In games, do you ever roleplay are a character that is not dissimilar to yourself?
In games, do you ever roleplay are a character that is not dissimilar to yourself?
Fair enough
I feel that the only way I can express my true self is via RP'ing in games.
I often play an idealized version of myself, albeit a whole lot more brave and prone to violence (though this is due to the nature of most games I play). They are usually better looking than I am, as well. Some of them even have full heads of hair.
No. I do not consider "playing as myself" to be roleplaying.
Parts of me are in every character I create. This is why I can't do the Dark Brothehood quests. I can't shut that part of me off
I doubt many people literally RP themselves. I think what people mean is that they play characters with tastes and sensibilities that are aligned with their own. My characters tend to like what I like, and be offended by what offends me. My characters aren't me, but when met with a moral quandary it's my sensibilities that I appeal to in order to resolve it.
When I don't do this, I tend to lose interest in the character.
Yeah, I do that. At risk of sounding corny I found the "real me" by playing RPGs, my real life having been the fake version. Some fairly major changes resulted from that experience.
My first character of every rpg, I mostly play as myself. After the first playthrough I rp as different characters.
Exactly! Well said
If I stray too far from my own sensibilities, it's just not "fun" for me and why play if it's not fun? I guess some players enjoy the role play more than their actions in a game?
I think its true that aspects of myself show up in my characters, particularly a distrust for absolutes and authority figures, but I've also managed to play characters quite unlike myself like my Redoran traditionalist in MW or my foray into cannibalism in Skyrim. Oddly enough I found the cannibalism easier than playing a DB character.
When I first played RPGs I'd always name the character after myself and just be myself. But I quickly grew out of it and started to create characters much unlike me and its much more fun playing that way.
Sometimes my first characters tend to share some of my likeness in terms of what I would do or what I believe in, but more often do I find myself straying from doing that to further define the character in another way. That's about as close to playing as myself as it gets.
Pretty much, it's hardly role playing when you're just basing all the decision on your own, and play no role at all with your character.
Besides, I can't RP myself because there is no mod where all the females want the character because he's sixy as hell, so it wouldn't feel right. I'll get out.
Most people ive played with say my characters are alot of me, i sort of cant stop not playing some of me in RPG,s, because its the nature of the character classes i play that reflect a part of me, and which is why im drawn towards playing those types of classes, i can role play a separate personality but not when it comes to skills or abilities, then it just becomes roll not role, which is why i prefer to choose to play within areas i know because i much prefer the role playing over the dice rolling.
Basically this, also the first character I ever play when I start a new game is myself.