You can make mind-controlling spiders?
You also forget these My personal favorite. They don't fight, but they are convenient for dark places, and adorable too!
Therana knew about them, and Her House believed it was just Age...
I like the Lightning Cloaked Spiders, they just fit My characters that use Spider Scrolls better.
I dislike the limitations on the Mind Control Spiders, and explosive variants because of the lack of resources for making more. The lack of respawning Albino Spiders is the main reason I only make Cloaked Spiders on newer characters.
Yes, unfortunately they have a limit of 30 seconds. which makes them kind of useless. but i've tweaked them to permanent in the CK. there is also pack spider (carries your gear) and glowing spider that is basically a moving magelight, but those two were cut from the game.
My favorite are the Oil spiders, those are awesome. they might appear weak at the beginning, but try casting a fire spell on that gas thing they leave behind them then watch them explode. they're like rigged fireworks.
What's their ID in the CK? Can't believe I never discovered them...
I like to use the fire-based jumping&exploding ones because they're the TES substitutes for grenades.
Well all of the spider scrolls start with DLC2ExpSpider but cant remember the full names, either way typing just that will show you the list of all of them and the recipes required to make them and such.