Figures that the ONE area that I'm not sure in (character's race) is the one area that doesn't have the "I'm not sure" option

I chose Bosmer, simply because I like Wood Elves and they kinda fit the idea I have of my character. But Dark Elves and Redguards will be in the mix as well me-thinks.
Considering that we don't know exactly what the skill list is, and we don't know exactly how the leveling system works, and how many skills you can truly focus on for your character, it's hard to say exactly what my character is going to be, but I certainly have the foundation set. It's going to be a very similar character to what I have been playing already in Morrowind and Oblivion, with tweaks to utilize elements of Skyrim that I am looking forward to. Either way, the basic archetype is a tank warrior that summons spirits.
My Morrowind version:
Race - Breton
Specialization - Magic
Attributes - Strength, Intelligence
Major Skills - Long Blade, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Mysticism, Enchant
Minor Skills - Short Blade, Block, Alteration (?), Restoration (?), Armorer (?)
(?) = skills that aren't set in stone, and are interchangeable, as they aren't essential to the vision of the character.
RP - Arcane Warrior who specializes in the dark arts of soul summoning (Conjuration), and soul manipulation (Mysticism). Summons spirits to aid them in this realm, while harvesting the souls of their victims and using their pure essence and turning it into arcane energy.
My Oblivion version:
Race - Redguard
Specialization - Combat
Attributes - Strength, Endurance
Major Skills - Blade, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Mysticism, Alteration, Marksman, Sneak
* - Slight changes are made to the character at times, swapping in Destruction for Alteration. But typically go with Alteration. Shield spells are my friend. Debating the RP purpose of including Marksman / Sneak in the build, other than just the fact that I like the gameplay mechanics.
RP - Same as Morrowind RP, just can't include Enchant in the "soul manipulation" aspect as Enchant isn't a skill in Oblivion.
My Skyrim version:
Well, like I said, I don't exactly know what the skill list is, and just how many skills we can adequately focus on for our characters (Morrowind had 10 class skills, Oblivion had 7, so how many can we realistically focus on in Skyrim?), but the core will still be the same. Bladed weapons, heavy armor, Conjuration magic, soul trap spells (wherever those happen to fall as Mysticism is gone), and Enchanting (since it is now back as a skill). I will focus on dual wielding, and will probably stick with my Shield spells, so keep Alteration around as well.
Depending on the character I play, I fall somewhere between good with a bad side, or bad with a good side. I can never go pure good or evil. It's typically a bad guy with a heart of gold, anti-hero type. The guy who will do the right thing, but in bad ways.