» Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:01 am
My guy will be a Breton, who ignored the Arcane Arts at an early age, but can still turn to them when necessary due to his natural abilities (only Restoration, Conjuration and Alteration). He'll be master of the bow, but will be very capable with a shortsword too. Because he loves to be independent and explore vast ruins and lands, he'll wear Light Armour and never carry a shield with him and will instead have a spell of the three schools he knows in his free hand. He'll be a good guy, but, being an adventurer, he does what is necessary.
His past? He did something very evil years ago and it recently caught up with him. He refuses to talk about it, but he acknowledges that despite the nature of his crime, he doesn't regret doing it. Something about revenge and his family or something.
Therefore, he's kind of like a passive spellsword, in that he doesn't know Destruction magic or anything, but can alter things to his advantage. It's going to be so fun using Alteration especially, seeing how I can use it to help my situation.
EDIT: Actually, can anyone help me out here a bit? I'm still wondering whether I'll be a bowman or not. I love the idea of my shortsword&alteration combination, so I don't think I'll be able to stick with using archery enough, despite loving it to bits (especially with how it is now a one-hit kill). And I'm thinking that perhaps being good with blades, bows, and some forms of magic is a bit too much, even though I won't be using Destruction at all.
I'm thinking of making a 'ranger/hunter' character in the future too, so maybe I'll leave the archery to that?