! :ahhh:

I'm sorry for your pain good sir, but I am a recent member of the forums, and I don't get on very often. So I have not seen these many threads you're speaking of, and I'm curious...

Besides, other people love writing things like this. I would, but I svck at creative writing (unless in the form of a humorous comic strip, but that just doesn't seem to fit TES style.) Also, I'm interested.

And anyway, I said you could post a link! Just show me what you've already got typed out! lol
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:51 pm

Read mah sig.
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Kara Payne
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:08 am

Name: Uhlan
Race: Nord
background: bastard(like an actual bastard) with no king to owe any loyalty to. morality lies somewhere between chaotic-good and chaotic-neutral and true neutral. might kill you, might steal your wife, might save your life.
Age: few years older than me. I think 29
Build: Big and Tough... But not too big or too scarred.
Abilities: Everything but magic.-shouts will be good enough Gonna use light armour/dual wield/marksman whatever. combat/thief/assassin
Going to do all guilds(except magic one)
unsure about the which side to take, stormcloaks vs empire.... I'd pick empire at this point, without knowing anything
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:57 am

havent decided between nord or imperial

Name: Tobias War-Tooth
six: Male
Race: Nord

Name: Sirius
six: male
Race: Imerial
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:14 pm

Nord male. The warrior/forest ranger type. Light and heavy armor works just as fine. Uses all kind of weaponry, no magic.
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:20 am

No! i'm done with these Threads! i keep posting my character but you people just won't stop making the Threads about the same thing! :ahhh:

No one forced you here... By the way what abilities are you using again? lol
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:44 am

havent decided between nord or imperial

Name: Tobias War-Tooth
six: Male
Race: Nord

Name: Sirius
six: male
Race: Imerial

Go Nord, dude. Skyrim is all about the Nords. Join in on all the fun.
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:07 pm

Name: Kent
Race: Orc
six: Male
Build: Very muscular and scarred
background: Not much is known about his past, He is a rather infamous bandit with a big bounty on him, he will sell or kill his own Mother if the price was right, Not a trustworthy guy and has been known to betray his own men just so he can get away. However his luck ran dry when he was finally caught by several bounty hunters that infiltrated his base, he now awaits execution...
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:07 am

Name: Undecided
six: Most likely female
Race: Most likely Imperial or Breton. Possibly High elf, depending on how they look
Abilities: Destruction, Illusion, Light armor, Blunt
Backstory: I never really make one. I don't care as much for what happened before the main storyline.
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:02 am

Name: Undecided but Hildi Bladesong for now
Race: Nord
Occupation: Skald
Main Skills: One-Handed Weapon, Light Armour, Illusion, Speechcraft
Factions: Stormcloaks
Other: A naive, romantic idealist who takes some of the things that appear in the songs she sings too seriously, Hildi will probably face disillusionment, betrayal and tragedy on her path but where it will lead her and what she'll become remains to be seen.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:39 am

Name: Brosef
six: Male
Race: Nord

I dont bother about the background story of my character. I like to focus on close-quarter-combat. Just give me heavy armour. I love that you can now go dual wield in skyrim. I will use either a dual-hand weapon or I go dual-wield. Lockpicking is also important, because I like to open every chest. I dont think I will focus too much on stealth or magic. Also shields are overrated XD
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:54 am

Imperial Male Heavy Armored Spellsword. That's all you really need to know.
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:17 am

Name: War
Race: Nord
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Body Type: Tall, Muscular
Demeanor: Cold , Violent, Quiet, Couragous
Combat style: Multi-Threat, Close & Long range Hybrid
Weapon(s): Sword(s) , Bow & Arrows, Greatswords
Magic Focus: Destruction
Armour: Heavy
Hair : Jet Black
Eyes: Blood Red
Home: A large, frostbitten, island off the coast of Cyrodiil, exact location is unknown as the island "moves".

Born in battle, for battle. This was something War had heard about himself many times while growing up, only his now deceased parents knew how much of the statement was true. Having been bred for battle, War's very existence was been nothing but living, breathing, and loving the battlefield. His parents, having conceived and ultimately given birth to War during the very battles he was bred to fight, this was natural, the very idea of battle had been beaten into his body since he was old enough to walk. Ironic then, that he was chosen y the Nine to receive the soul of a dragon, one of the world's most vicious creatures. This hadn't shown until War had reached the unprecidented age of 13 (it being unprecidented because most children bred for battle don't live past 9 in War's "village"), where War's numorous murmerings turned into a powerful ability most of his people labeled as "magic". War soon become his people's greatest weapon, able to take down a small army with just the use of his words, though this power came with a price, in 8 short years, his people became to fear him, worried that his constant march on his own warpath would lead to their own destruction, and ultimately, lead to their heat, and his eventual exile from his people. Unable to comprehend why he was being abandoned, War flew into a fit of rage, single handedly destroying a small outpost that his people had held for the last 10 years, with the uttering of 3, powerful words all trace of his people from that area were erased from existance. Closing into himself after realizing what he had done, War wandered to the mainland, from city to city as a mercenary. War often pondered if he should give up on his past life, after seeing what it could have done, but something told him to keep moving forward, that maybe, even a warmonger like himself, would be offered a chance at redemption, thus, War took up the mantle of "Mercenary". Simultaniously satiating his bloodlust, and his need for redemption, taking any job that looked like it would offer him the chance at redemption; from clearing caves of unwanted guests (usually goblins or undead, a trifle that even a new born could deal with. War often laughed at this though), to the systematic killing of bandit camps, bases, and other bastions. None of these, however, offered War the redemption he had saught, and after 3 long years as a mercenary he had given up hope, until for some odd reason, he had recalled teachings that an elder had told him. Something about the Elder Scrolls
and how they prophesize events, this struck War as odd, as he had not thought about his people in 3 years. War recalled a prophecy about Skyrimthough the exact details were lost in a fog of memories too painful to remember, War knew he had to go there. Being a Mercenary had it's perks, War had to admit. He had met many a questionable person in his dealings with clients, some of with, specialized in smuggling people over the border of Skyrim under the ruse of a botched criminal transport. War went to his "contact", as he wished to be known, to aquire a favor, as the old cat still hadn't paid War for his last job. The Khajiit agreed, and got his usual band of smugglers to help War across the border, only to stab him in the back and leave War behind when a small band of roving guards had caught them crossing the border, the Khajiit knew all to well what would happen to War if he was caught crossing the border, the death sentence, and saw his way out of a nearly 20,000 septims debt that he had owed War. While the Khajiit got off almost scott free (War managed to fire an arrow into the Khajiit's thigh), War had got himself captured and thrown into prision... and this is where his true story begins...

Might tweak his story a bit, dunno. Still had a little under a month to fine tune it. War is just one of 3 planned characters thus far.
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:29 pm

Name: Thoron Brandiil (a name both Nordic AND elvish, so I can use the same name for both my two first characters, a Nord and a Bosmer.)
six: Male
Race: Mentioned above, Nord and then Bosmer.
Abilities: Stealth-masters, both of them. Lovers of silent, effecient kills, and bows. They never venture into magic, being traditionalists.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:08 am

I'm just curious as to how you guys will be making your characters. Name, race, six, abilities, backstory, etc. You can either leave a comment with a brief explanation of your character, or send me a link to a textbook's worth of information on the hero that you created specifically for Skyrim! I just want to know about YOUR Dragonborn!

Disclaimer: My character may change without any notice.

Name: Heinrich
Race: Nord
six: Male
Abilities: One Handed swords and Heavy Armour, complemented by an array of magic including Restoration and Destruction mainly. Undecided about the other schools of magic as for now.

Backstory: My backstory is influenced by Warhammer 40,000 so hopefully you don't hate the Imperium. :hehe: It also consists of much imagination and not a lot of canonical events/factions.

It begins with the Oblivion crisis, in which Martin Septim ordered for the creation of an Imperial Inquisition to hunt down the Mythic Dawn and the Daedra. Some of them had ties with the Blades as well. They were to be the secret warriors of the Empire, striking swiftly, silently and strongly at the heart of the enemy, becoming the special forces of the Empire which combated the Daedric Invasion. Although few in number, each Inquisitor was a hero or heroine in his or her own right, and they were a mighty force to contend with. These Inquisitors worshiped Talos and were sworn to be forever faithful and loyal to the Septims and the Empire. They were pro-Human and only Humans were allowed in their ranks. One of the High Inquisitors, Ragnar (my most recent Oblivion character) was crucial in the victory over the Daedric Invasion and was declared Champion of Cyrodiil by High Chancellor Ocato.

However, with the Septim line ended, the Imperial Inquisition was presented with a perplexing problem. They were sworn to serve the Septims and the Empire and now that the Septim line was ended, would they continue to serve the Empire? This resulted in a division among the Inquisitiors, in which almost half of them renounced their oaths to the Empire and either lived on as civilians or went out of Cyrodiil, hardly ever heard from again. The remaining Inquisitors continued to serve the Empire faithfully, but soon it was evident that the Empire did not have the funds necessary to support the secret war that the Imperial Inquisition waged. Furthermore, with the provinces becoming more and more restless, the fear of one of the non-Human provinces discovering about the existence of the Imperial Inquisition soon drove the ruling powers of the Empire to call for the dissolution of the Imperial Inquisition.

With no official position or power, the Inquisitors were as good as civilians, although they were highly skilled and powerful. Many of them became adventurers, trainers or legionaries, but some of the Inquisitors remained true to their pro-Human ways, and they went North, to Skyrim, the ancient ancestral home of Humanity on Tamriel. There, they took up worshiping of Shor, the Nordic god that sided with Mankind. They became an independent force, hunting witches, necromancers and daedric worshipers. Over time, they began to gain acceptance, or at least tolerance for the "friendly" Daedra, such as Azura, although their hatred for Mehrunes Dagon and the other destructive Daedra burned just as brightly still. They also developed a hatred for the undead, which they see as profane and twisted reminders of humanity's mortality.

When the Blades were hunted down, so too were the last Inquisitors. By the time the Dragons returned, very few still remained. However, it is said that there is one of them, a descendant of Ragnar himself, who still lives and that in him burns the soul of the Dragons... :tes:

EDITED: Changed blood of the dragons to soul of the dragons, since I guess that is more accurate for Dragonborn.
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:20 am

No! i'm done with these Threads! i keep posting my character but you people just won't stop making the Threads about the same thing! :ahhh:

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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:18 pm

Rofl @ Tobias War-Tooth! Someone likes Metalocalypse. ;)

Name: Darwin Draykyn
Age: 25
Race: Nord
Occupation: Warrior

The rest depends on how the game starts and plays out really. But, definatly gonna be a good guy, working for the greater good.
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