Refuel is a NIGHTMARE to play SP as Resistance.
Friendly bots just like to line up for the firing range out the front of the airplane hangar and 50% of the time can't even make the push inside... when it comes time for the Operative (which unless you swapped, there's usually only one) to hack the console, they ALWAYS start hacking then wander down the stairs basically right into the middle of the room, and since the enemy practically spawns right above you there, they jump down and the Operative either dies by gunfire, or thinks "HEY ENEMIES" and runs up to them shooting wildly rather than taking cover. And just today, when it came time to repair that final objective, TO WIN THE MATCH, I sat and watched the only two Engineers on my team run right around it and up the ramp into the firefight, to die outside the front of the hangar.
... but it is rather fun MP, with beings that have brains.