Frost dragons, because they are such a pushover if you play as a Nord
For classification purposes, He seems to be a unique Elder Dragon.
My favorite has got to be Durnehviir, if only for the Undead vibe. I wish he was ride-able though.
Undead Dragons. Because they look awesome.
Dangit. How could I ever show off my power to controll the undead...if my mount is alive?
Good thing we still got Arvak.
Red Dragon FTW.
My favorite as an enemy is the Legendary Dragon.
This is true. After looking at photo comparisons he does look more similar to regular dragons then Elder ones.
Elder Dragon:
Regular Dragon:
Another view of Paarthy:
I voted for Ancient Dragons, 'cause, well... They're Ancient friggin' Dragons. I've had so many good fights with them and I love their appearance. Legendary Dragons are really badass too, and I love Revered. But Ancient is always Ancient.
Frost dragons looks amazing i think. also Odahviing is badass.
Serpentine, just because they look like the winged wraiths in LotR, I dont know if thats what they are actually called, but yeah. Those
Revered Dragons look awesome. I've only ever seen Legenday Dragons in the loading screen however; I've never fought one. So I'm not sure what they look like.
Alduin was my favorite looking dragon until I saw a Revered.
yep me too I vote Paarthurnax - white dragon....
I like them all, so I can't pick a favorite.
I hate killing them, but alas, Riverwood's under attack again. *sigh*
*readies bow