Your favourite guild hall...

Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:45 am

Please somment after voting :)

Just a simple question which i haven't seen asked before. Anyway, i was just wondering what everybody's favourite guild hall's were and why? is it the atmosphere? the people? the architecture?

My favourite simply has to be Anvil fighters guild hall. Not only is it the best looking, (or the fact that the love of Lissa's life resides there), but the people their are some of my favourite. I also love joining the guild members for dinner; i love how everyone in the hall feels like a big family. :D

So what about you?

P.S I put the arcane university as in my eyes i like to think of it as a guild hall... even though it is SO much bigger than a normal hall ;)
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:16 am

1. Bravil Mages Guild. Clearly, it is not for the humble facility (although it is a cozy girl's dorm). It is Buffy's fave because of the mages there. She adores the wise Kud-Ei. She grew up with Ardaline, one of her best friends. She even loves the bubbly but dangerous Delphind Jend who has been so helpful in trying adjust Buffy's fashion sense.

2. Arcane University. Buffy has often lived for extended periods here. In fact the Chironasium alone has 9 safe containers and a perfectly good bed to use. And Buffy has many friends there; at the top of the list is her advisor and trainer Boderi Farano.

3. Cheydinhal guild. Deetsan is wonderful (aren't all Argonian women?). The basemant is a nice place to stay, but the mages quarters upstairs is really wonderful with its fireplace and dining table. Buffy's fave actual MG facility.

I suspect that once Buffy helps rebuild the Kvatch guild hall, it will be one of her faves as well.
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:10 pm

Bruma Mages Guild. Since Lothran lives in Bruma and likes magic. He also likes Volanaro′s sense of humor and the company of J′skar

Arcane University. Since Lothran likes magic :)
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:23 am

For Tommy it is probably the Anvil Fighters Guild. Tommy respects all of the guild members there especially Rhano whom he has got to know since he moved into Anvil. He is even considering joining!
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:20 pm

:rolleyes: I'm always bad at choosing this sort of stuff, but I managed 4 choices...

Bravil Fighter's Guild: It just has a rugged "Fighter's Guild" atmosphere. I wouldn't expect a fighter-type environment to be all pretty and quaint (like some other FGs are). I also chose Bravil because I knew nobody else would. :P

Runner up for Fighter's Guild in my book would be ANY FG THAT WE CAN GET AWAY FROM THE DAMN PORTERS! So that does NOT include Chorrol or Bruma.

Chorrol Mage's guild: I just like the NPCs there. Angalmo is serious about his job. Contuminorious Florius is "in charge", although it's annoying that half the time he's nowhere to be found just when you need an item recharge. There's four levels to explore...I just like CMG for some reason.

Same goes with Cheydinhal Mage's Guild. Again, I like the layout, the NPCs. I know them all by name. I like the huge amount of beds available (some in the basemant, too) which means there wont' be any of those awkward moments when my character winds up "in bed" with some other NPC. :yuck: Plus, you get to commandeer Falcar's room after he flees this particular guild.

Voted Arcane University as well. Lots of resources right there. You can buy & sell a lot of stuff, harvest ingredients, make your spells and/or enchantments, get a devoted Apprentice to follow you around the entire world (good for the ego, ha ha).
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Post » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:51 am

This is a tough one. In truth I've never given it much through...except in one specific instance as explained below.

We sleep at the various Mage or Fighters Guild halls fairly often. An exception is Anvil. We own a nice manor house there and almost always avail ourselves of it. Still, the Anvil Fighters Guild Hall is not out of the running. It meets our basic criteria for adequate housing.

That criteria is, simply put, that the hall must have readily available beds for two. This rules out either of the Leyawiin halls. Finding berths for both my decrepit avatar and Vilja is inconvenient there. What we end up doing is drop Vilja off in the Mage Guild basemant, where she is assured a berth. My avatar then continues on to the Fighters Guild, where one of the two downstairs beds is usually free for the taking. Every so often neither bed is available. My avatar then grudgingly rents a room in the cheaper of the city's two inns.

So, Leyawiin is right out.

Of the remainder:

As mentioned, Anvil's Fighters Guild hall accommodates two traveling members. That's where we stayed until acquiring the Manor.
Bravil's Fighters Guild hall has room for several visitors. We never stay at its Mage Guild hall.
Bruma's Fighters Guild hall can accept visitors. No usable Mage hall here except early on. (Unless you run a mod that restores it. I don't.)
Cheydinal's Mage Guild sports a basemant with ample beds. That's where we stay.
Chorrol's Fighters Guild hall easily houses two guests on the second floor. We usually ignore its Mage hall.
Skingrad's Fighters Guild hall is visitor-friendly (assuming membership).

Not to be considered in the voting, I'll point out that my version of Cyrodiil features a restored Kvatch, which contains both Fighters and Mage halls. That said, we own property there so use neither hall for sleeping.

Now it gets tough. I don't dislike any of the halls we sleep in, or Anvil FGH where we don't. I can, however, safely rule out Bravil's FG hall as my ultimate favorite. It's... well, it's Bravil. Nice folks there, but the atmosphere leaves something to be desired.

We'll likewise rule out Bruma. We rather like its FG hall, but the city is a bit out of the way. We rarely visit it except during Road Patrols and Merchant Guild package deliveries.

I'll rule out Cheydinal MG hall simply because, though my avatar heads the Mages Guild, he considers it a political appointment. His allegiances is to the Fighters Guild.

Oh my...

Chorrol FG hall is the guild HQ. Our friend Oreyn is there. The hall itself isn't bad either.

We've always liked Skingrad FG hall. Parwen is there. My decrepit avatar had a 'thing' for her for quite some time. (Don't tell Vilja.) Plus, it's a convenient stopover point between Anvil and Weye. We spend many a night there.

Though we don't sleep there, Anvil FG holds many treasured memories. If memory serves, we joined the Fighters Guild there, possibly during the trip that also enabled us to hear the Prophet's rantings. From there we went on to assume the mantle of Divine Crusader. As Divine Crusader we helped thwart the Crisis.

Decisions decisions.

Were we to base our decision solely on the hall (and a certain female guildmate stationed within), Skingrad might well win. Were we to base it on importance to our post-incarceration existence, the nod goes to Anvil. And I can't totally rule out Chorrol.

What to do?

Draw straws?

Toss a coin?

Push come to shove, I'll ditch Chorrol. Two to go.

I submit my final verdict under protest, and reserve the right to change my mind on an minute-by-minute basis.

Anvil Skingrad Anvil Skingrad Anvil Skingrad ....

This ain't easy.

I'm gonna pause now while the real-life decrepit me makes a grocery run. I'll return and ponder this some more.

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