For me it's a decision between Altmer or Breton, and since we know nothing about either of these races yet I can't decide which will be my first playthrough... Currently leaning towards Breton though for a pro-empire playthrough.
I voted Dunmer for both, of course. Plus, I really like the look of them n Skyrim, although I'm still waiting for my most anticipated screen (that of a female dark elf). As for Bosmer, they look incredible. I'll definitely be choosing one for my second playthrough, that is, if the Altmer don't impress me even more.
Redguards are my favorite race. I'll be playing as a Nord for my first playthrough though, as it has less to do with what my favorite race is and more to do with what I feel is the most appropriate race to be a Dragonborn and save Skyrim and Tamriel. I also have a tradition to pick my main character's race to be the same as the natives of the province the game takes place in.
Pale-skinned Imperials, probably and unfortunately.
I actually doubt this... With what we've seen so far, I expect that they'll be a tad more unique :foodndrink:. Each race has been completely revamped and built more according to lore...
I'm an Orsimer guy. After lots of playthroughs of Morrowind and Oblivion it was always my Orcs that stood out. Maybe because I play them as Spellswords? I like the hate they seem to get. I like being the underdog and proving people wrong.
Some of the new screens do have me interested in the other races more. Interacting with them will be great. I'm impressed with them all, but particularly Argonians and Khajiit. Beast races are tough to get right, and these new ones look amazing coated to previous attempts.
First playthrough character: Name: Shiari Race: Khajiit Gender: Female Age: 22 Discipline: Warrior Trade: Free lance Adventurer Occupation: Smith Alignment: Honourable Prefered weapons and fighting style: Primary fighting style: Dual wielding - Sword and Mace, Secondry - Archery. Armour: Heavy armour Appearance: Brown fur, lioness look and slender. Backstory: On the run from the Dark Brotherhood for witnessing an assissination and then killing the assassin in self defence. Gets caught crossing the border into Skyrim.