1) Falmer - Because they're awesome especially Gelebor http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/253/0/9/tes___snowprince_by_alteya-d5e8lur.jpg
2) Dunmer - Becasue they're Dunmer
3) Altmer - They whipped the Empire and most importantly I love how mad the Nords are about it.
4) Redguard - Don't really like them but hey they sank a continent with a sword that's pretty [censored] respectable.
5) Orsimer - Don't really like or dislike them
6) Argonian - They rarely give me attitude at least the ones in skyrim don't short of the ones is solitude. Also there method of dealing with the Oblivion crisis was... hilarious.
7) Khajiit - I like pretty much all of the ones in skyrim except for the bandits and random ones armed with a butter knife that seem compelled to try robbing the guy with a giant weapon, shinning armour radiating magical enchantments that just got finished killing a bunch of bandits and a dragon.
8) Bosmer - mmm pretty neutral opinion when it comes to them
9) Bretons - Same as the bosmer for the most part except for constantly destroying orsimer with the Redguards that's kinda dikeish. Oh and Delphine ya...
10) Ayleid - They had some nice looking buildings, but otherwise they where pricks
11) Imperials - A lot of them are greedy pricks
12) Dwemer - They where massive pricks, but hey they also knew how to build impressively and make ageless metal and most likely manipulate the Earthbones in other ways.
13) Nords - Smelly and very Noisy Rodents The skaal are fine though they would be around 1-8.