Race : Breton.
Focus : Exploring the World.
Archetype : Pure Mage, ofc.
Naughty or Nice : Mostly Nice, but with a Bad Side! Kind of like Dexter.
Gender - Male
NAME : Thor Midgaardson
Son i am disapopint. Thor was the son of Odin, hence "Thor Odinsson" or Thór óeinson if you will (and if u can read that) in good ancient norse.
As for me
Race: Nord
Archetype: Combat/Magic combination (combat oriented)
Naughty or Nice: Mostly naughty, but with a good side! (I like killing things and i like the dark brotherhood)
Gender: Female
Name: Not so sure.
Why?: I played through morrowind and oblivion just like that and i'll play through skyrim like that (Tradition) also because women are pretty

and they have boobs you can look at and you don't have to be bored to do that! but depending on how much roleplay value the game will have i may end up playing as a male at some point. (ofc i haven't played a male in the elder scrolls series since i was playing argonians in morrowind) i just hope that you'll be able to make male characters look fierce enough like a damned berserker in this game... otherwise i'll never play one.