1. Orc - I love tribal cultures in real life, and beastly barbarians in fantasy. I like the orsimer culture's simplicity and minimal politics, just mine ore, smelt it, smith it, wear it/hold it, and fight with it, and the strongest guy is boss and bangs all the broads. They look cool, are strong and tough and brave, all admirable qualities. Berserker is awesome. I like two handed weapons best. They also seem to have a certain dignity and humility. Maybe lose points for the voices, especially on the females.
2. Redguard - on any given day could be my number 1. I was saying they were number 1 just a week or so a go in a different thread. I think it just comes down to the fact I prefer the lore and culture of orcs, so when I really put a lot of thought into it orcs are more "me", but I've loved my redguard characters just as much as my orc characters. I admire athleticism, stamina and skill. The women are beautiful too, the most beautiful women.
3. Breton - Big drop down from the top 2 here, the top 2 are head and shoulders above bretons, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for them, because I'm of british descent and also resistant to magic, lol. I think the forsworn are cool with their deer antler hats, I'm fascinated with the mysterious primitive pagan past of the british isles pre-roman times. I feel like that's my real history and culture that was stripped away from me, and the bretons represent that, at least the forsworn do. Not much else I like about bretons as I don't like magic. Oh, their women are beautiful too.
4. Bosmer - Tough one, I'm warily growing somewhat respectful of elves after always hating them and not being able to see the appeal, they're growing on me slightly and it was a toss up between bosmer and altmer for 4th. Bosmer didn't so much win the spot as altmer lost it by being really really really awful when they're bad. I think there are some cool individual altmer in the game, more cool individuals than cool bosmer, but there are also way way way way worse ones (like pretty much all thalmor). I like how bosmer are so in tune with nature, and cannibalistic, again harking back to my appreciation for primitive tribal society, and archery is pretty cool too. Have never played as one and don't see it happening, but a 4th had to be picked, and they have more points of appeal than the other races.