1- Dwemer, i love science, and they are about as sciencey as it gets in Tamriel, I love everything about them. I believe them to be the most superior of all races on Tamriel (at least whilst they were on Tamriel). The only thing that i dislike about them is their enslavement of the falmer
2- Falmer, I'm not sure why I like them, but old ice attuned elves sounds really cool, the book about the snow prince fighting with such prowess that even the nords paid respects to him sealed the deal, along with DG and actually meeting a falmer, cool [censored]. ( I'm aware that my top two choices are slightly contradictory).
3- Redguards, at first i thought they were really generic arab rip-offs, but they lore about the Ansei and sword singers and sinking an entire continent attracted me greatly. They actually have the most interesting lore of all the mannish races in my opinion.
4- Dunmer, kinda in a love hate relationship with these, so this may change, but they have really interesting lore on the whole, the whole deal with tribunal and Vivec and whatnot. They also don't follow the typical stereotype of being elves that skip through meadows and sing at trees, they live in a harsh environment of lava and ash, and after all the [censored] they've been through, they deserve some admiration.
Shout-out to the altmer, the rest I'm really just impartial to.