Your favourite loadout?

Post » Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:26 am

Hola! Lately there has been a lot of serious discussion regarding the issues,bugs,etc.on this forum.So, lets freshen it up a bit.
What's your favourite loadout that you use very often? For me it's:


FY71M (Reflex Sight, Muzzle break and a foregrip)- Great gun for long range fights and does the job well in close quarters
AY69 (Reflex Sight)- Does a great job when in need of a secondary weapon to kill off a wounded enemy

Suit Modules:

Maneuverability- Makes movement faster and makes it tougher for the opponents to aim.
Proximity Alarm- This combined with nanovision makes it difficult for enemies to stay hidden when I'm around.
Rapid Fire- Goes really well with the FY71M, making the gun even more lethal and making it even easier to kill enemies with relatively higher RPM weapons.

What's your favourite loadout? Is there anything you lads think I should change to make it an even better loadout?
This game is so addicting and awesome. I've been playing it for 5hours straight (This coming from a guy that doesn't usually like playing any other multiplayer FPS than BF3).
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:13 pm

SCAR + Match barrel + Foregrip + reflex sight
Jackal + Laser + Extended mag

Aim enhnace
Expanded arsenal
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