I had a great one yesterday:
I'm sneaking through the Wasteland on my way from the Citadel to Olney when I pass another of several Enclave outposts (Officer, Soldier, Sentry Bot). I think nothing of this and sneak past, but I do notice one of those tiny, go-kart-looking cars sitting on the top of the hill I'm on, for no apparent reason. I'm 100 paces past this car when I take a break to observe the movement pattern of an upcoming Giant Radscorpion. As I sit patiently observing there is a giant nuclear explosion behind me. I spin around and see the mushroom cloud at the top of the previous hill, but I can't see any apparent cause. Then, the flopping body of a Scavenger lands in the middle distance!
Turns out he had apparently picked the wrong cover from which to pick a fight with the Enclave on that hill.