My all time favorite movie is I probably watched it, and this is a literal estimation, a hundred times when I was a kid. I love the wild car chases and the sound their vehicles make, and besides all that it has
everything. Fights, wild animals, car chases, guns, women, John Wayne, romance, comedy, action! Best movie ever.
Second place has to go to It was the best Disney movie, and let me tell you I watched all the Disney movies all the time. When you live in the middle of Africa and all you have as a kid are LEGOs and VHS tapes, you watch a lot of movies. Even when I was little I judged films and games by their music first, then everything else second. Hakuna Matata baby, Hakuna Matata.
Third place is the new comer. It's not often I re-watch anything Anime related. I have the kind of memory that, even if I really enjoy something, watching it a second time just doesn't do anything for me because I remember it all anyways. The first Slayers movie, however, has gotten me to watch it about three or four times now and shows no signs of stopping. There's just something wonderfully classic and fun about it, and of course it has an outstanding musical score. I like it because it's a straight forward adventure film, and even though you
know the protagonist is the most powerful sorcerer and could defeat demon gods and is totally going to win in the end, they still manage to pull off suspense about it right up until the end. That's what makes something re-watchable.