My answers to the poll questions above are first 1, second 2 - as a mod user who will be playing a very different Skyrim a year from now, I still wish the game had a few less major bugs, even if those bugs are only effecting a small percentage.
I'll also bluntly state that the reason I'm making this poll is because it's my firm belief that the most active forum-goers are the discontent. I believe that this has given those who frequent the general forums here a sense that the prevailing user experience in Skyrim is more bug than game, but I also think that this is not the factual reality of the situation. I could be wrong, I could be the exception to the rule. But I think I'm the rule and the large number of bug complaints comes from the exceptions, who are a vocal minority.
I'm hopeful that I'm right and this topic and poll will give everyone a sense of perspective. But we shall see when the poll gets rolling!