Rahgot and Miraak
Rahgot had nice things
Rahgot and Miraak
Rahgot had nice things
I'm in command, Unslaad Hevnoraak is having problems with valdar
They are all a group of musty old dead guys with magic. Meh.
Nahkriin gaurds the stronghold of Alduin, and is trusted with the key to the portal to Sovengard.
Vahlok chose to remain and wait for the return of Miraak, no other Dragon Priest has accomplished this without the aid of a Mask or Draugr to sustain themselves.
IMO Bethesda did miss an opportunity with how Vahlok reacted if We had defeated the Traitor before or after We helped get the scholar into His Tomb.
This is a discussion. Not a roleplay thread.
I was being serious. Sure they were important figures in their time but now they are decrepit old floating corpses with magical abilities.
We were not treated fairly strength wise, lore wise we could destroy with a flick of our finger, which was how we kept the Bruniikke, the savages in line.
Seriously: the Sonaan, the dragon preists were entombed for centuries, so its stands to reason that we are weaker.
Obviously things went south and time passed them by. Their time is over with and now its time for new societies to spring up and rule themselves. Old ways obviously didn't work too well since they aren't around any more.