Your fav races in order

Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:06 am

Bosmer- always an archer for a main character, cool lore, been my favorite since the beginning, dont see it ever changing.

Dunmer- just started playing with one for the first time and they are totally awesome. their lore is also the very best

Nord- great for when i play tanks, cant see myself ever wanting an orc so nords are perfect, big sword bigger beard. other human races are kind of boring

Khajiit- awesome lore and they are cat people! hello! cat people! (lizard people are pretty cool too)

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Dawn Porter
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:41 am

1) Argonian - freaking walking talking lizards with tree connections!

2) Khajiit - freaking walking talking tigers with moon connections!

3) the walking talking humans

4) the walking talking elves

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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:02 pm

1) Nords: it's their homeland, I like the way they look and they have pretty good stats.

2) Bretons: they look OK and they have the best stats (power and resistance) but they lack a certain something. My Breton characters have been the strongest and most most successful but I seem to have more fun with Nords. I don't have a rational explanation for this and I wish I could get by it but I have the feeling that Bretons (among others) don't belong in Skyrim and shouldn't be the Dovakiin.

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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:47 am

1. Nords, I have been using Nords since Bloodmoon.

2. Bosmer, Unthrappa :liplick:

3. Breton, I have not played a Breton yet in Skyrim :shakehead:

4. Altmer, even if They do not make it as classic Glass Cannons in Skyrim.

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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:23 pm

1: Imperials. I love the Cyrodiilic culture and atmosphere. I love the distinction between Nibenay and Colovia (although it's too faint for my tastes in Oblivion), and the knowledge that the Imperial race was the driving force behind an era of relatively constant peace - a Pax Tamrielica, perhaps? They've also got huge Roman influences, which allows me to create characters inspired by ancient Romans.

2: Dunmer. Their culture intrigues me - especially the tensions between the Great Houses, and the rough transition from ALMSIVI back to Daedric worship. I didn't find it quite as interesting in Morrowind, but the release of Dragonborn provided a lot of interesting new information about the Dunmer after the Red Year.

3: Khajiit. They're so alien when compared to the human and Elven races, and it fascinates me. In Skyrim's timeframe, they're in a very interesting position - the Elsweyr Confederacy has fallen apart, and the two Khajiit kindoms have basically become a part of the Aldmeri Dominion. This combined with the huge cultural differences between Khajiit and humans make for some very interesting gameplay.

4: Nords. Again, they have a very interesting culture. Their original religion and ways of life have become very Cyrodiilic, yet there's still a very Nordic atmosphere. There's so much roleplay potential, and I love it!

Of course, this list is viable to change. The Bosmer and Bretons were once at the top of it ...

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Andrew Perry
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:42 am

1) Falmer - Because they're awesome especially Gelebor

2) Dunmer - Becasue they're Dunmer

3) Altmer - They whipped the Empire and most importantly I love how mad the Nords are about it.

4) Redguard - Don't really like them but hey they sank a continent with a sword that's pretty [censored] respectable.

5) Orsimer - Don't really like or dislike them

6) Argonian - They rarely give me attitude at least the ones in skyrim don't short of the ones is solitude. Also there method of dealing with the Oblivion crisis was... hilarious.

7) Khajiit - I like pretty much all of the ones in skyrim except for the bandits and random ones armed with a butter knife that seem compelled to try robbing the guy with a giant weapon, shinning armour radiating magical enchantments that just got finished killing a bunch of bandits and a dragon.

8) Bosmer - mmm pretty neutral opinion when it comes to them

9) Bretons - Same as the bosmer for the most part except for constantly destroying orsimer with the Redguards that's kinda dikeish. Oh and Delphine ya...

10) Ayleid - They had some nice looking buildings, but otherwise they where pricks

11) Imperials - A lot of them are greedy pricks

12) Dwemer - They where massive pricks, but hey they also knew how to build impressively and make ageless metal and most likely manipulate the Earthbones in other ways.

13) Nords - Smelly and very Noisy Rodents The skaal are fine though they would be around 1-8.

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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:45 am

  1. Nords: Extremely underrated mages and scholars; One of the oldest civilizations in Tamriel; Excellent soldiers and tacticians, like Spaniards and Prussians melded together; Dragon Cult; Once upon a time had one of the most advanced civilizations in Tamriel; At the moment, Skyrim is a sleeping bear.
  2. Altmer: Natural affinity for the arcane; Psijic Order; One of the oldest civilizations in Tamriel; Highly intelligent and influential; Possibly the most advanced civilzation in Tamriel at the moment.
  3. Redguards: Wind and Sand; Sword-Singing; Stros M'kai; Alik'r; I hope to see more of them in a future title.
  4. Dunmer: They have a spot on this list because Bethesda actually made an effort in fleshing out their culture and society in Morrowind.

Honorary mentions because I am too lazy to write about these: Bosmer, Dragons, Dwemer, Falmer, Khajiit, Maormer

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:08 am



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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:40 pm

1. Altmer - They have always been my favorite race and every TES game that I've played, all of them that is, my first and main character has always been Altmer (Altmer warrior, oddly enough). I like them simply because they are superior. Lore states clearly that they are by far the most magically gifted of all races. No other race compares to them, ever. The Altmer don't think they are better and they don't dig excuses to justify it. They KNOW they are better and they let their skills speak for themselves. The religion and culture of Tamriel is based on Altmeri culture and the Altmeri were always important people in the Empire (Ocato!) Also, Altmeri arrogance has no effect on me since I'm one of them. Making it so that when an Altmer is being arrogant, he is being supportive of me in a way.

2. Dwemer - I like their history and their uniqueness. They are also pretty damn smart and competent with magic like the Altmer.

3. Falmer - Gelebor and the Forgotten Vale are the reason for this. Before DG I like most of you too didn't consider Falmer anything else but generic critters but now I know more about them and I find them very interesting folks. Forgotten Vale was one of my favorite places in all of Skyrim.

4... Everyone else. Besides the three I don't really find any race particularly interesting. At times I get a feeling that I must now roll a Redguard character but then the hype fades away and I return to the Altmer. Currently rolling a Nord as my sole character, but only because it's Skryim. In any other TES game I would never ever play a Nord.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:31 am

For some reason, I get the feeling that you like the Nords more than you would ever care to admit. :tongue:

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:02 am

Only reason I ever played as a nord was to create this guy-

Only played to level 3, although I did achieve some cool unarmed killcams with him in that time.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:46 am

No, I don't. Honest. Before Skyrim I was mostly ambivalent about the Nords, they came off as a tremendously generic and utterly stupid and uninteresting race that I found more a filler race than something I'd ever be interested in. When Skyrim came out, I was annoyed by the Hollywood VIking treatment they got, and they were still pretty stupid people so I never got to like them.

When I discovered lore about the ancient Nords, Atmorans and their descendants, my dislike for the contemporary Nords increased even still. The Dragon Cult, Nordic Barrows, Ysgramor and the Companions, all that was awesomely unique but those days are long gone and all we now have is a bunch of lame ass whiners who care only for violence and TRUE NURD TRADISHUN. Yes, indeed, it is only the contemporary Nords that I hate. The Nords of the old tales? Totally cool people, I have no problem with them.

If the Nords of Skyrim were more like their ancestors, I'd totally dig them. But noo, they had to overdo the "horny vikings" thing on them, one of the most unimaginative tropes to set foot in Fantasyland.

Indeed, all my Nord characters revolve around emulating the Nords of old. My current Nord extensively uses magic, alchemy, reads books, and opposes both Empire (for being quitters and hypocrites) and Stormcloaks (for being stupid and backwards).

I should add that I don't hate Bethesda for making the Nords the way they are. I'm cool with their design choices even if I don't like some of them myself.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:05 am

I love the Nords,But sadly now they seem more imperialized.

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:15 am

1. Khajiit. Because I'm a real svcker for anthro races, especially furries. :3 I also like their lore and sense of humour. Elsweyr also sounds interesting.

2. Lilmothiit. Because they sound interesting, and I wish there was more information on them. I want to know their history and culture more.

3. Maormer. I find the tropical elf to be quite interesting, and Pyandonea sounds incredibly interesting. I find them very interesting to read about.

4. Altmer. Because the arrogance is quite amusing, and Summerset Isle sounds beautiful. :) Also I've always been one to play a mage character. :)

This is in no particular order (though Khajiit are easily my favourite :3). The OP said nothing about non-playable races.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:42 am

1 - Nord

2 - Dunmer

3 - Orc

4 to 9 - No idea

10 - Imperial

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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:07 am

I understand your sentiment and agree with you on many of these points. The only reason why I like them so much is because they have an interesting past. I also agree with you about Bethesda overdoing the whole "Hollywood Viking" trope.

Fortunately, they strayed away from that trope in the DLCs, especially in Dragonborn.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:42 am

Imperials - Civilized, smart and quick thinking. They are the reason a just non-Mer rule over men is still in place.

Dunmer - They may be arrogant but they have a right to be. Their whole races gets messed up by a Deadric Lord and on top of that their homeland gets nearly destroyed and yet they press on with pride. I simply admire the Dunmer... minus the slavery...

Nords - They may be the simpletons of the whole lot but they are the base reason Humans have gotten as far as they have. Without the Nords ruthlessness the human races would still be under those of the Mer.

Argonians - The Argonians always seem to be the subjugated lot yet they just keep pushing on. Whether by the Dunmer as slaves or by the collective disrespect of Nords, they just keep pushing on and for that i admire them.

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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:19 am

I think Bosmer and Argonian belong in the poop tier, Dunmer in the low and Altmer right above them but below Orc and Redguard...that sounds about right for me ;)
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Chloe Botham
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:15 am

Just a question, how are the Nords simpletons? I mean, they no longer like magic much(seemingly a development over the last 200-ish years, since they even had bonus to a magic skill in Oblivion and all the reasons for it given relate to events from the Oblivion Crisis and onwards), but they are excellent craftsmen still. They make good soldiers, warriors and generals, do well in trade and exploration, have long bardic traditions and maintain an infrastructure in Skyrim, which is known to be a pretty harsh land. The Jarls maintain courts that usually contains a court-wizard to make sure they have an understanding of situations of a magical nature. Priests in Skyrim are regularly trained healers(the Nords seem fine with Restoration even at the time of Skyrim). There is also the book "Nords of Skyrim" that flat out says that the "Nords don't like books" is a provincial stereotype and not an accurate statement about the Nord as a people.

Except for the dislike of magic, I don't really see much difference in the intelligence of the Nords compared to the Imperials, for instance. A bit more warlike, to be sure, but that is not quite the same.

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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:02 pm

I find it odd that you both admire the old Nord ways, but despise current Nords who want to emulate them and return to their ancient traditions. Is it you think they don't go far enough?

I also play a Nord battlemage, who intends to return the thu'um to its ancient role as a Nord battle skill.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:02 am

Right now for me it is









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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:34 am

The Skaal restored my faith in what it means to be a True Nord :cool:
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:23 am

1. Imperial - Simply because i really like the Roman/Empire civilization structure.

2. Breton - When playing more magically inclined characters, they are my go to race for a balanced magical offense & defensive abilities.

3. Bosmer - Really good archers, which is my favorite offensive skill. I don't use them often, but in Morrowind they made a badass starting Stealth/bow class.

4. Dunmer - Good jack of all trades, and make some devilish characters.

The others are okay as well. I really enjoy the Khajiit & Argonian NPC's in TES games.

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Amanda savory
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:55 am

They are the simpletons. They are the tradesmen of the whole lot, they don't care for sophistication or fine living. When i say simpleton i do not mean stupid, i mean they are simple people, they dont want to over complicate things. Look at current Nordic building style and compare it to that of the Imperials or the Altmer, they simply are the simple race. Sure there are exceptions but those Nords are the Minority.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:50 am

I like all race lore and history and culture. They're all awesome. :)

Other than the four I listed earlier, I also find Yokudan, Saxhleel, Ayleid and Dwemer/Falmer lore to be quite interesting. :)
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