What is your favourite unique piece of equipment and why? Personally, Auriel's Bow and Ancient Falmer armour are my favourite.
What is your favourite unique piece of equipment and why? Personally, Auriel's Bow and Ancient Falmer armour are my favourite.
Deathbrand armor set though the ancient falmer armor comes close.
Dawnbreaker, just because it's the most awesome undead weapon.
fists and chest hair
...https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1495269-your-favourite-unique-weapon-armour/s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=Ne4CBt6fQ7qrzM&tbnid=wj5JdYmNNFE3lM:&ved=0CAYQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Felderscrolls.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FGian_the_Fist&ei=SDonU-CQBMGxqQHFtoHYDQ&bvm=bv.62922401,d.aWM&psig=AFQjCNGmSfah5yYzH25F7zTp0yBmKYUZyQ&ust=1395166125019365 knows what I'm talking about
Archmage's Robes is pretty sixy, especially if you pair it with a Dragon Priest Mask, unless the textures are colliding. Funnily enough, I wore the mask to hide my glitched out vampire eyes(I have a blind eye but the vampire eyes glitch out a bit, but now I got the archmage's robe and the dragon priest mask colliding at times xD )
Volsung is pretty damn intimidating, and Dawnbreaker is badass.
The Mace of Molag Bal. It has such a terrifying and brutal design that I must simply admire it. It fits so well with its Daedric Prince, perhaps its a contributing factor as to why Molag Bal is my favorite Daedric Prince.
Best (looking)
Dagger - Blade of sacrifice followed close by Blade of woe
Sword - Dawnbreaker
Mace - Mace of Molag Bal
War axe - Okin
Greatsword - Ebony blade
Ballteaxe - Rueful axe
Warhammer - Volendrung
Bow - Auriel's bow followed close by Firinel's End
Staff - Sanguine Rose followed close by Hevnoraak's Staff
Shield - Auriel's shield
Clotes - Shruded robes (Mythic Dawn gloves look better)
Light armor - Nightingale
Heavy armor - Ebony Warrior' armor (General Tullius' Armor looks good, but it's only the chest piece)
I usually play a smith so it's mostly hand made weapons and armor. I will go with the Shield of Solitude http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Shield_of_Solitude for the sensible style and the magic resist and block boost.
I think the Staff of Magnus looks really cool, in combat especially.
For apparel it would be the Locket of Saint Jiub.
For weapons, Auriels bow or The Black Bow of Fate.
Dawnbreaker is my favorite unique sword.
Keening, Archmage's Robes, Auriel's Shield, and Volendrung all come to mind as very cool and unique looking thingies in Skyrim.
Hands down;Staff of Magnus
I can make Dragons shut up with it.