so it all started back when i was like 8 i think and this was when i was in the 3rd grade any ways i got the first of the only 2 systems that i've ever owned and that was the SNES. i had games like mortal kombat, mario, spawn, mech assalt or warrior not sure its been a while and many many more games. now i had this SNES up until i got my 360 and that wasn't until 2008 when i was like 16 i think. so since i only played games on the SNES i didn't even know you could play games on the computer except for them crappy ones until a few years before i got my 360. but then a few weeks after i got my 360 i was over at my friends house and i had brought my 360 with me and his cousins boyfriend had assassin's creed and he pretty much gave it to me cause he didn't have a 360 any more . so i started playing assassin's creed and i instantly feel in love with it making it at the time my favorite game of all time. the a few months latter i was at my sisters house and her boyfriend introduced me to Oblivion and i thought it looked awesome so i went out and got it that night or the next. at first when it started playing i didn't really like it that much. cause like i had said i had only owned the 360 for a few months and it was the first concile that i ever had past the SNES. well any ways i thought it was just to overwhelming and i didn't really know what i was supposed to be doing and i almoste gave up . but then i started to get the hang of it and once again i instantly fell in love with it making this game now my favorit game of all time. some time the next year i was in a game stop and found morrowind and bought it then when i got home i found out that i couldn't even play the damn thing cause it was for the first xbox.
so eventually i started hanging out with this friend and he let me barrow his origanle xbox and i was finally able to play morrowind and at first i hated it casue i couldn't figureout at all what i was suppossed to do so a few weeks later went out and got it for my computer and just cheated out the ass to boost all my stats up to 100 and so i was one hit killing every thing lol. but then i got lost and couldn't figur out where i was supposed to go so i just put it down for 2 years. which was lat year some time then i played through again on my 360 and fell in love with that one as well.
and now what this post was supossed to be about lol my first introduction to fallout.
so once again i found my self over at my sisters house watching my sisters boyfriend play a game. and i was like this game looks awesome what is it. and he told me fallout 3 so once again i whent and got it that night or next day or some thing and started playing and once again fell in love with fallout making it another favorite game of all time. i played the hell out of that game just as i did oblivion. so a year or so later i'm inside a target and i see the fallout 3 pack oir what ever its called the one with FO, FO2, and FOT. well i got it home and started playing only to figure out that i had no idea what i was doing and couldn't figure out how to do any thing never was able at the time to get into the lower parts of vault 15 so i gave up a2d gave it to my sisters boy friend
then i herd that NV was coming out and i was on the internet every day looking for ever bit of info, interview, or trailer that i could possibly find for like 6 or 7 months. finally got it had for about 10 days then some one stoll my 360 with my NEW Vegas in side and aslo made off with my assassin's creed 2 wich thankfully i had just beaten like 30 mins before hand. so wasn't able to play NV again until the begining of last year wheere i had to barrow it from my teacher. was able to play through it twice before i had to give it back . at first i didn't like it as much except for some of the things that the improved upon but to me it just diudn't have that fallout 3 feel where you actually felt you were in a wasteland. but then a few months ago i decided to give FO 1 and 2 a try again and this yime i just prented out the walkthrough lol and with that i was able to beat 1 and get half way through 2 before i realized that NEW vegas is so much better than 3 i started 3 over again and then just stopped cause i couldn't do it any more and went and got New Vegas ultimate edition and so far it is my favorite out of all the fallout games love it and the dlcs were the best part lonsome road and dead money being my favorite
and thats my story of gaming and how i started playing fallout
sorry for the leangth