Your Experience with Bugs and game enjoyment!

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:16 pm

So, let me kick this off by saying I'm a devoted Elder Scrolls fan who has been lucky enough to largely have no bugs in my game (on PC). I'm a roleplayer and a fan of open world and the fantasy genre, as well as a mod user and sometimes mod-maker (of simpler mods).

My answers to the poll questions above are first 1, second 2 - as a mod user who will be playing a very different Skyrim a year from now, I still wish the game had a few less major bugs, even if those bugs are only effecting a small percentage.

I'll also bluntly state that the reason I'm making this poll is because it's my firm belief that the most active forum-goers are the discontent. I believe that this has given those who frequent the general forums here a sense that the prevailing user experience in Skyrim is more bug than game, but I also think that this is not the factual reality of the situation. I could be wrong, I could be the exception to the rule. But I think I'm the rule and the large number of bug complaints comes from the exceptions, who are a vocal minority.

I'm hopeful that I'm right and this topic and poll will give everyone a sense of perspective. But we shall see when the poll gets rolling!
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:43 pm

I have commonly experienced bugs. So far the only annoying one that I wish they would fix soon is the one where the game randomly closes. But that only happens like every 2 hours, so it isn't horrible.

I love the game, it's taken Oblivion as my favorite game ever, and I will be playing it ALOT and modding it even more.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:41 pm

I'm with you there, A.J.V. Only had one random crash though. But my game has already changed quite a bit due to mods, and I have every expectation it will eventually be near perfect for me with custom tailored mods.

Back on the matter of the poll, I'm amazed that there are not yet any votes for 'too many bugs' or 'done with Skyrim/Bethesda'. I know there are some of you unhappy folks out there!
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:48 am

As a customer, I'd like to say that my overall experience with the game has been enjoyable. The technical issues can be patched. My only serious complaint and disappointment is the brevity of quest lines. That's it. Let's hope DLC fixes that.

In terms of technical issues, this is what I have experienced in 100 hours of gameplay:
1. Frozen game - three times on the Xbox 360
2. Water textures missing - this happened briefly and has not happened since
3. The musical instruments from the Bards College are still in my inventory. (This is a documented issue)
4. Dragon corpses not disappearing (This is a documented issue that I believe has been fixed.)

Aside from that, I've had a smooth and enjoyable experience. I am more miffed at the short quest lines than anything else. It's a great that is an improvement over previous titles in most respects, at least in my opinion.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:17 am

Only had a couple glitches that were funny and enjoyable to watch and not a big deal. I love this game too much to say no to it.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:27 am

I actually listed the questions ordered by what I thought would get the most answers to the least answers, and so far that's been born out.

As of now more than 50% of answerers have had only inconsequential bugs or none at all, and over 70% of answers believe that the bugs they have had are fully excuse-able with a game of the size and scope of Skyrim.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:32 pm

This fell off quickly as I created it in the middle of the night on a weekday, I'd like to get a wider range of input, so bringing it up.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:07 pm

This fell off quickly as I created it in the middle of the night on a weekday, I'd like to get a wider range of input, so bringing it up.

Its also a heavily biased and boxed poll. Delete poll and ask people questions if you are interested in their answers.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:59 pm

Its also a heavily biased and boxed poll. Delete poll and ask people questions if you are interested in their answers.

How exactly is it biased? There are options for any basic opinion or range of experience with bugs. We all bring an existing bias to the poll, but I don't see how the poll itself is biased, and calling it such without explaining what about it you believe to be biased is meaningless.

Edit: The first question posed is fairly objective, though my examples may be less or more serious in various opinions than how I've categorized them. The second question is largely about the reader's emotional response to their experiences, and the only way I can see this as biased is if lacks an answer that suits a particular individual. I expect those individuals to generally either answer with the "most correct" choice for them, avoid answering, or post in the thread.

As to being "boxed", the thread is open to comment, and anyone who feels like answering in a more particular manner is absolutely free to do so. The poll poses the questions I'm interested in answers for well enough. Answers that fall outside the polls offered range can be posted. But I'm interested in the polling results, and my first post makes a valid point. Happy campers are unlikely to respond, though they may answer a poll. Unhappy players are much more likely to be vocal.
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