Your fav races in order

Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:16 pm

Tell me your favourite 4 races, in order, with a short reason.
Mine are:

1: Redguard. I can relate to them due to their Arab culture and find their skills, culture and lives very interesting. Especially now they're united I admire their might, succeeding in throwing out the Dominion. They're also warriors, my fav class.

2: Nord. They resemble the Redguard's hatred for Elves and have been doubled crossed by the Imperials just like the Redguards. They drink lots, are hardy and hate elves. I hope one day that their home can be liberated.

3: Argonians. They're dragons. Nothing more needs to be said.

4: Bretons. They too have their skilled warriors and the Redguards have united with them numerous times to take down the Orcs. Hope their homeland unites and can become strong, to ally with Hammerfell.
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:48 am

Altmer - I like their "air of superiority" and their talent with magic.

Dunmer - I like the lore behind this race the most. They are great for just about any play style.

Bosmer - I love role playing their quirky life style ;). And they are Archers. What's not to love.

Argonian - Oddly enough I have never ever played this race in any TES game. But I do find them fascinating and love to read about them. Maybe one day I'll branch out :)

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:02 am

1 - Khajiit. Simply the PIMP of all races. You want to pickpocket and then sell the loot back to the poor unsuspecting mark? You're on! Also, as M'aiq has said before, Khajiit have glorious names.

2 - Dunmer. I hate you, get off my lawn, outlander! Nothing spells Necromancy better than Dunmer imho.

3 - Breton. Well, if it ain't the people from Daggerfall. I do like Bretons a lot because I love mages, and Bretons are the only human race I can identify myself with, for some reason.

4 - Altmer. Just because we are better than you. Mer are better than men, and Altmer are better than other Mer.

Number 2 through 4 are actually a tie for me... But Khajiit reigns alone in the first place.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:25 am

1. Imperial: Most fun race to play as for me, they're the underdogs of the human races. Unlike others, I see the good in them, and i connect with them the most since I'm mostly Italian.

2. Altmer: Another underestimated race. I love them for their affinity with magic, and their cultural enlightenment. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing their beautiful homeland, the Isles, in TES VI so elves (and mages, for that matter) can for once be paved in a positive light.

3. Nord: Who doesn't love a hearty Viking with a beard that's bigger than his battleaxe? It just feels the most comfortable to be a Nord Dragonborn in Skyrim, and their combat prowess is something to be respected.

4. Dark Elf: I've only played a few Dark Elves, and they're pretty cool. I cant wait to play Morrowind someday, so i can learn more about them.
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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:34 am

1.) Altmer - I relate to them on a philospohical nature, and I find their lore really interesting. Ironically, it was Skyrim that opened my eyes to their lore. I never payed much attention to them in Oblivion.

2.) Bosmer - Weirdo, and cannibalistic... yet they are compassionate, their society is laid back, they show no favoritism towards other races. When humanity was enslaved by the Ayleids, the Bosmer welcomed human refugees with open arms and gave them shelter while expecting nothing in return. And then, when the Humans rebelled and committed genocide on the Ayleids... the Bosmer gave Ayleid refugees a safe haven just like the humans before them. True anuics, but they don't go to the extreme end like the selfish Altmer. Bosmer in general are rather chill. And they don't force their ways on other people.

3.) Bretons - The only human race that have no aversion to worshiping the Aedra and Daedra at the same time and practicing the dark arts. They make some of the best sorcerers. And I'm always interested in learning more about their lore.

4.) Orcs - The true bad-assess of Tamriel. Despite every conceivable obstacle thrown in their face, they svck it up, laugh at it, and then bludgeon it with a hammer. They have survived wars in which they were outnumbered 10 to 1, and still managed to kick ass in the process. They also have no aversion to necromancy.

This list is subject to change though, as I constantly find new interesting stuff about a race, and my perception might change. :cool:

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:26 am

Dark Elf: I love the way they look and their culture is so interesting to me.

Breton: My favorite human race because of their magic abilities.

Argonian: I think Argonians are very mysterious and i would also like to know more about Black Marsh.

Redguard: I find them interesting because of their lore. Plus now Redguards look so much better than they did in Oblivion.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:15 am

1- Nords. It just feels right since we're in the homeland.

2- Dunmer. Their history and lore is amazing and very interesting.

3- Imperials. They have their flaws sure (who doesn't?), but they seem more modern than the rest.

4- Orcs (hard to choose). They seem badass. You don't want to stand in the way of an angry beserking Orc.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:28 am

1. Khajiit. The fluffiness cannot be denied. They also have a cool culture and mythology.

2. Orcs. Tough, outstanding badasses. They keep on truckin'. Also, they're Tamriel's equivalent of Fortress Dorfs.

3. Bosmer. I have a love-hate relationship with them due to their similarities to khajiit.

4. Bretons. Everything Imperials could hope to be, but better.

Imperials shouldn't even exist. Their introduction to the series as their own race (Instead of as the cosmopolitan alamagation of races they were before Morrowind) left a scar on the franchise that continues to fester.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:22 am

Dunmer- Shadowknight

Altmer- Puppet Master

Bosmer- Archer

Orsimer- Savage

In that order, every single time.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:31 am

1. Nord (I just like to play as a human, and imperials and bretons are meh.. redguards are cool but i dont like to play as a dark skinned dude. also i always liked how they're hardcoe drinkers and their tough attitude, i can relate to that)

2. Dunmer (everything about them is just badass, and i love their culture. and even though i prefer humans i still love that race, my first skyrim character was a dunmer and i enjoyed playing with him a lot)

3. I guess this goes out for the Redguards, i like their warrior nature.

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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:28 pm

1.Dunmer- I've always liked there culture and history, the best trait they have is tenacity, even when they knocked down and beaten they get right back up and keep living.

2.Bosmer- Being skilled sneaks and archers is why I love these guys

3.Nords- Best warriors in a class by themselves and thanks to Skyrim they moved up in my top 5

4.Argonians- They've been my most successful characters in my playthroughs completing everything in the games and I like to breath underwater without having to use a potion

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:05 am

Nords- They've always been my favorite race, because Vikings, but also because MK lore makes them different. I respect the survivor spirit of the harsh north.

Dunmer- Grumpy and badass, with a fascinating, well-developed culture.

Redguard- This is more recent, since I never found their lore very interesting til I started to see some of the art from Tamriel Rebuilt and read the Cyrus comic.

Orcs- Mostly since TESV. They don't complain about their fate, they just get it done.

It falls off sharply after that. In fact I could care less about the rest of them.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:50 am

I can do you one better.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:46 am

I have to list them based on play type:


1. Orc

2. Redguard

3. Nord

4. Breton


1. Breton

2. Altmer

3. Dunmer

Other races are just eh.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:55 am

:clap: :thumbsup:

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:34 am


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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:39 am

Dunmer,Nord and Argonian.It is pure luck that my 3 favorite races will be the members of one of the factions in Elder Scrolls Online.

1.Dunmer-lore ,attitude,appearance.ect... Everything is perfect.Also they don't have that feminine elf ''aura'' about them,that usually most elves have in many fantasy franchises.

2.Nords- obvious reasons for everyone that digs Skyrim.

3.Argonians- Shadowscales+ same reasons as Dunmer except lore(because little is known about them).

I also like Khajiit,but just as a race,don't like actually playing one.

I have always played Dunmer in all Elder Scroll games.Started liking the nords in TES V:Skyrim.Also played lots of argonians in Oblivion.(and dunmer)Somehow can't force myself to play Argonian in Skyrim,but still like them as a race.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:18 am

1. Khajiit - Because everyone hates them so much, I've always liked being the little guy, makes for a good Unlikely hero.

2. Argonian - Small bit of the same reason up there, also their Lore intrigues me. :)

3. Bosmer - Their lore intrigues me.

4. Imperial - More of a fill in, I guess they're just a small bit preferred out of the Human races.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:16 am

1. Imperial - I like their culture and history as an empire. The first race I played in a TES game and they grew on me. It's just a thing for me to play as them for a main character.

2. Dunmer - Probably the best lore of any race, and became a favorite since Morrowind.

3. Khajiit - Ever so neglected, but my favorite beast face and find most that I have encountered in TES to be some of the most friendliest races around (although I have met some more devious characters).

4. Redguard - More of a place holder as I can't think of a forth, but I suppose they would be next on my list for a favorite race.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:00 am

In no specific order.

1. Nord: They are a very, very brave people. Might, glory and tradition. Gotta love that.

2. Altmer: The pinnacle of Elven wisdom, at least among modern Mer.

3. Dunmer: They're definitely one of the most important races in TES.

4. Redguards: The greatest warrior race or one of the greatest.

Very true. There was little to no variety, all Redguard male npcs looked basically the same.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:18 am

1. Orc - I love tribal cultures in real life, and beastly barbarians in fantasy. I like the orsimer culture's simplicity and minimal politics, just mine ore, smelt it, smith it, wear it/hold it, and fight with it, and the strongest guy is boss and bangs all the broads. They look cool, are strong and tough and brave, all admirable qualities. Berserker is awesome. I like two handed weapons best. They also seem to have a certain dignity and humility. Maybe lose points for the voices, especially on the females.

2. Redguard - on any given day could be my number 1. I was saying they were number 1 just a week or so a go in a different thread. I think it just comes down to the fact I prefer the lore and culture of orcs, so when I really put a lot of thought into it orcs are more "me", but I've loved my redguard characters just as much as my orc characters. I admire athleticism, stamina and skill. The women are beautiful too, the most beautiful women.

3. Breton - Big drop down from the top 2 here, the top 2 are head and shoulders above bretons, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for them, because I'm of british descent and also resistant to magic, lol. I think the forsworn are cool with their deer antler hats, I'm fascinated with the mysterious primitive pagan past of the british isles pre-roman times. I feel like that's my real history and culture that was stripped away from me, and the bretons represent that, at least the forsworn do. Not much else I like about bretons as I don't like magic. Oh, their women are beautiful too.

4. Bosmer - Tough one, I'm warily growing somewhat respectful of elves after always hating them and not being able to see the appeal, they're growing on me slightly and it was a toss up between bosmer and altmer for 4th. Bosmer didn't so much win the spot as altmer lost it by being really really really awful when they're bad. I think there are some cool individual altmer in the game, more cool individuals than cool bosmer, but there are also way way way way worse ones (like pretty much all thalmor). I like how bosmer are so in tune with nature, and cannibalistic, again harking back to my appreciation for primitive tribal society, and archery is pretty cool too. Have never played as one and don't see it happening, but a 4th had to be picked, and they have more points of appeal than the other races.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:43 am

You must play a lot of fighting games Treng lol. and wtf nord is mid tier at best

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Post » Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:54 pm

1. Imperials : Because they aren't Redguards or Khajiit

2. Imperials : Because they aren't Nords or Dunmer

3. Imperials : Because they aren't Altmer or Bosmer

4. Imperials : Because they aren't Orcs or Bretons

... or Argonians.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:58 am

Something tells me you like Imperials but I can't put my finger on it.

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Post » Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:53 am

Hmmm. I must admit, I've never really given it much thought.

But now that you mention it... :tongue:

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