I think they will co-operate and if not, they share the fate of Fiends. And they aren't good soldiers, you're right, but I'd need man power to hold Vegas and its surroundings.
Robots and boomers along with great khans are all the manpower you will need, plus a a gang (the kings IF you are not the [censored] like some and [censored] them up) to keep peace in Freeside.
torch it
been in vegas as it is now, hate it
still hate it in the game, wish the nukes hit it properly
And i hate you, wish the nukes hit you properly. Well maybe the divide nukes will

See ya in hell.
Which is likely for the best. The Kings are essentially a street gang and are intensely loyal to each other, as well as completely stubborn. They'd be more of a hindrance than an asset. House should get rid of them either way, if not through force then through indirect action.
They are the ''police'' of Freeside, the only ones that got the hearth and spirit to protect it (beside the Followers). Atleast they try, even though they can be a little... You know.
Im guessing you would like a Enclave controlled Vegas then? Loads of dead bodies and high tech [censored] along with a few vertibirds in the sky? Well my name is R.J and i care about the people of Vegas, along with Vegas itself, so [censored] no, Kings may be a gang with lousy fashion, bad music taste and [censored] up combat skills, they still have the heart.