I once found one of the Rangers (Donovan I think it was) out northeast in the wastes somewhere battling some robots. So I help him out and then talk to him to ask what he's doing all the way out here. Apparently he came all that way to give my character an item. I'm like, "Right on!" when he passes over a mini-nuke.

I also was north of Tenpenny Tower one time to here a flying object go overhead and suddenly explode, only to find a bunch of that alien weapon ammo scattered around. Of course I then try to find the downed craft, with no success. I then reload trying again hoping this time I'll be able to salvage some stuff from the craft perhaps, only to find out that it was a random encounter... And after reading this post I see I missed something significant in terms of loot.

I have never seen the one with Amata and the Enclave... ever. I like getting the location of the comic book stash. And speaking of locations, I like the one after BS is loaded where there is a sign advertising for free water. Go on... take one.

Came across that one not too long ago. Definitely fun.

The Deathclaw outside the Super Mart always shocks me. Especially when I am only 2nd level and using harcore rules. Lol.
I saw a scavenger once that started preaching all this church stuff at me and then fell over dead.
Uncle Leo. Yeah, that guy is really cool.
I guess I got lucky. I didn't come across any Deathclaws until ~level 25.
Didn't know Uncle Leo was a random encounter. I found him not to far from Megaton.